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Posts posted by cruizin01

  1. I talked my dad into taking me there when they first opened. I was 10'ish. It was over an hour drive from our house. Seemed "incredible" at the time. Just drove by the building the other day and was thinking about it.
  2. I was long under the impression that Dinan would stand behind the manufacture warranty during a failure, but I am coming to find out that isn't 100% of the story. Dinan warranty just states that if it breaks Dinan will replace THEIR part not the broken one. They WILL replace collateral damage only if the dinan work or part is at fault. In the case of a manufacture defect (ie. an injector fails and the motor blows) the manufacture COULD potentially be assholes and deny the claim if they thoroughly inspected the ECU. Dinan could then deny the claim because the fault was not caused by anything they did.



    This is why we (my dealer) stopped offering Dinan products. Along with the fact you cant rightfully CPO the car if its had aftermarket products on it.

  3. Not much to contribute here other than we rented a RZR 570 (just like the one above) for the day up at Manatee State Park in Michigan last fall. Rode for about 100 miles. Did everything we asked it to do.


    But, then 2 days later we rented a RZR 1000 at the dunes. Different animal that thing is. I wouldn't have wanted the smaller one at the dunes. Not even suspension travel or hp.


    Wish I had some place to ride/drive one of these on a regular basis I would own one of them.


    Have fun.

  4. Any issues with the 335 or M3 series engine wise? I'm leery of BMW for some reason....



    Not really.


    N55's have been pretty reliable with minimal issues. Same with S85. The V8 drinks gas likes it free. 2 different beast though. Any sort of random expensive failures BMW will almost always step in and assist. The 335 might be a better daily but I would choose the S4 if I had to chose between the two. I personally wouldn't want the M3 as an only car in Ohio.


    Someone mentioned earlier in this thread that heroin is the most viable alternative to prescription opiate, and that person is absolutely correct. This story is repeated endlessly anymore: (1) someone gets prescribed some opiate, like Percocet, for something, like an injury (2) that person then quickly develops a physical dependency to the prescription opiate (3) the person then realizes that they can't acquire enough legitimate prescriptions to feed his or her prescription opiate addiction, so they go to the streets to purchase them illegally (4) the person then quickly finds out that Percocet or any other prescription opiate on the street is excessively expensive and realizes they won't be able to afford what they need and (5) the person then turns to heroin, which - as any well-versed opiate addict from the Columbus metro area will tell you - is much easier to find than prescription opiates on the street and a whole lot cheaper. Also, in many cases, the heroin is a much more potent "high" than the prescription opiates (though eventually the person acclimates to heroin and has a difficult time getting "high" down the road and just does heroin to not get sick/go through withdrawal symptomatology).



    Just a bit of personal experience,


    About 10 years ago when I was 20-21ish I started having really bad stomach pains along with what become perianal fistualas (google image it if you want grossed out). Turns out I had/have Chron's disease. I was prescribed Percocet to help deal with the daily pain while we tried various medication to help straighten my immune system out. I dont remember the dosage but I took at least 2 a day for probably close to a year or more. I didn't like how it made me feel one bit. Just very zombie like. But not like a good alchol buzz. I would have people offering to buy them from me and I could never understand why the hell they would want to take them. :no:


    I do admit there was some sort of an addiction there though. When I tried to get off of them I got some pretty horrendous headaches. So I would take them to fight off those. Eventually I stopped without any other problems once the Chron's was under control.


    Its just strange how some people are susceptible to becoming addicted to drugs way more so than others. (at least certain types, I do like my booze)


    Thank God it never became a problem like it is for many others.


    I didn't see this show but Ill have to look around for it.

  6. I use BitTorrent Pro with built in virus scanner. There is also a free version without the virus scanner.




    A word of caution: I would NOT use any torrent s/w without either TOR or some other "anonomizing" method, such as a proxy connection. Check out this link for a list of providers.




    I was using TOR until there was some hacks penetrating some nodes. I currently use "Hide My Ass".


    Your mileage may vary.




    I dont use torrents anymore.


    I pay a small monthly fee for a uploaded.net membership instead. There isn't much that isn't uploaded to these type sites. And you can see/check the quality before hand.


    Not saying you are 100% safe, but Im not aware of anyone thats gotten notices from their ISP.

  7. You might try moving your router and see if it's a signal issue. Or try the chromecast on a different TV that's in a different area.


    There's definitely something going on though. With mine set on high it didn't glitch. The quality dropped out just slightly for a second but didn't stop or lose audio when on cbs.


    I assume you have an OTA antenna but can't watch everything you want live?


    I know this adds a monthly fee but this is the reason i bought a TiVo box and pay a small monthly fee for the dvr service and guide for ota content.

  8. Yep, you're right.


    The 720p was local content.


    I tried some lesser streaming content and it was fine until I went to CBS. Their HD content looked good but the screen refresh was slow and the audio sync was off.




    I wonder if you turn the quality down on the cast option that would help?



    If you turn the casting settings down from extreme to high its better.

    the quality is lower (obviously) but its doable on my 58" but not great.

    the audio sync is just slightly off. maybe not noticeable too much if you arent looking for it.


    Im not expert but I would think a G router would do fine. Thats all I had before this one I got recently and I could stream most 1080 content to the chromecast using plex without quality issues. It was always the pc that slowed things down.

  9. I don't understand these comments. It's the same as 4 jack stands holding up your car, what's different?



    Your exactly right there isn't any difference.


    Lets just say Im not super comfortable crawling under a car that's this far off the ground just on jack stands. Ill usually find a legit lift somewhere if need be.


    I do think this would be awesome for wheel swaps and brake jobs.



  10. That's my concern is real life. 2.75 would be extremely close for the brake ducts and front splitter on the GT3. Audi is even lower with the snow tires on it, drags body seams over even pretty mild speed bumps.


    From the videos it looks like you can just slide the units in from the side. No need to drive over the jacks.


    Looks cool, just doesn't seem like a lot of "jack" holding your ride up. I think Id rather do the Max Jacks even though its not quite as simple/portable.

  11. Looks good. Typically its not recommended the way you have them but if you are happy with it thats all that matter. You may want to look into how you can wire them correctly. If you just piggy back them they will create a 4ohm load on your receiver instead of 8 (typically) Make sure your receiver is able to handle that. Im not an expert by any means though.


    The speakers I have are designed to be setup the way I have them.

  12. I wanted my TV mounted in the corner in our living room and was running into a similar problem as you. Where do you mount the center channel?


    Ended up with some used Artison speakers for dirty cheap on eBay. Super happy with them. The upper woofers and tweeter are mono and work as the center channel while the lowers work as the normal L R.


    I had to buy grilles and mounting brackets but they are great for wall/plasma style speakers. I found the correct surrounds not long after. sorry the pictures sucks but you get the idea.





  13. I just put in a cheapy tp-link N router. If the stock firmware doesn't allow it i can install something else. I guess I don't know how much is needed to stream at decent quality is my question.
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