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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. I think the chance of Montgomery coming would be about 0.000001%. He's been with Briles since they were at some HS in Texas almost 20 years ago. But based on what Baylor is doing right now he's just the obvious choice as a guy who Urban would call the second Herman left to gauge interest. Yost was similar with Pinkel but obviously broke that off after last season. I think Yost would be perfectly fine being a co-coordinator with Warinner if it came to that. One of the reasons he abandoned ship in Mizzou was because he felt he was having to "put on too many hats". Pinkel gave him too much responsibility all at once and he didn't like it. As far as Withers is concerned it wasn't really discussed. Withers and Coombs are great recruiters (which is priority #1 with Urban) and real fiery guys but their position groups are so unimpressive. Both Chavis' and Eberflus' specialty is LB's so either one would be able to essentially plug and play for Luke if he was gone. Edit: Wanted to go back through nevada's thread with all this stuff to check on something before posting it. Yost may have already been "reached out" to in order to see if he'd be interested if/when Herman leaves. Looking at his bio on the WSU website it gives the timeline for his added responsibilities under Pinkel. Was just QB coach and recruiting coordinator at first. Became OC in 2009. Then Pinkel threw on assistant HC in 2011 and Yost quit after the 2012 season just to pop up as a receivers coach at WSU for the 2013 season. Just going off that I think it would almost be a perfect situation for him to work under or alongside Warinner.
  2. Probably time to just move on from that topic again. nevada had a little pow wow with "the three wisemen of OSU football" today and there were lots of discussions. Most interesting to me was the talk of replacements for coordinators should Herman and Luke move on after this year. For OC - might have to name Warriner OC to keep him on staff. He was passed over at ND which was a big reason OSU was able to steal him. Urban's favorite would be Phillip Montgomer at Baylor. Pretty boring, obvious choice IMO but wouldn't be a bad thing. Probably also wouldn't happen. A cool name from the discussion was David Yost. WR coach at WSU right now. Was great at Mizzou as their OC for years but "burnt out" but came back pretty quick. He's an Ohio guy as well. For DC - Urban's favorite would be Chavis, again. Chavis is supposedly open to a new challenge and he and Urban talk from time to time. But he's already said no once. The interesting, "under the radar" name here was Dallas Cowboys LB coach Matt Eberflus. Another Ohio guy.
  3. As funny as your man-love for mean Gene.
  4. Gene Smith has done nothing special. No one thinks there aren't plenty of other AD candidates out there who could do his job just as well. But Mr. Schottenstein likes having his puppet.
  5. The Pink Out thing is not officially from OSU. Some girl has been trying to get that going 2 years in a row now for October night games in the Shoe and she continues to fail. Here's OSU's official release to "scarlet out" the Shoe... http://www.elevenwarriors.com/sites/default/files/images/11w/2013/10/uniform.jpg
  6. That's the biggest thing right there. What was gained by playing in that Gator Bowl? Other than rewarding a class of seniors that included the same kids whose actions led to the sanctions in the first place with a winter trip to Florida? And what could possibly have been gained by not playing in it? A LOT. Like, a fucking national championship for example. Apparently the biggest reason Gene hasn't been let go is he's being protected by a very powerful donor/BoT member who likes to basically use Gene as his proxy to control the AD himself.
  7. Miami didn't really do that until the NCAA fucked up though. They were sitting back waiting to get reamed, NCAA fucked up and basically just gave up. They had enough even from before they fucked up to do anything they wanted to do to Miami and just decided not to. Because, as you said, they're a joke.
  8. I prefer this one... http://clickingbad.nullism.com/ But since I've mostly maxed that one out I will now goof around with this one.
  9. Yeah, I figured that's what it would end up being. Purdue is atrocious and the BTN needs a conference game from us. Enjoy, BTN! What I wonder is how long they've used the AP poll before the BCS becomes available. It makes no sense. Their name is attached to the coaches' poll AND the coaches' poll has an actual impact on the BCS rankings. The AP is completely useless. Obviously I liked it last season but it really just doesn't make sense.
  10. Pretty sure they always go to BCS rankings when they become available. OSU wasn't shown as a ranked team for the last half of last season since they could only be ranked in the AP.
  11. Yeah, I am absolutely envious of UM's athletic department today. They did everything right as far as minimizing future damage was concerned. On a lighter note, OSU will be wearing their alternate home jerseys again Saturday night (same as Wisconsin game) AND... pink socks and gloves.
  12. The "lying statement" from Tressel was a signed document which only would have gone unsigned or resulted in him reporting something had he gone all in based on the e-mail I mentioned. And I didn't forget that. The NCAA didn't use any information attained through those methods. The number I used predates the NCAA investigation (comes from the Yahoo article which blew it all open in the first place I believe) and the multiple coaches were cited in the NCAA's findings this morning. I do think this part of the article you linked is hilarious though... That's a pretty standard interrogative technique. But hey, UM doesn't think it's fair or playing nice so they're going to use it against the NCAA...lol.
  13. $170k+ of impermissible benefits, the involvement of multiple coaches and lying/misleading statements by at least one vs. around $10k and Tressel not turning his players in over an e-mail from a lawyer he knew back in the 80's? Yeah, it's a laughable comparison.
  14. :dumb: Obviously you're not going to change your mind on the subject and neither am I or, as I said, most other OSU fans. It's a very, very small number of people who think the NCAA stuff was handled even remotely well by Gene Smith but if you want to be in that group then, by all means, have at it.
  15. I mean, you can't prove that and I can't prove my claim either (although there seems to be more evidence on my side). I know you love Gene Smith and will bring in the useless praise/awards he's received from whatever organization but you're just not going to ever convince me or most other OSU fans that he handled the situation well. At all. He flat out told Urban that a bowl ban was not on the table because that's what he "knew" from his NCAA connections. Then boom, undefeated season becomes significantly less meaningful.
  16. Miami's sanctions: 9 scholarships over 3 years (same as OSU) and no additional bowl ban (self-imposed post-season ban last 2 seasons). Thanks, Gene Smith. I think this pretty much confirms that had OSU self-imposed a bowl ban during the 2011 season we would have had an OSU-ND national title game last season.
  17. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    Will never happen. AMC owns the rights to the material. I've never heard of that with any other show. That's why they're able to be so cheap with it and continue to play musical showrunners. There's 0 threat of it going anywhere else.
  18. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    They're gonna milk the fuck out of it. The second I saw Kirkman (the creator of the series), just the way he looked screamed "I WANT ALL THE MONEY I DON'T CARE HOW HARD YOU RAPE MY MATERIAL." They've already announced a spin-off. Every time I think about this spin-off I can't help but think about the third clone in Multiplicity. They can't get one show right as far as quality is concerned and now they're going to do a spin-off? :lolguy: And more on the topic of milking the fuck out of it, AMC people have already been quoted talking about where they hope the show is 10-15 years down the road. :no:
  19. They probably win against Auburn if he goes to Evans exclusively on that final drive. Dude is unstoppable at this level. Also, Labhart emerging as something of a safety valve for Manziel has been neat. Kid is a walk-on. My A&M fan friend inexplicably hates him. How the fuck do you hate on a walk-on who has been playing like that kid has? A&M fans are the absolute worst.
  20. A&M's offense is pretty damn good. They just have no defense whatsoever. Noles could probably score in a similar fashion. Ducks would put up a Rose Bowl vs. OSU-esque performance against Alabama.
  21. Just pointed that out to a friend last night. OSU faced a Chip Kelly Oregon offense in 2009 and held them to 260 yards and 17 points. Granted it's different players now but the system is the same. I tried to watch a good chunk of their game against Washington and may have mentioned it in here but they're pretty boring to watch. Which is crazy for a team who scores as much as they do. Stanford did a nice job against UCLA's offense which was averaging over 40ppg. Once again, they will likely have to be the team to take down Oregon.
  22. Reeves: Coach, that man was 50 maybe 60 pounds heavier than me. Even if I did catch up he could have seriously hurt me. I don't know what I could have done. Meyer: We really should have gone through with shaving Bradley's head at halftime and putting your jersey on him.
  23. This picture says so much... http://www.jwinslow.com/photos/Ohio%20State/Football/2013/10.19%20Iowa/131019_0060.jpg
  24. BCS standings 1. Alabama 2. Florida State 3. Oregon 4. Ohio State 5. Missouri 6. Stanford 7. Miami 8. Baylor 9. Clemson 10. Texas Tech Worth nothing that in the last 15 years the top 2 in the first BCS standings have only gone on to play for the title once.
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