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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. Wasn't there a Revolution after unfair taxing.


    Yeah, funny thing about that... What would the old-school Americans do if they got taxed on the money they earned, then taxed on it again when they tried to buy something?

  2. the s4 and the r8 are nasty....but whats so special about that blue car that all those guys are going nuts over?


    It's a super awesome non-Us car, that's why! It's an rs2, which is a nice little Audi wagon with a souped up 20v motor.


    I'm surprised he doesn't have a sport quattro, since he can obviously afford it. I'd like to know what he does for a living and how he got to where he is now.

  3. We've got a JD from Home Depot (on of the cheap ones) and it is great to mow with with a 48" deck and plenty of power, but eats deck pulleys yearly, the carb gets fussy, and it may have just blown a head gasket at 300 hours. Our old beat-to-hell wheel horse sucks to mow with (bumpy, slower, weaker) but is much more reliable, and more robust. The hydrostatic JD is sweet to mow with though.
  4. Maybe we should do it again just to show that we're still bad ass.


    US - "Hey sorry about that craziness 60 years ago, we were pretty mad"


    Them - "Okay, we're cool then"


    US - "J/K! *BOMBS*"


    Well said. They should be grateful for all we've done for them, after all they've done.

  5. What do you think, are they busted?


    Despite claims by the TSA that electronic body scan images "cannot be stored or recorded," some federal police agencies are in fact saving tens of thousands of images, according to a report by CNET News.


    The body scanners, increasingly found in airports, courthouses and other places where security is high, use an assortment of technologies. These include millimeter wave scanners (shown below) — in which the subject is harmlessly pelted with extremely high frequency radio waves which reflect a picture back to the device — and backscatter X-ray (shown above) — which measures low-powered reflective X-rays to produce clearer body shots, shots that can reveal alarmingly precise anatomical detail.


    According to CNET, the U.S. Marshals Service admitted this week that it had saved thousands of images that had been recorded from a security checkpoint in a Florida courthouse.


    The revelation comes at a tense time. Two weeks ago, when Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said such scanners would appear in every major airport, privacy advocates such as the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington D.C. filed a lawsuit to stop the device rollout.


    The reason? Because the devices were "designed and deployed in a way that allows the images to be routinely stored and recorded," EPIC executive director Marc Rotenberg told CNET, adding that this "is exactly what the Marshals Service is doing."


    As CNET's Declan McCullagh explains, it's the mystery of the devices' potential that is most unnerving: "This trickle of disclosures about the true capabilities of body scanners — and how they're being used in practice — is probably what alarms privacy advocates more than anything else," he wrote.


    The TSA maintains that body scanning is "constitutional" and the CNET report notes that while the machines are built to "allow exporting of image data in real time" and provide networked "high-speed transfer of image data," the system are built with filters to "protect the identity, modesty, and privacy of the passenger."


    I told you so http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=82629&highlight=airport+scanner

  6. Cheap and fairly accurate? Fail. You can get shit wolf or brown bear for around $200/1000, at either palmetto state armory or aimsurplus (or most places). I only see 4-6moa if that. The PMC x-tac is pretty solid right now, AIM or Palmetto have it for about $330/1000. People have been seeing pretty good groups out of it- around 2moa and it has decent brass too. You need to get yourself some SMKs and see how it will REALLY shoot.
  7. There's a novelist track day at Mid Ohio in a early Sept. It'll probably rain


    Yeah, I would not recommend trying to have any fun in the rain on a bike. Last track day I lowsided TWICE because of rain/wet track. That sucks bad, and now I have no confidence in my dunlop qualifiers at all. "Unprecedented lean angles in the wet" my ass.

  8. In workplaces/malls, they have complex security systems that monitor pretty much everything at all times of day, as well as security staff and occasionally police, even at movie theaters.


    Are you kidding? Yeah, because at airports they don't have a dedicated transport security administration, as well as patrolling policemen, cameras everywhere, etc. I'd say that's a little more complex than my workplace, or any mall for that matter. I'm seriously disappointed with your willingness to sacrifice freedom for an extra controversial sliver of security. Anyone who can't see this is total BS needs to open their eyes and wake up.

  9. In the interest of public safety, we have to give up some rights.


    Fail times infinity. If you don't mind some stranger seeing you nude, your wife/girlfriend nude, your little kids nude, then something is wrong with you.


    How about walking into a shopping mall, should we be scanned before entering? Or going inside a movie theater? Or how about even your workplace? Nobody is FORCING you to work are they? Trying to pick apart the constitution on technicalities is destroying this country and our freedoms. I say we throw the scanners into Boston harbor.

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