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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Oh and Storm was officially dismissed from the team. Doesn't really help us scholly-wise since he was a senior this year anyways.
  2. He'll probably end up at ND. Was never real convinced of Anzalone's skill, just wanted him because he had nice offers and he was a 4-star...lol. But that said, if he's as good as his offer sheet and ranking then ND could finally be catching up defensively. That's where they always had problems over the last decade or so. Really nice offenses at times, never a defense worth a damn. Not like I want them to be good, just saying they may be turning the corner now.
  3. Yeah, the defensive lines that Urban will have will make everyone on the defense look even better than they already are. And I remember when Barrett committed there were a few Texas fans I knew who came right out and said they liked him better than their kid (Swoopes I believe). And the Anzalone tweet was probably a response to some OSU fans tweeting at him basically saying thanks for decommitting so we could get Mike Mitchell...lol. Yes, he butthurt.
  4. See, the 1 hard drive I mentioned that I've ever had fail in my life was an IBM DeathStar. When I ordered these I saw the "DeskStar" name and was just like... well, it's not IBM so... well shit. This is admittedly an area of computer stuff that I am not very knowledgeable in. RAID stuff. The "server" (better that you put it in quotes because it's honestly just a computer running XP with all my media files on it - had to throw it together because Windows 7 was being an asshole as far as sharing all the files with different devices in my house are concerned) has 4 HDD's in it. 3 of them filled with HD movies (a 750GB HDD and 2 1.5TB HDD's) and this 4th one (this 3TB drive) was about half full. Really have no idea how RAID works/why it would be a good idea to run it for a bunch of media files.
  5. It's this... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822145493 I bought 2 of them for $110 each on sale before the crazy floods that sent HDD prices through the roof last year. The 1 in this computer is working perfectly fine still and the one that's now "blank" seems like it's fine just the data is gone for some reason.
  6. Had a 3TB disk go "blank" on me within the last week or so out of no where. Was probably a little over half full and now when I boot up the server it's on it just shows up as a blank disk ready to be formatted. I'm going to pull it from the server and hook it into my regular PC tomorrow probably to give it a look but just wondering if anyone had any experience with something like this. I've been building/modifying computers for a long time and have never had something like this happen. Have had 1 drive go bad in all my PC history but never had one just go "blank" and still show up perfectly fine wanting to be formatted.
  7. Looks like Storm Klein will be off the team if this domestic violence/assault charge sticks. Kid never did anything anyways. And I was watching the Opening thing on ESPNU tonight and this white kid ended up setting a new record in the SPARQ training challenge thing. Mike Mitchell. Had no idea who he was but turns out he's a MLB from Texas and he REALLY likes OSU. He and his dad are trying to set up a visit for next week and apparently he wants to commit then if all goes well. Will make the Anzalone situation feel like nothing in a hurry. This Mitchell kid may end up being a 5-star. Ran a 4.39 electronic 40 at the Opening to seal his "national championship" in the SPARQ thing.
  8. bicranium


    My trees were trimmed several years ago. When god knocked them over. So they couldn't fall down again this time. Thanks, god.
  9. All I know about this show is they filmed 10 episodes and if the ratings are "good" (not sure what FX's definition of good is) it gets picked up for 90 more. Seems like a crazy plan. But Sheen is crazy so it fits.
  10. bicranium


    Haha... saw that. I've been without A/C since Thursday and won't have it fixed until Monday and my cable went out with the storm (power flickered but never truly out) and just recently came back up so I may as well have been without power for the last 16 hours or so.
  11. Are you sure? People still bitch around tourney time in basketball with a 68-team field...lol. 10-2 USC team. And it's not my way of thinking. It's just fact. There is no system that exists or could exist for college football where a team will ever be better off scheduling any decent opponent and losing than scheduling a cupcake and winning. Unless you want a 120+ team playoff (aka every team in FBS). It's risk/reward. You schedule this big OOC matchups for exposure and to be impressive if you win. You lose and you simply hope it doesn't hurt you too much. As for the non-majors, TCU would have been in these 4-team playoffs 2 of the last 3 years. There would have been 2 SEC teams last year. 2 Pac 10 teams the year before. All different conferences in 2009. 2 Big 12 teams and 2 SEC teams in 2008. All different in 2007. 2 SEC and 2 Big 10 in 2006. 2 Big 10 in 2005. 2 Pac 10 in 2004. Not going any further. I know the SEC gets too much credit still today but I think it's at its peak whereas the Big 10 is back on the rise with Michigan getting back to normal. There will be pretty equal representation across all regions because they don't want to leave anyone out and risk losing viewers for their big-money playoffs.
  12. That argument doesn't work when one team has more losses than the other. And as for Oregon being better off scheduling a cupcake instead of LSU... in what system wouldn't that be true? You go to 8 teams and people like you will be bitching about teams 9, 10, 11 not getting a shot. You go to 8 teams and all of a sudden you have multiple 2-loss teams pretty much every year with a shot at a national title. I don't like anything that takes away from the regular season's significance and with every increase in the number of teams in the playoff you do exactly that. And there are so many differences in logistics when you start talking football vs. basketball that there is absolutely no way to compare the 2 so I won't even discuss that any further.
  13. Yeah, I had more typed about Urban and special teams but deleted before posting since it was getting lengthy...lol. Urban would put Braxton on the punt unit if he thought he could help there. I think Tressel worried too much about injuries and stuff than he had too when it came to protecting his star players on the field. With him gone last season we saw the use of more of our starting defensive players on special teams and it was a pretty noticeable improvement over the previous year or two when they were awful.
  14. 1 of their losses was to LSU, yes. The other to USC who lost to a bad Arizona St. team and also their only other game against a ranked opponent all season (Stanford). And had USC been eligible for the post-season Oregon would have had to play them again in the Pac 12 title game but instead got a .500 UCLA team.
  15. The official, current count is 2 available scholarships. I remember some OL in an interview a week or 2 ago said that Urban was waiting to get a punter commit before offering any more OL so Townsend wasn't a total shock to me. He was supposedly the best punter at a kicking camp at Alabama a couple weeks ago which is what led to the full scholarship offer from Urban. This may shock you but Urban was as into special teams if not more so than Tressel was. Tressel had the quote about the punt being the most important play in football but especially over the last couple years our special teams have been a little lackluster. And I'll just copy/paste my playoff post from the other thread... So the last 5 years, absolutely no issues I can see with the top 4 getting in and the 5th team being left out. Oh and another comment on Darron Lee... not sure if he'll be a star position player. Some people think he's the same kind of player as Shazier. Same size as Shazier coming out of HS and Fickell really went to bat for him to get an offer from Urban. Kid camped 2 weekends in a row and truly earned the offer. Love it.
  16. Once they go to 8 people will complain if they're 9th with the same record as 2-3 of the teams who got in. You'll never be able to satisfy everyone. My thought ever since 2006 when there was the huge debate between UM and UF about who got to play OSU was just... if you lost at all you have no one to blame but yourself. Quit bitching and let the chips fall where they may because you had a chance to take the rankings and computers and pollsters out of it by going undefeated and you didn't. Tough shit. I mean, there are what? 68 teams in the basketball tourney now and people at 69, 70, 71, etc. still complain as well. I think 4 is really good. Look at the last several years, the top 4 teams in the final BCS standings... 2011 1. LSU 2. Alabama 3. Oklahoma State 4. Stanford 5. Oregon Oregon had 1 more loss than 2, 3 and 4 so no argument. 2010 1. Auburn 2. Oregon 3. TCU 4. Stanford 5. Wisconsin Wiscy and Stanford each had 1 loss but Stanford's was to #2 Oregon and Wiscy's was to #9 Michigan State. Going on pure numbers, no real argument for Wisconsin. 2009 1. Alabama 2. Texas 3. Cincy 4. TCU 5. Florida Top 4 were all undefeated, sorry Florida. 2008 1. Oklahoma 2. Florida 3. Texas 4. Alabama 5. USC Lots of 1-loss teams that year but Alabama's loss came in their conference title game to #2 Florida (which USC didn't even have one to play) and USC's loss came to 25th ranked Oregon State. No real argument. 2007 1. Ohio State 2. LSU 3. Virginia Tech 4. Oklahoma 5. Georgia Tons of 2-loss teams. Georgia didn't even win their division of their conference. Sorry.
  17. A 2-loss SEC team beat OSU for the national title in 2007. Weird/down years like that happen. Can't make a blanket statement like that. Watching Sportscenter before going into work this morning and I liked what some of their analysts were saying. Make this committee and its selection process as transparent as possible. One guy even said they should televise the meeting(s) to determine the 4. Why not? That would be fantastic.
  18. Committee thing worries me. Not sure why they don't just use the BCS rankings as they are and take top 4 from that... why have a selection committee for 4 teams? I hope they don't push this past 8 teams in the future though. Everyone is already talking about the jump from 4 to 8 to 16. Interested to see what cities will be bidding for the national title games/what kind of restrictions there are. With all the big bowls already being in the south and LA how horrified would people from Alabama or Texas be if they had to come up and play a national title game outdoors in the winter somewhere like NYC or Chicago.
  19. Just coincidentally happened to be talking about Torg being trolled during the "Ellis" thing with the guy who did it... here's his story of how it started/how it happened... The stuff in brackets in the first quote I edited a bit because it had the fake twitter account he used and I don't want people going on there and messing with him/blowing his cover. He still trolls a lot of people on the account who deserve it.
  20. As a Celtics fan I need to see one with Bill Russell and all his goodies...lol.
  21. He has to win 8 before I'm impressed. "Not 5, not 6, not 7."
  22. In the end he was kinda right but it's all about how you do/say things. He went after Tressel and Pryor and them the second that stuff started coming out. Was calling for Tressel's head, calling him a phony, said his OSU degree was worthless to him now because of what he thought the school now represented, etc., etc. He and Tressel never got along (Tressel made Hooley look like a fool multiple times at press conferences) so he pounced on the opportunity to personally attack him when it presented itself and got run out of town because of it. Once he was fired he started tweeting like crazy and had a blog site and did special pieces attacking OSU and Tressel for anyone who would take his work. Went on radio shows all over the country saying OSU was basically the dirtiest school ever and needed to be essentially given the death penalty. Some people I know (including the Torg/"Ellis" troll) and I trolled him mercilessly on twitter once we learned that he had been involved in a car accident a long time ago where he may or may not have been intoxicated and his friend died as a result. He plead down to some lesser charge and it was a loooooooong time ago so not many people know about it. Last I knew he was working at Cleveland's ESPNRadio affiliate.
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