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Everything posted by bicranium

  1. Fun fact... Once Mizzou and A&M officially join the SEC, OSU will pick up some bowl wins against the conference (since the one vs. Arky was vacated OSU is back to 0). 2 wins vs. A&M in bowl games over the years. And OSU's overall record vs. the SEC will go from 7-11-1 to 21-12-2. :gabe:
  2. How do you figure? He didn't excel in FCS with the players that Saban and Chizik cut due to oversigning. He'll probably have worse players at Akron actually than he had at Northern Alabama. :lolguy:
  3. I think I said during all the conference expansion stuff that a playoff was inevitable but now that that has slowed down and it looks like some leagues (Big 10 and Pac 12 specifically) are going a different way maybe it isn't.
  4. Has nothing to do with being a coward, it's all business. Does it kinda suck? I guess. I like the way college football is right now though. It's really the only sport around whose championship contenders are determined by season-long greatness. Not a hot run at the end like you get sometimes in college basketball or any pro sport. From the first kickoff of the season your entire season is on the line in college football. You take some of that away (not all of it and maybe not even a lot but definitely some) the second you introduce a playoff depending on how it's set up.
  5. Will be interesting to see what Hawaii does under Chow. I mean, they did get to a BCS game under June Jones but that offense was insane. It got completely decimated in their BCS game but it was still very special. I don't have a clue what they've done since Jones left for SMU but I know Chow is a pretty traditional/west coast offense kinda guy. We'll see if he has some success there because the kinda crazy offense that Jones ran while he was there is the kind of thing you need to run to accomplish special things with lesser talented players. It's not like Chow is going to start reeling in 4- and 5-star players out there. Their budget limits them tremendously because it costs a lot more for them to host official visits than it does schools here on the mainland. It would be like OSU recruiting nothing but kids who live in San Diego or Seattle. And I love the Big 10/Pac 12 thing. All these conferences were scrambling to get up to 14 or 16 and Delany and Scott just sat back and laughed while proving once again that they're a step ahead of everyone else. Delany was ahead of the curve on instant replay, his own conference network and expansion. Now he devised a way to get most of the benefits of a massive expansion without hardly any of the cost. Genius.
  6. Forgot it was a 5:30 start until I saw this thread bumped.
  7. Yeah, Norm Chow loved him out of HS and really wanted him at UCLA so it makes a lot of sense.
  8. First big-time QB commit for them since Ryan Perrilloux really. We'll see if it goes a little better. :lolguy:
  9. Seriously, link me to a single legitimate source that was reporting even rumblings of a Larry Johnson Sr. offer from Urban. I cannot find one.
  10. Nope. Never crossed my mind because the report of the offer was laughed at by most.
  11. Looking like Tim Hinton coming in as Urban's TE coach is pretty much official. Sucks OSU won't have an OL coach though since Larry Johnson Sr. is going to take the last position on the staff as the DL coach.
  12. It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile; winning's winning. http://i.imgur.com/RfPOr.png
  13. I haven't had any bug or speed issues with the new releases but they are strange. They took what? 5-6 years to get to version 4.0? Then after that they're just like, well, with every little, tiny update we're just going to up the version number. I wonder if it was a strategical thing where maybe casual computer people figured IE was better because they number next to it was higher (think IE is on 9 right now as well?) so Mozilla was like, welp, let's just raise the number a bunch over the next couple months to catch up. I might give Chrome another try here soon. I'm still on Windows XP (:lolguy:) and am planning on switching to 7 in the near future so why not make tons of changes all at once. :dumb:
  14. Went to Chrome when it first came out, not enough extensions, back to Firefox. Tried it again a few months ago, got Adblock Plus, still saw the first ads I had seen in years, back to Firefox. Adblock Plus Better JTV (combined with Adblock Plus, site becomes 100% ad free and you basically become a "Pro" member) All-in-One Gestures (mouse gestures - used Opera back in like junior high and can't live without this) Greasemonkey (custom scripts for sites like Reddit) imgur
  15. Shane Morris will eventually end up looking something like Alex Smith physically. No big deal. And from all accounts he's the real deal on the field. Funny how on twitter he says it's him vs. Urban as far as recruiting in the 2013 class...lol. HE GONNA LOSE.
  16. $140 for this one... http://www.amazon.com/Force-Wireless-Digital-Headphone-Surround-360/dp/B002KSPKRS/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1325029742&sr=8-3 $99 for this one... http://www.amazon.com/Force-Digital-Wireless-Audio-Xbox-360/dp/B002KSPL36/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1325029742&sr=8-1
  17. Think Hoke did finally get his career win percentage above .500 with this past season so he's got that going for him...lol.
  18. He would have been their Urban Meyer as far as hype and bringing a bright future is concerned. They think they have something with Brady Hoke but they'll find out soon enough that he's not anywhere close to being an elite coach. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPxPSzz0LBY
  19. And he threw Michigan under the bus a couple years ago regarding their football program's academics. He's OK in my book. :lolguy:
  20. And would put Fickell where? You SERIOUSLY think he's not going to coach a position group? What defensive coordinator anywhere doesn't also coach a position group?
  21. If he takes it or not does not remain to be seen because there isn't a spot for him...lol. It's not about nevada's nuts being in my mouth or Schad's being in yours, it's about the number of coaches allowed. Let me lay it all out for you since you're having a hard time... 10 coaches total allowed HC - Meyer OC/QB coach - Herman (MY GOD ANOTHER COORDINATOR HANDLING A POSITION GROUP? HE MUST BE HAVE HERCULEAN MENTAL STRENGTH!) RB coach - Drayon WR coach - Smith TE coach - open (possibly Hinton from ND) OL coach - open (possibly Studrawa from LSU) Co-DC/AHC/DL or LB - Fickell Co-DC/AHC/S - Withers DL or LB - Vrabel CB - Johnson
  22. So Withers will be able to handle the daunting task of co-DC and AHC AND a positions group? But Fickell can't and won't? Hmmmm...
  23. Where has it been said that Fickell will be AHC? I know Withers will be. Fickell will be as well? So is Withers also not coaching a position group either? Good grief... we're going to need another waiver (permanent this time) since apparently we will be needing to exceed the limit of coaches to fill the still empty safeties coach position and hire Larry Johnson Sr.
  24. lol... I'm retarded? I was joking about the Schad thing. I saw some reports of the LJ Sr. offer and since no one I consider credible verified it or even vaguely spoke of it I considered it garbage. Which it is. DL will be coached by Fickell or Vrabel. You think Fickell is only going to be co-DC and not coach a position group? And I'm retarded?
  25. No credible sources that I've read. Joe Schad reporting it? :lolguy:
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