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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Am I missing something here? Kid took out a shotgun and pointed it at the police and people are mad he was shot and killed? I'm a liberal who has never shot a gun in his life and I am failing to see a problem with what the officers did.
  2. Watched it for the first time maybe a month or two ago and have probably watched it 6-7 times since then like you said, as a background movie. Just put it on and do other stuff. Great music and everything else. Also just because Gosling is in this, I watched The Ides of March the same day I watched Drive for the first time. Gosling is really starting to pull a DiCaprio where he goes from being this teeny bopper heartthrob to an incredible actor in great movies. Still a long way to go before he catches up to what DiCaprio has done in the last decade or so but he seems to have the potential if he keeps choosing good movies.
  3. There's something up with Breneman. He must have an injury or something which would explain sticking with PSU to at least get the free education. OSU is not interested in him at all anymore.
  4. I honestly can't name a RB on USC's roster right now. They were irrelevant for 2 years because of the bowl ban so outside of Barkley and some kids we also recruited who they got (Aundrey Walker for example) I know basically no one on that team. Just glancing at their stats from last season their leading rusher is a returning senior who barely cracked 1,000 yards and had 6 TD's. Their 2nd leading rusher is gone. Redd gets to go bolster a backfield of a potential national title team. Good for him.
  5. Does the ability to unplug it matter? lol I have a dual core Lenovo that's about 6 years old. Still runs great but if you unplug it it will only last about 10 minutes.
  6. Hey that one guy said lol. :fa:
  7. Yeah, Douglas decommitted within minutes of Emmert's conference being over...lol. The Silas Redd thing is interesting. He was scheduled to be in Chicago as a PSU representative for B1G media days this week...lol.
  8. I think you'd have to be dumb to have 3+ years of eligibility and stay at PSU at this juncture. You were poised to have a down year this year already and now this happens. And it's only going to get worse. Maybe I'm a disloyal cunt but I'm trying to go just about anywhere that will take me the second I get the news that the program I'm at just got a walking death penalty.
  10. I don't see it that way. The OSU thing did that more than this did. OSU kept self-investigating itself and finding more and more little things and self-reporting all of it. And OSU got no leniency whatsoever for all of their "good deeds." PSU covered up the rape of children for close to a decade to keep the image of its football program and football coach as pristine as possible. And now all of that is gone. The coach is dead and his legacy is destroyed. Everything he did over the last several decades is looked at suspiciously. If they covered this up... what else happened at PSU under King Paterno that was simply brushed aside? So if you want to cover stuff up, go for it... but if it's this bad and it gets found... all of your accomplishments will be taken away and your program will be destroyed for several years.
  11. I understand that it's something that has probably been said many times in history then quickly becomes untrue but I just don't see too many things popping up in the future that will fall under the same category as what took place at PSU. And that's the only place I can see this ever being used again. The NCAA's 22 directors or whatever had to vote to give Emmert the power he used this morning. It was unanimous. It's not something he will be able to use whenever he wants, the 22 or whatever number of people will have to be right there with him on it. They felt this PSU situation was bad enough that they had to give Emmert the power to act swiftly and severely. Then PSU was so ashamed and embarrassed that they said, do what you will and get it over with. It was a perfect storm of awful that I can't see repeating itself anytime soon.
  12. So again, the precedent is set that the school will have to agree beforehand to not appealing for this kind of thing to happen. Unless it's something so shameful such as what happened at PSU, no school will be doing that. This power will not be abused.
  13. lol... like I said, I don't think this power is going to be used very often if ever again. And certainly not for something as low-level as a few DUI's. Maybe if about 20 kids have DUI's over a 10 year period and 8 of them killed people and it was all covered up by the head coach/administration for a decade... then they can bust the power out again.
  14. I can't even give rep out anymore probably due to my low post count outside of the Parking Lot. I was just going to check something in my User CP and saw it and thought it was funny.
  15. Big 10's "penalty" is basically just that PSU will not receive their portion of bowl money for as long as they're bowl ineligible. About $~13m a year. Will be donated to charity. So that's over $110m total in "fines" between the NCAA and Big 10.
  16. lol holy shit... Per ESPN research, w/ Penn State's '98-'11 wins vacated, the last QB to win a game at PSU was Mike McQueary on 11/22/97
  17. There was a rumor yesterday that the kids who transfer in will not count towards the count of the school they land at. Apparently that is true for this year and the NCAA is still tinkering with the idea of it being true down the line.
  18. They don't/won't have to. PSU/child rape will not be out of the news for several more years due to civil suits and the like. And PSU just got raped hard by the NCAA. All the digging being done by SI/ESPN into OSU was because 1) the story was so small and they wanted it to be bigger and 2) because the NCAA was investigating it and that takes forever. It was almost 1 year exactly from the date of the first TatGate press conference to the day OSU's sanctions were announced. For a while now people have been wondering what if anything the NCAA could/would do to PSU and kinda avoided it out of respect for the larger/more tragic story which of course was the fact that so many kids' lives were ruined by those in charge at PSU. Then all of a sudden... BOOM.
  19. That's another reason this is so satisfying to me now. I mean, Mike McQuery was still sending out letters late last year to recruits boasting the fact that PSU was one of 2 D1 institutions left who had never been a part of an NCAA investigation. Their fans couldn't have been happier to watch OSU dragged through the mud over some discounted tattoos.
  20. Delany supposedly announcing further punishment at 11AM. And Dorian Johnson officially decommitted, OSU, Pitt and WVU being considered now. Really hope we can get him.
  21. They won't be hurt. They can all leave without having to sit out a year. And anyone dumb enough to commit to going to school there now deserves it...lol. And looking more at the scholarship thing... am I looking at this right? It's 15 per class and they can't have more than 65 on scholarship in any given year. OK... so what if let's be conservative here and say half of the team leaves within the next few weeks. They're sitting at ~43 kids. And they can only add 15? So 58. Then you'd figure most of the ~43 kids who stay are seniors/juniors who just want to finish their PSU career. They're gone so you're back to around ~40 and you continue this process. They're never going to approach that 65 mark. Unless they're just handing out scholarships to the absolute worst players in the country with no other offers at all. And maybe some bad JUCO/FCS transfers so they can circumvent the 15 per class limitation. When Emmert announced it he only mentioned the 25 number being taken down to 15 so I figured, OK, not awful really. But looking at it more... I don't see how they can safely field a competitive FBS team at any point in the next 5-6 years.
  22. I remember some terminology being used very frequently with regards to OSU and Tressel and they threw the term "ethical code of conduct violations" around a TON with regards to Tressel not reporting stuff immediately. I think there were some pretty strong "ethical code of conduct violations" with regards to JoePa, the university president, the athletic director, members of the board of trustees, etc., etc. I think what they really ended up citing here were violations of the NCAA's "constitution" whatever the hell that is.
  23. But look at what sets this precedent... a child rape scandal that goes back at least 14 years. If something as awful as this happens again then, by all means NCAA, do your worst. I don't see this power that was granted to Emmert in this situation being used very often if ever again.
  24. I was pretty much on this wagon until the Freeh report came out and it was very obvious that what was done was done to protect the football program's reputation and keep JoePa in power long enough to get the wins record and that the people in charge of making the decision to cover it up were directly in charge of the football program. The only thing I think that is wrong with the penalties is the date where the vacation of wins began. PSU couldn't really have done anything more in 1998. The proper authorities were notified, investigated and no charges were filed. 2001 is when the vacation of wins should have started because the incident never made it out of the PSU circle.
  25. The number of years for the post-season ban and scholarship losses are arbitrary so I won't say anything about that but I thought going all the way back to 1998 vacating the wins was inappropriate. In 1998 all the Sandusky stuff they knew about was dealt with by the authorities and there wasn't enough to go on so no charges were filed. Can't fault PSU for not moving forward there really. Obviously in 2001 when stuff came up again and NOTHING was done about it after what they "knew" in 1998, that's when the real issues started.
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