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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. One other point I wanted to make, even though Archie is living it up in Vegas, is that it's silly to think that a self-made millionaire and the most powerful single man in the free world can hatch this complex plan to fool all of America into electing him president despite being legally unqualified, and yet he doesn't have the resources to make a proper forgery. Like he just outsourced the job to some high school kid to whip up in Illustrator.


    Dude's got millions of dollars on the line, if he did forge a birth certificate it would be extremely convincing, and morons on infowars wouldn't be able to unravel the whole charade like a Nancy Drew mystery.


    That is all.


    That's why it's so funny. Be Obama, "WTF they gonna do? I'm president biatch!"

  2. I can understand a backdrop into a hillside if you were shooting towards it. You mentioned shooting on your back at balloons in the air. Did I misread that? I was concerned about bullets traveling for miles and miles and hurting someone accidentally.


    Are you shooting on your back feet away from the backstop?


    The trick is laying on your back, but with your back on the ceiling so you're shooting towards the ground. If you have to ask, you're obviously not ninja enough for training at this level.

  3. So, I'm looking to get into the stock market, and I'd likely be doing a lot of day trades for quick flips. Any recommendations for which website I should open an account with? I'd be investing ~$3000 to start, if it matters.


    I would have a hard time making a profit on $3k with commissions and such day-to-day. I've been with Etrade forever and they've never given me problems. Their commissions are high for what you want to do though.

  4. BMW recommends not to change the oil in their cars for 15k miles.


    Your motor will definitely not wear out during the warranty period following the manufacturer's recommended oil-change intervals.


    I change my oil once per decade. After that, just keep above the minimum-line. Works most of the time, every time.

  5. Was that a bribery attempt ?


    I'm so reporting this to the supamodz !!


    Was that a threat? I'm so reporting this to the supamodz!


    Come on over, we've been expecting you. Here's your kool-aid and your kettle corn.

  6. Here is how that will work

    Phill will spend a couple of days shit talking every one on cr

    After a week he will go to Anthony saying how sorry he his and to please unban him then phill will make a post titled I'm back or some shit and his nutswingers will be all over him again untill some one bans him again


    What the hell does that have to do Brittany Murphy's hotness and kettle corn?


    Also, I still need to pick up my hat.

  7. There's little I enjoy more than a good online conversation about kettlecorn, 8 Mile, and Hermione Granger amongst friends.


    God Brittany Murphy was so hot in that movie, what a damn shame what happened to her. RIP hottie.

  8. no worries my friend. you can fashion one out of a wooden boat paddle. just make sure you dont use treated wood. :)




    Bonus points if it's the same paddle you stew your cesspool with. I have one you can borrow, made out of your choice of Hickory varieties.

  9. So I have someone offering me a set of blizzaks for $20, used one season. It doesnt look like its going to snow much this year but if I put them on just for the sake of getting better tires on there, whats the downside of winter tires year round?


    You mean $200? They'll wear pretty fast.

  10. Shit, I don't know where to get a wooden stick.


    I'll gib ya a good hickory cane, tis perfect for kettlin.


    Also, if you're out wandering through Sherwood ask for Little John's special recipe. Shit is by far the best Kettle Corn this side of the looking glass.

  11. Who's gonna enforce this? The officer trolling along at 65 in the left lane himself?


    Responsible super-awesome drivers like myself should be given officer-auditing ability so that LEOs can be ticketed. Checks and balances LOL

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