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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Fell asleep shortly after halftime and woke up with the score 21-17 with about 48 seconds to go. Thought I was gonna see some epic shit but the Gronk failed.
  2. Bump for hopefully Matta's first win at the Kohl Center.
  3. Here are some of the pictures that got Bielema(d) upset... Noah Spence http://www.escoutroom.com/Portals/4/images/DNNArticle/Windows-Live-Writer/7b7a532b8d35_149EC/Noah%20Spence%202012%20Defensive%20End_2.jpg Taylor Decker http://www.escoutroom.com/Portals/4/images/DNNArticle/Windows-Live-Writer/442117f2fa55_1431A/Taylor%20Decker%20Vandalia%20Ohio_2.jpg Stefon Diggs (please please please...lol) http://i.imgur.com/ALaQt.jpg Jamal Marcus http://i.imgur.com/VPEGu.png Cam Williams and Armani Reeves http://i.imgur.com/GFLFM.png
  4. And Auburn it is for Diamond. Money, money, money! Mooooney!
  5. Supposedly the thing that got Bielema all in a tizzy was.... He thought OSU was having jerseys made for recruits to "simulate a gameday experience" which is not allowed. The pictures floating around out there of recruits in OSU jerseys (Noah Spence, Stefon Diggs, Jamal Marcus, etc.) on their visits were them in either pro combat equipment that had stayed with the school or current players' jerseys. When Bielema was told they were just current players' jerseys he was just like... "Ohhhhhhhhhh." Because he's a moron.
  6. I think ESPN kept OSU off because OSU isn't bowl eligible. Only way to explain it really. OSU won't be in the coaches poll which is ESPN/USA Today sponsored or whatever so they probably don't want to mess with it. No idea if they had USC in their pre-season rankings/power rankings the last 2 seasons with their bowl ineligibility though. I think somewhere around 15 in the AP would be about right.
  7. Gotta get your priorities straight. Keeping up with and informing those of us in the 2012 CR Football thread is 1-A all day, every day. Work? Family? Friends? Please. Also, from Barry Alvarez: "Urban was very aggressive but there is no pact within the conference. Open season until they sign." I love that even Barry Alvarez is basically saying... "Brett... shut up you stupid, stupid child." Maybe I'm missing the metaphor but I really still have no idea what is being implied with the Neal situation...lol. Passed on him because his last step is out of bounds. OK, that can be a reference to Neal/his dad wanting to operate outside of the rules. But then throwing in the "they want guys who finish hard" line just throws me off completely. Is he actually talking about Neal on the football field now or is "guys who finish hard" a confusing metaphor for "kids who don't want handouts." Bill Greene on Scout basically said it boils down to Meyer and the staff feeling that they can get and have gotten players like Neal every year. There are Neal-esque players on the roster right now. There is no one like Diggs. There are players way better than Neal in the 2013 class (Marshall who is already in immediately comes to mind, Robert Foster out of PA who has already visited unofficially at least once is another) too. I just don't want to trash a kid (Neal) for wanting a handout when I'm still unsure as to what is actually being said when I read between the lines.
  8. Apparently Bielema(d) is going to meet with Delany over Meyer's tactics and talk about how he doesn't want the B1G to be like the SEC when it comes to recruiting. Basically, Bielema(d) is pissed he lost about half of his staff and his best recruit and Wisconsin is about to return to absolute mediocrity (if it can even sustain that). Michigan fans are jumping all over it though. One called into 97.1 today and went on a nice little rant about how 1) he has no problem with Urban Meyer and 2) THIS NEEDS TO BE LOOKED INTO BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY THERE IS SOME IMPROPRIETY GOING ON HERE AND IT'S AMAZING THAT URBAN STARTED CHEATING SO SOON AFTER OSU JUST GOT PUT ON PROBATION. The guy was great. Starts off acting like he's not mad as fuck then proceeds to display his being mad as fuck. Nevermind the fact that Hoke (their lord and savior after this past season) said Urban did nothing wrong and he used some of the same tactics to lure Kalis to Michigan.
  9. They used that philosophy more last year with Tressel gone. Guys like Cash, Gambrell and both Grants all saw a lot of time on special teams instead of it being half walk-ons. Love guys like Nate Ebner on special teams but you can't put 4-5 of them out there and expect there not to be an issue like OSU had the previous season against a team like Miami.
  10. The whole "we won't redshirt" thing was said together with "we're not recruiting kids to redshirt, if I recruit you it's because I think you can contribute and help the team the second you step on campus." It was a sales pitch to recruits but it was also the truth. He's not going to be recruiting a lot of the kids Tressel got. Will it be a good or bad thing in the end? Who knows. Some of those guys really, really panned out (the infamous line "AJ Hawk was a 3-star recruit!"), some wasted space and took up a spot for 5 years. But the same goes for the 5-stars. It's a crap shoot really. Kids will still redshirt. Oh and Jamaal Berry is officially gone. Got his release today. So I believe that puts OSU publicly at 83, Diggs would be 84 so there are still at least 2 more kids gone that we don't know about.
  11. You can be stupid and an idiot and still get into ND. It's kinda like OSU under Tressel/Holbrook. They have standards slightly higher than the NCAA minimum. Which does hurt them and did hurt OSU specifically when it came to recruiting the big swamp monsters from the south with the IQ of a potato who play on the DL. Tressel had to get permission to get kids like Ray Small into OSU under Holbrook. Once Gee came back though OSU was able to get more morons in. And now with Urban that will continue because he wants his big swamp monsters on the DL.
  12. lol you deleted the 10 year old article and Bleacher Report article you initially posted.
  13. Very possible that he "couldn't take a hint." Also, Diggs' visit was so recent they may not have had time to 1) get a read on Diggs and 2) inform Neal that his spot was no longer available.
  14. Well, like I said, there are different stories out there as to what all went into OSU preferring Diggs to Neal. The story nevada posted is just that OSU thinks they're the favorite for Diggs and they think he's flat out better than Neal. Other people are saying something went awry on the in-home. In this accelerated relationship process I can see Urban walking away from kids who have even the slightest possible "issues". He did it once already with Jordan Diamond. Diamond had his official visit in mid-December and he did something on the visit that didn't sit well with Urban so OSU cut off contact completely from that point on. If Diamond signs with an SEC team tomorrow I think we'll know what the "issue" with Diamond was.
  15. Really hoping that's the case. Diggs was awesome when he played in the Herbstreit Classic against St. X as a junior. nevada (I know, no one here likes him, he's never right, etc.) has said that OSU feels they are the favorite for Diggs now and he could actually sign within the next 48 hours which would obviously mean he'll skip his Maryland visit. It wouldn't be the first time Urban has gotten a recruit to skip scheduled visits and commit (Dunn and Williams come to mind) so we'll see.
  16. Picture of the 2012 schedule from the OSU meeting room... http://i.imgur.com/ePwK5.jpg
  17. OSU believes they have 1 scholarship left (Meyer said they were sitting at 81 yesterday which means there are a few more transfers/dismissals/medical waivers to be announced) and they like Diggs more than Neal. Now, what all goes into liking Diggs more than Neal is up for debate. Have read that something happened during the in-home visit that turned OSU off of Neal and he actually tried to commit that night but it wasn't accepted. Have read that Neal was definitely trying to commit/sign yesterday and it wasn't accepted. Doubt we'll get the full, real story until after he signs somewhere and OSU does or doesn't get Diggs.
  18. The "Tressel can't close" stuff was pretty funny. He closed just fine it's just he did it before the season even started...lol. The 2008-2011 classes were pretty special under Tressel but they had plenty of success with his lesser classes in the first part of his stay here. Meyer will be at 2008 level and above every single year. The closing thing all came from kids deciding on/around NSD and how Tressel's OSU would fall short a lot. They did land Pryor in 2008 well after NSD, Grant last year on NSD then some Glenville kids throughout the years because they were told to hold off by Ginn Sr. to get more exposure for other players at Glenville but there were a lot of "2nd place finishes" late in the process under Tressel that will be greatly reduced under Meyer.
  19. Yeah, DGB signed with Mizzou. Was announced around 10AM I think. Think Terrelle Pryor at WR (where a lot of people wanted him anyways...lol). Diggs and Neal are post-signing day announcements/signings. Neal supposed to visit Arizona this weekend I think and Diggs visiting Maryland. Sounds like OSU is firmly in it for both of them. Dodson's announcement is going on right now. Bunch of other Cleveland Heights kids signing their LOI's to lesser schools then Dodson announces last but apparently his fax is already in to OSU so it's just a formality.
  20. Picture from Dorial Green-Beckham (#1 player in the country) press conference... http://i.imgur.com/CYqaO.jpg Just insane coverage this stuff gets now. I think at least a few of us remember Pryor's press conference on national signing day to announce that he wasn't announcing though...lol. OSU will be picking up LB Jamal Marcus when he announces here in a half hour or so and then hopefully OT Kyle Dodson when he announces just after noon. That kid's recruitment has been all over the place the last week or so (USC/OSU - Kiffin vs. Meyer begins yet again) but people are starting to say it will be OSU.
  21. Guess ESPN has a crew at OSU today to cover stuff. This is from the "war room"... http://i.imgur.com/EtKWT.png
  22. Yeah, I'd rather he just become the first Jalin Marshall...lol. Urban can only use the "you can be my next Percy Harvin" line for a few more years. Of course, Urban won't even be at OSU at that point so why should I care? :dumb:
  23. Yep, that's all I got out of that. Time to stock up on Mountain Dew to prevent spontaneous human combustion.
  24. 2013 5* ATH Jalin Marshall committed to OSU tonight. Wasn't supposed to be announced until tomorrow (his dad's birthday) but some douchebag newspaper guy spilled it early so Jalin is letting the stories run. If OSU strikes out on Neal and Diggs down the stretch in the 2012 class, Jalin is in that same mold. Percy Harvin-esque.
  25. Yeah, Ohio seems to be the most likely destination. Of course, other schools' fans are already spinning this as Meyer pushing a committed kid out to make room for someone like Davonte Neal or Stefon Diggs. Lewis' grade concerns have been known for months...lol.
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