Just want to update everyone on the status of my brother Matthew. I spoke to him for about 30 minutes yesterday and he is in good spirits. He had been having surgeries twice a week moving skin and muscle tissue around to where he no longer had any. It has been two weeks since his last surgery, allowing his body to heal. The skin and muscle are “taking” and the healing process is going as well as can be expected. He has feeling and can move his left leg now which he was not able to do a few weeks ago. He is still on a lot of very powerful pain killers but not as much as when I visited him about a month ago, but he is very alert, aware, and can carry on a conversation very well. While obviously the situation sucks, for lack of a better word, he is thankful that he has escaped with his life and limbs, as other’s have not been so fortunate.
I just want to say thank you for everybody’s prayers. They were heard and answered. We are all extremely grateful.