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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. Well today is the day she gets her new upgrades. Work has been to busy and we couldn't afford to have her not teaching. We actually are in Alabama using her sister in laws surgeon and they specialize in out of town patients. Consult yesterday' date=' surgery today, tomorrow is a follow up. Super nice place and her surgeon is a Top ranked. As a bonus he is a car nut and drives an R8.[/quote']


    DSG or manual? Important to know if he likes to use both his hands or let a machine do the work for him.

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  2. One of my buds from NW just left us to go work there. Last I talked to him, he was happy and making considerably more while doing much less work in a lower stress environment. He said most people he deals with are okay, but there are a few miserable aloners there. He is a contractor though, still waiting to see how stable it is for him.
  3. inb4 the feds come in and make an example out of him. Too bad really. I'd argue "Common sense" says he didn't do anything wrong.


    I recall real estate classes teaching "you own the airspace over your property as high as you can reasonably use" but it's been a long time. That doesn't mean you get to shoot OMG GUNS!!! at anything in that airspace. Kneejerk reaction says he's going to have to prove the drone was dangerous and he was justified in using OMG DEADLY force on it.


    I'll just leave this here... http://gizmodo.com/is-it-ok-to-shoot-down-your-neighbors-drone-1718055028

  4. Glass block windows are:


    1) Inexpensive ($60-75 at Lowe's depending if you want the little vent or not)

    2) Extremely easy to install, even for a basic DIY-er.


    The $200 price doesn't surprise me, probably $150 in labor per window and I bet it took less than 45 minutes per window. It's really, really easy.


    Even if the sill plate sits on the window framing?

  5. someone should post a video camera by the bumps just for the lulz


    check this low bridge out---impossible to watch this and not laugh your ass off



    I thought about taking video of some runs jumping off these, but I don't want to be "that guy" running the same street 20 times trying to get the perfect launch.


    Ironically, stunting off them would be more dangerous than if the bumps weren't there at all I suspect.

  6. A family friend lives on that street so I'm there every now and then. If you guys are in the area you should drive by "just to see what all that CR fuss is about" and lol. In anything not a truck you'll want to slow down to like <10mph to go over them, in a smallish bike you can just about get airborne going over at the speed limit. My neighborhood has speed humps that are comfortable in all reasonable vehicles at the SPEED LIMIT, these things are just :lolguy: :gabe: :dumb:
  7. Seems like just about any job worth having means you have to know someone to get it. Nationwide has tons of IT jerbs, don't recall seeing them in that area though.


    When I worked as the IT guy at small businesses (40-65 users) I found both on craigslist :lolguy:

  8. Yep. OR maybe they can just tax the people that want it until they have enough to fund it? Donate as much as you can and we'll let you know when it's doable!


    Cue picture of donatation thermometer with subway at the top and tards throwing their credit cards at it

  9. I have a consultation with Ohio Basement Authority on the 28th. Decent BBB score. They will provide different options at different price ranges so I have time to prepare myself for the sticker shock. lol


    They are very expensive, but will give you a free book and seem pretty knowledgeable. They'll also try to sell you a $2000 dehumidifier

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