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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. to puke in her butt.......
  2. Will be there. Mostly to meet and greet..
  3. Does it pull to the left or right? Shakingthe eight ball sources are saying look at the wheel bearings and axles. Whats the mileage?
  4. You need to just stay away from that. Or will third time be the charm????
  5. Perfect title me's thinks.
  6. The Dually could be baller, but the Ranger appears to be much nicer and need less work.
  7. Anyone have access to VAG-com? I'm having issues with one of the fleet and I am stumped.
  8. Time to get the brick done I suppose.....
  9. Maybe this will help the h8trs understand. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iB-_l2r4pvE
  10. Because Hondas are luxury vehicles..... Don't be mean, but if you pay enough I might give you a reach around.... It's an Accord. The poster car for 40 somethings everywhere. or It's an Accord /thread. The truth. +rep for Farkas
  11. And he never did pull the chute.
  12. Shitty story.... Buy funny none the less.
  13. Third best thread evar! Did you cover yourself in Crisco, and spend the day gardening damn. +Rep
  14. Is Sawmill that much of a laugh-fest? It's sounds almost worth going out there.
  15. This I would be down. I need to find a way to beat middle age off. Er... uh I need to loose a ton of weight.
  16. That was back when they did shit. As if the rest of his career wasn't enough, they send him to Vietnam. Dude is bad ass. On the other hand, how ironic would it have been if his 'chute failed? This dude is bad-ass end of story.
  17. We should book him for the Cookout....
  18. Is a pussy. Joe Kittinger FTW. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Kittinger
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