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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. I can't believe the dichotomy: later-model 928S or 928 GTS approaches $75k....pretty much the SAME body/chassis in a 10-year-older configuration (with understandably more wear)can be had for less than 1/10th of that price.




    Just like the 996, or many other german cars. You can buy for nothing because the possibility of an expensive problem drops the values into used corolla territory.

  2. Bob, it's pretty easy to get someone's IG taken down with the report feature. They even make bots to do such things. Once a profile has enough reports it is removed from the IG community without warning/reason.


    I'd say your competitor has it out for you.


    hmmm, inb4 evil villain reports IG to IG and it all gets removed?

  3. Also, getting a CCW for the sole purpose of avoiding tickets is the wrong way to go about things.


    I just carry illegally, but drive the speed limit so I don't get pulled over. I should get my speeding permit so I don't get busted for the gun thing.


    Actually, I do the opposite of that.

  4. I wouldn't want to fly to anywhere to drive with that guy either. Not surprised he was alone.


    Literally the middle of nowhere. Guy either hasn't traveled much, or is just working that NY=center of the world stereotype. Nowhere in Ohio is "the middle of nowhere" :lolguy:

  5. I had a kinetico system once, filters were $6 from the local kinetico-selling shop in marysville, came with an o-ring, and were user-serviceable in about 40 seconds. The old filters were nasty and clogged up with rust junk after 3 months, sometimes I'd back-flush them and run them awhile longer.


    Really didn't see any change in pressure or quality after changing them.


    Shop may have closed up, it was on the main drag in marysville behind the dairy queen.

  6. Buy "cheap" smart TV with shitty processor and get lag. Buy a nicer one and its not as big of an issue. My JS8500 is not super fast, but its definitely better than what you are describing.


    It's not the cheaper samsung, but one level up from that. the quad core one?


    Netflix works okay on it, have to change profiles to force a refresh almost every day, and youtube will work for about 25 minutes before it freezes or crashes.


    oddly my dad's cheapass shitty vizio smart tv is MUCh faster and hasn't crashed yet. wtf?

  7. Bump


    I'm looking for a new TV, something in the Samsung line. I could care less about 4k, I'm just more interested in what is out there now to look at.


    I tried asking questions at Best Buy last weekend but the sales guy was not the sharpest knife in the crayon box...


    Be careful with new samsungs. I got a new samsung a few months ago from best buy, and the smart TV features are extremely slow and laggy- annoying as hell. Literally takes 5+ seconds after you turn it on to adjust the volume, switch inputs, etc. Acts like an overburdened computer just lagging way behind inputs and being retarded. Even freezes up every day or two.


    samsung smart tv LOL

    Can't check the model right now, but it was a 40" 1080 120hz for $500something dollhairs


    OH YEAH- to add another thing- with hdmi computer input the picture blacks out for 3 seconds randomly after you have had it on for a few minutes. only does it once, and tons of people complain about it on the forums but there's no fix yet. Too bad older samsungs were great.

  8. , many of the ties would've been left to rot at this old railroad lot.


    I know of multiple places within 5 miles of me there are large quantities of RR ties, hundreds of them if not thousands of them just sitting for years. But they're behind fencing on what I assume is RR property. Wouldn't be hard to get to, but good luck navigating the RR red tape to get permission to take them.

  9. When AIMsurplus gets gen2 G19 LEO trade ins they usually sell between $329-$349 depending on how many mags they include. They always sell out within a few days of getting them, so that's a good price point.


    You could probably get a little more if you wanted to sift through BS and deal with flakey people trying to talk you down though.


    WHOOPS just checked and AIMsurplus raised their prices to $359 for gen2 g19 trades, and with only one magpul magazine. Not worth a trip to their store at that price, in my opinion.



  10. Who is going to be using these computers? Are they tech savvy? Are any financial transactions going to be taking place on the network? Are you, the Vice President, going to be interfacing with the network with any of your personal devices? do you use said devices to conduct financial transactions?


    If they're just label printers, you likely only have to tweak internetz access so low-paid workers don't check their facebook and get malware from click-bait and other BS.


    I deal with small businesses every day that have dumb non-computer people- "Oh I ONLY use this for work" okay explain all these coupon printers and fake AV products and other BS you just downloaded?

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