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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Right now, with Fox supposedly trying to push it behind the scenes, I see Oklahoma/Texas joining before teams like FSU, VT or UNC. Virginia is another likely one (and another Rutgers/Maryland-caliber addition unfortunately). Talk about all that has died down but the last stuff I was aware of was Texas/Oklahoma. UNC was looking like SEC last time I was paying much attention. Talk should ramp up again before 2016 when the B1G's contract with ESPN is up.
  2. Roby will run a sub 4.4 at the combine. I don't know about his other tests but I'm pretty certain of that. He's definitely had a bit of a sloppy year but I still think he's awesome. Hopefully we see some more key PBU's against Indiana on Saturday like we saw basically every game last season.
  3. My "yeah" was acknowledging your agreement. Agree to disagree that we agree. :gabe: But most importantly I wanted to add the FSU policy on felony charges. FSU PD were either pulled from the investigation or pulled themselves very early because of a conflict of interest with an involved attorney. This was Tallahassee PD fucking up left, right and center. Telling Winston/FSU the case was closed in February due to the victim no longer being interested in pursuing charges when the family was actually still waiting on blood alcohol levels until April. Telling the girl she should be careful pursuing charges because of it being a football town. Neat stuff like that. Behind all of that is it possible someone at FSU was pulling the strings? I guess. Just not likely since Jameis was far from the superstar he is now when this happened.
  4. Yeah, I mean, he's not guilty yet and even if he's charged he may not be. But it's FSU (and probably most universities') policy that if you're charged with a felony you're suspended until it's resolved.
  5. There's no reason for FSU to sit him until he's charged because at that point it's university policy. There's no risk of vacated games because it's a criminal matter, not an NCAA one. Same reason I laughed at people who brought up Meyer's arrest record at Florida when he was hired. With how lame the NCAA is it's better to have a team full of criminals than a team full of good kids who break a silly rule.
  6. And unless ESPN throws a metric fuckton of money at Delany in 2016 I don't see it stopping as the B1G will move primarily to Fox.
  7. Reading the statement from the family or the family's attorneys or whoever it seems they're more upset with the Tallahassee PD than anyone else at this point. They were misled or flat out lied to with regards to the progress of the investigation and Winston/his people were informed of the investigation without the victim knowing/no charges filed yet he wasn't listed as a suspect and there were never any interviews/DNA samples collected. Looks like an all around fuck up by the TPD. When I first heard this story it sounded like the "victim" going after a kid who turned out to be a star. Kinda like the Carlos Hyde thing except Hyde already was a star. Winston's hype didn't start until after their spring game so when this happened he was just a freshman on campus who had yet to take a single snap. Now it just seems like incompetence by the TPD combined with maybe a little inappropriate protection of a kid who had the potential to be a star.
  8. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    Yeah, both "attacks" so far on the show were complete jokes. Seeing that tank brings it a little bit back in the direction I was hoping with the Governor. Don't want to say too much more as someone who has read the comics and I know some here haven't. Would be nice if the showrunner was trying to somewhat reel the story back in to the comic.
  9. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    Promo from New Zealand shows something that I thought may happen but then didn't think would happen after the most recent episode but obviously looks like it's going to happen after all... Something of a spoiler so watch at your own risk. Basically, I thought the first attack on the prison on the show was nothing like either attack from the comics. Then the second attack was more similar to the first from the comics but the Governor killed all his soldier-types after that and ran off. Looks like we may get the true second attack after all...
  10. Was posted late in the last thread. It's a year old though. B1G went 1-2 against the SEC in bowl games this past season with 2 of the B1G's best 3 teams not even able to go to bowl games so it's 20-21 now, advantage SEC. wow so dominance such better much win wow
  11. Read something that said the all white uniforms were a tribute to the Snow Bowl. I think that was sarcasm but I liked it.
  12. bicranium

    Walking Dead

    Yeah, they took a step towards flop with this as I feared they would. Should have been a quick, one episode recap of what happened to the Governor after he killed all his own people then right to being in line with him being outside the prison. Now we've got at least two. Should have gone ultra fail and played that shitty Green Day song as the Governor walked alone. Just make a total joke of the show at this point.
  13. Yeah, that game wasn't nearly as bad as Florida. OSU actually outgained LSU and it was only a 2-score game. OSU was -2 in the turnover margin. All LSU had to do was go to the MSU gameplan that nearly brought them back in Columbus earlier in the season. Blitz Boeckman like there was no tomorrow and he was done. The Spitler penalty... I still don't know how he didn't block it. It was like the ball went right through his body. I might have to go back and rewatch that sometime.
  14. There was a chance of redemption after the Florida game when OSU miraculously made it back to the title game the next year but OSU really shouldn't even have been there and lost again in a slightly closer game. That's when it really started. And that article with the 19-19 is a year out of date. Last season the B1G went 1-2 against the SEC in bowl games (Northwestern saving the day against Mississippi State...lol) so it's 20-21 now. Still not the dominant force people make them out to be. And 1-2 last year against the SEC with 2 of your top 3 teams not even getting to go to a bowl game isn't bad. Nebraska-UGA was closer than the score showed and Michigan shouldn't have even been in the game if South Carolina was as good as their ranking but they nearly won that.
  15. OSU basically going all white against Michigan... http://i.imgur.com/660qN8G.jpg I think they're going to look awesome. It's the away version of the jerseys they wore at home against Michigan last season and against Wisconsin and Penn State this season.
  16. They've got some serious computer love going on right now. If they beat Alabama they'll almost certainly get the #2 ranking in the computers. I still don't see humans putting a 1-loss team from any conference above an undefeated team from a BCS conference though.
  17. I hope so too. Okie St. will be the most balanced team they've played all season as far as offense/defense is concerned. Okie St. is 14th in the country in both scoring offense and scoring defense. The next best team on Baylor's schedule in that regard was Kansas State at 41st in offense and 34th in defense. And that was a 3-point game with less than 2 minutes to go.
  18. I don't think you'll get any action on that bet. If Baylor wins by any amount against what is now a top 10 team on the road then they absolutely will jump OSU. They're already ahead in the computers and barely behind in each human component of the BCS. I believe ESPN's BCS guru said just 6 coaches and 3 Harris voters have to switch OSU and Baylor for the jump to happen.
  19. Still ahead of Baylor in the polls that matter. If they win @ Okie St. this weekend then that's when it'll be time to really worry.
  20. 13. Alabama won by 13 against 4-6 Miss. St. But you know how ESPN summed it up during a scoreboard recap thing? "Very business-like trip to Starkville." What? I really think Baylor loses @ Oklahoma St.
  21. I've posted here before that the OSU insider on Scout (nevadabuck) has been saying for a while now that Braxton is gone after this year. Lose 4/5 OL, probably lose your OC, etc., etc. Today he posted that for the first time this year Braxton is telling people around him that he plans on staying. Obviously it's still real early but it's the first time he's heard from "Braxton's camp" that he isn't leaving.
  22. He is ridiculously unprofessional on top of being at the forefront of the TMZnuts operation over there. They report the negative stuff accurately first but they also report negative stuff that ends up not being true which is incredibly bad. Then they don't take any responsibility for it. Some of his responses to people I know who call him out on his wrong information every chance they get are remarkably childish. Also, great mid-season highlight video from Urban's Twitter...
  23. I do remember Curtis having a concussion thing earlier this season. Maybe also during fall camp. And while Biddle is entitled to his opinion, he's notorious for having reported Jamel Turner as dead so I don't give much credit to anything he says. I don't think any of Curtis' concussions have been too bad. The practice one may have been. But from what I remember of the game one (was first half of the season) he may have even finished out the game.
  24. I think Nik Sarac, another walk-on, is also pre-med. Meyer mentions Sarac (maybe Fada as well, I'm not sure - so many a's in their names...lol) almost weekly during his call-in show as a "future surgeon." Antonio Smith, former walk-on who eventually earned a scholarship and started for the 2006 team, was a mechanical engineering major. A lot of those walk-ons have to be insanely special people. To go through what they go through without the athletic scholarship or the perks scholarship players get (legitimate perks like training table stuff, not illegal benefits) on top of more challenging majors... crazy dedication.
  25. I remember going to the Meijer on East Broad when Xbox 360 came out and just observing the people in line. Was hilarious watching the people near the back rooting for people at the front to have their credit cards declined. Figured Meijer may be one of the only places who didn't do pre-orders. Target and Walmart didn't do them last time around but did this time so people will probably be flocking to any Meijer near them tonight. Then hopefully eBay tomorrow morning when they realize they've failed. :gabe:
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