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Everything posted by SicShelby

  1. Favorite saying: "If it wasn't for flashbacks, I'd have no memories at all!" Happy belated, beloved Marine Corps!
  2. SicShelby

    Taylor Swift

    Taylor Swift ftw. :nod:
  3. Welcome to CR, Darren. Nice rides. :nod:
  4. They actually issued my car insurance at a lower rate with my speeding tickets included... I thought that was a pretty good deal! Anthony, USAA bent you over the table. :nod:
  5. I'm not a certified mechanic, but I can't imagine blowing a gasket because you switched to synthetic. I've honestly never ran "non"synthetic oils in my cars before. I feel a man-made blend can be tweaked to do more things than a standard oil. As for the sea foam... yep run it though the intake. Just... don't get into the habit of using it often. When the Yaris turned 100k I ran some through and it smoked for a good mile or two (that's the best part lol) and I'm calling it good probably until the engine stops...
  6. Hell I think they're good cars - just don't drive anywhere for any extended length of time. At least for me, the seats are uncomfortable. You can tell they're made for a... "shorter" buyer, not tall people. At any rate, yes, for $10k you get quite a bit of room, no horsepower, and good gas mileage. Like I mentioned, I have 100k on mine now and I haven't had any issues (apart from being t-boned and rear-ended). I just change the oil every 5k and the Jap under the hood every 30k. Doin' good!
  7. DAMN. Sounds like fun. :nod:
  8. Well I'll be damned. What kind of numbers are we talking about? Horsepower/torque, etc.
  9. They're still in the hole: http://www.freep.com/article/20091103/BUSINESS0102/91103068/1333/business01/Analysts-praise-Ford-for-restructuring-its-debt
  10. Man, nice RX-7. One of my Marine buddies back in the day had a little worked up RX-7 TT. THAT thing was... lol a go cart on crack. VERY NICE. Welcome to CR.
  11. Dude that's like... "lethal injection" bate. By the father.
  12. Well go in there and buy a meal and secretly act like you're not in the Army. For shit sakes man.
  13. Pick the office close to you. They are expecting you... http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Marine%20Corps%20recruiter%20near%20columbus%2C%20ohio&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3DVFB_en___US348&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wl Wull sumbitch!
  14. Spread the word! http://www.applebees.com/vetsDay/default.aspx
  15. You know not sure because it was dark. It was tweaked that's for damn sure! What is that?
  16. :nod: "You can set my truck on fire, and roooll it down a hill, and I STILL wouldn't trade it for a coupe Deville..."
  17. Could be worse! Just turned 100k and haven't had to change out the Jap yet. Lol - love to! Apparently... the Yaris' in Europe are all turbo charged. Fugg'n commies.
  18. A cargo light gives off a rooooomantic glow
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