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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. Check out Delta Epsilon.


    He had some extra 4th Gen Glock 19 for a real good price. Don't know if he got rid of them all yet.


    I checked yesterday and he had access to one gen4 g19 at wholesale pricing, which was about $530. You can get a used gen3 for under $400 pretty easily.

  2. About 5 years ago one of my shellholders wore out and they hooked me up with a used one on the spot. Sometimes they're cranky and sometimes they're pleasant. If I had to deal with gun-morons all day I'd be cranky too. At least nobody has killed themselves with a rental this year.
  3. ok, well back to the topic. Ok, so we get a noob in the oven named "CARkid" or whatever. I tell him his name sucks, and it also sucks that he has no pictures. Soooo... that shit gets deleted. For what reason? Seriously? Its the goddamned OVEN. When I was initiated I was buttraped sideways by 2 antelopes with razored wangs.


    More pussification of america.


    I agree, the oven is a vastly different place than it was a few years ago.

  4. between these 2 mods, i dont know who has the bigger gaped vagina.


    cordell: you have quickly gained steam for worst mod of 2012. between your post modification rants and infractions, you clearly are out of touch. please take your packard-bell 533mhz system and drive it off a cliff with your miata.


    wnaplay: i get tons of infractions from you, you delete my posts all the time and 0 fucks given. you could be a cool dude but you sure seem like a douche bag.


    2012 honor roll nominee: hwilli. he is a mild mannered moderator who has caused 0 chaos so far. howard, congrats.


    Is your avatar Mr T kissing another dude?


    What did you have for breakfast this morning?


    If you had to wear monochromatic outfits for the rest of your life, what color would you choose?

  5. I just think that at 16 hell even 18 your not wise enough to know what you want and like you said I think he would just like the attention. I am sure his friends get attention for theirs from their classmates.


    The people I know who got tattoos as teenagers have regretted it later on in life. Especially the ones in the professional white-collar world.

  6. Worry about what you make, not everyone else. That's what I say. I vote for elected officials just so I don't have to worry about stupid shit like how much public employees get paid. I have more important things to worry about than administrative bullshit for professions I'm not even involved in.


    Isn't that one of the biggest problems with our current government? Corruption run amuck? If they're my tax dollars I want to know exactly how much they make and why they should make more/less/same. If you could allocate your tax dollars to certain programs wouldn't you? I know I would.

  7. Being as I'm in this database, from looking my self up they are way off.


    Oh really? That's interesting because the teachers I looked up that I remembered were listed as making far less than they claimed when I was in school 10 years ago. I just attributed it to cutbacks. Interesting.

  8. anyone buying into facebook?


    I personally believe their going to bait the fuck out of thousands of people, only to make off like a bandit.


    I kinda agree. I think they're going for one glory-pass before collapsing and dying off/selling out. No supporting evidence, that's just what I suspect. You read it here folks, FB will not survive 2012.

  9. usually, the person in back is to blame. drivers should have enough room to stop for most everything. sucks, though.


    Agree 1000%. Unfortunately in rush hour any space sufficient for stopping invites no less than 3 assholes to cut ahead, requiring you to back off more when more assholes will cut in. Eventually you're stopped on the freeway, and so is everyone behind you :dumb:


    Let's all petition the OSHP to stop issuing speeding tickets and pay more attention to tailgating?

  10. I don't think the point is so much what the teachers are making as it is that the school districts continue to come back asking for more and more tax dollars to run their business. I really don't care what they make and feel mid 80's is fine. Honestly, in 2012 a job that pays 80k isn't anything to brag about if you spent 4-6 years in college. Whether they make it in 9 or 12 months, it's still average wage for a college educated person.


    $80k might not seem like a lot to you, but I can name half a dozen people I know who have masters degrees and are making $12/hr. There is absolutely no shortage of people who would do the job for half that ($40k), not to mention the awesome benefits package teachers have. Most of the teachers I looked up at my uppity-ass HS were making $46-68k, and I know some of them that have been there for 20 years.

  11. Not unusual at all with cheaper scopes. Most variable-power scopes have a bit of POI shift through the magnification range, until you get to the NF price point LOL.


    I'm going to pick up a bushnell elite just to see what all the hubub is about. Will report back.

  12. I understand some people need them Like just losing job But Cmon i think they should have like Po's are for Criminals they should investigate every month on what they are being used for

    Example My Mother in laws Neighbors The Dad makes 1000 a week under the table but they collect 2000 in Stamps because they have 3 kids


    There are many places people who are really that bad off can go to get shelter and a meal. Friends, family, churches, ymca, ywca, etc. They get taken advantage of too, but at least it's not (entirely) our money.

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