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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. Seems like very specialized person you're looking for. I wish you luck, sir. Have you thought about simply finding a mobile painter? He can just throw a thin coat of black on the windows at time of fender painting?


    No, that doesn't work I've tried it. Paint goes on the outside, tint goes on the inside.


    I actually need some clearcoat done too so in for suggestions. Mobile painters are hard to find.

  2. Needs to be mobile. Unless it's right by my house, and has an extension cord or something. Or pays me gas to drive to their shop. Or picks my car up.


    I read through both threads on the first page of the parking lot, followed their informative links, used the search function on the site, and even googled in my area all to no avail. Has to be CR approved.


    THANKS GUIZ you're the bestest

  3. 2160 lbs would be fun, but after they pile on all the crap for murican markets will need better brakes, rubber, more power, etc. to retain decent performance


    Still, cheap lightweight rwd manual cars are good, if people actually buy them

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