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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r25748940-ABC-local-HD
  2. http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/2d143d0e-ccce-4fff-9f01-85ce875895b7.jpg
  3. When In-laws are involved, I would just sit back nod in agreeance and sit there with the satisfaction of what just occurred. Profit man, profit.
  4. In most cases yes, but we came up on the hard streets of Westerville. It's all there was.
  5. We're gonna need a chart for this. If this is a shared key board, just buy a new one. Unless you're comfy with everyone else in the home using the "Sticky Keys". If this is yours solely, flush that thing out with alcohol, try to forget this little slip up ever occurred. P.S. It's okay of you're a perv. It's not like it was two men beating each other right? Or a Monkey beating the man. Or even more paradoxic. A Monkey spanking the monkey.. Personally I enjoy eating vegetables. Because they don't squirm.
  6. See if Oompa Phil can get Charlie to whip you up a batch.
  7. LOL Buck! We were what in 10th when that came out? Think Ryans Camaro jamming this and some crazy Spanish music he had down State St.
  8. http://brown-recluse-spiders.net/brown_recluse_spider.jpg This maybe. These are bad news man. http://brown-recluse-spiders.net/
  9. Contrary to popular belief, I'm an ok dude. Plus Aaron's cool. I was more than happy to help.
  10. I helped him put his new coilovers on.
  11. I think you should offer a trade. It suits you.
  12. I get a 700 a month allowance through work for fuel, required extra ins, and upkeep. Every little bit helps.
  13. http://www.dailyhaggis.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/o_rly.jpg
  14. Problem with those, unless he will certify they are triple rinsed they aren't good for much else other than making a barrier. Food grade or not they are (in the EPA's eye's) Hazardous waste.
  15. I know it's functional, but I really don't like the wing. Everything else. Perfect.
  16. Nobody, and I mean nobody rocks short pants like the Jones. :fuckyeah:
  17. First hippies, now the Amish. My god man.
  18. Nope, its a VW. Unfortunately I reconized it by the oil pan, and how the crank trigger is rigged on there. God i need help.
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