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Everything posted by RC K9

  1. How is it offensive to make statements about the severe shortcomings of our obsolete educational school systems that have since the victorian era and continue to this day to get all kids to fit the same mold? I've been through the schools as I am sure most of you have. Get in line, or gtfo. I remember a few occasions where I tried thinking outside the box and challenged teachers on the subjects at hand and was scoffed at with no discussion or answer. Simply told "you'd have to take a different class in college to discuss that." So instead of maintaining my current curiosity in the subject, I essentially get told, "I don't have the answer even though it directly pertains to what's being discussed so drop it." Schools want things done a certain way and an "unapproved" way of arriving at the correct conclusion is still deemed "wrong." How about how many kids are on meds for ADD/ADHD these days, yet when they are taken out of the main system and attended to in a manner that compliments they way they learn, they flourish? I suppose the presentations by educational researchers and talks with several pediatricians, (some of whom I know personally), are complete garbage. Yup, our system is working just fantastic. Failing to see how what I said has anything to do with your daughter, or how it's even remotely offensive. Kids like your daughter are the reason I say a one size fits all educational system is not a good idea, she shouldn't just be pumped full of meds and deemed "not normal" yet somehow that is offensive?
  2. I was in for a day for a business trip. I am pretty sure the Silversmith is where they put us up for the night. Dope hotel. After check in, we went to Mortons for dinner. That was a neat experience. The ambiance of that place was pretty awesome. It was all work the next day before riding the L back to the airport, but I found riding the L to be a pretty cool experience. If you get a chance, go visit Frank Gallagher and have a pint at the Alibi.
  3. So you provide a incredibly small exception, seemingly try to pass it off as the rule, to try to prove your point that I'm uneducated in how the educational system in our society operates as whole? OK.
  4. My buddy, Shannon, suggested we go to Moab while we are there. I've also thought about the Tetons. Yeah, I am really thinking about trying to see this on our way back. There is just so much awesome stuff to see "out west" that i'm kind of losing my mind trying to pick what to see on this trip and what to try to save for another trip. I want to win the lotto just so I can buy an RV and spend 6mo travelling the US. I suppose one has to actually play the lottery in order to win it though. :/
  5. Do you intend to expand on that, or just leave it vague whilst using leftists buzzwords like "uneducated?" How would you know whether I have educated myself or not on our current current system, and to what extent?
  6. So I have our trip there mapped out. Fort Worth to Glorieta, NM (Not far from Santa Fe) will be 287 to 40) Glorieta to Fruita, CO (just outside Grand Junction) actually has me taking 285 N to 70W. I debated taking the 550 route, but I kind of wanted to reach a little further north in CO, and this will take my up close to Breckenridge. I have a feeling CO is going to be a state I have to revisit several times in my future if I am blessed with the ability to do so. It looks like there is just so much to see there. Fruita to Park City, UT will be 70w to US-6 W. Only about a 4.5hr drive so should have plenty of time to stop and see anything that looks intriguing along the way. I am excited to check out High West Distillery, and we are spending 2 full days here to hike and fish as Utah has some amazing small stream trout fishing. Then from Park City we will take 89N on up to Swan Valley, ID where we will be for 5 days. I am still trying to decide on our route back. I basically have 5 days available to me to get from Swan Valley to home. The quickest route being through the SW corner of Wyoming, through Denver, small section of OK, Amarillo, etc. About 20hrs of driving, or 2 days. I am debating on going from Swan Valley to Flagstaff, see the Grand Canyon as i'd have always thought pictures can never do something like that justice. That's about 12hr drive. Spend a full day or two, then go from Flagstaff through Albuquerque and on home, which is about 13.5hrs. I debated going from SV to Vegas for a day, then over to Flagstaff, but I don't know that I want to do all that just to spend one day in Vegas. I'd rather just make that a dedicated trip sometime. I've been checking out that road trippers app and there is some pretty neat stuff on it.
  7. Wasn't aimed at you. In fact, based on your side of the story, i'd say you are pretty justified. Infidelity is about the only reason I could see kickin' my ol' lady to the curb. I'm not even saying every child from single parent homes "fail." Though the most recent stats I heard (on a liberal news outlet at that) showed a vast majority of them become leeches on society. Some are far better than others. Serious question, (and obviously you don't have to answer, but I am legitimately curious): After it came out that your wife was being an unfaithful tramp, did she face any serious repercussions from her peers and family? As for school having ALWAYS raised kids. In human history that seems to be a relatively recent occurrence going back to sometime in the 1800's (the year escapes me at this time) as a result of the industrial revolution. The workforce needed massive amounts of workers all able to do the same tasks at the same rate, which is why you see schools structured the way they are, and those kids that aren't quite like the rest of the herd are diagnosed with some kind of disorder and put on meds to fall in line.
  8. Who is knocking off liquor stores? What are you even talking about? I am simply pointing out I don't have ex-wives, baby mommas, crazy exes to deal with because I took their v card then just kind of grew tired of their company, etc. All things I see on a regular basis with close friends and many acquaintances who all seemingly subscribe to this socially acceptable moral liberation you speak of. As for the situation with my neighbors, (which has nothing to do with this convo), I absolutely have a hand in what happens as a result of the manner in which I responded to their transgressions. I had a few hands to play, I picked one, and now we see what happens. Though, they seem to have been pretty respectful lately as they have been outside recently, but kept the noise level to a reasonable volume. Problem solved? Maybe not, but I haven't had any issues yet. (Again, no idea what that has to do with marriage, children, etc).
  9. "Morally liberated." Yeah, you're right. We as a society are far "better" off than the gernations before us. I have friends that are "morally liberated." Slayin' hoes every which way and what. Because hey, you do you. They are paying for it now though. In more ways than one. Funny that all the problems my friends have are a result of this "moral liberation", yet I seem to have none of those issues. Just lucky I suppose.
  10. What saddens me, (but unfortunately doesn't shock me) is how many people read stories like these (not just in this thread, but everywhere) and what comes to mind is, "So, I guess I shouldn't get married then, or get and uber awesome prenup."
  11. Welcome to the age of broken families and shitty parenting. Everyone needs a break, date night, occasional long weekend; but fk me if I am happy about splitting custody of my children and being happy about it because I get big long breaks. At that point, your kid a a trophy to show off and please you. When you are done, pawn it off on someone else. If that's the mentality, you shouldn't have kids in the first place. Schools raise our kids, daycares raise our kids, babysitters raise our kids, grandparents raise our kids. Parents no longer raise their kids.
  12. Man, that's a sad story Tells you something about the moral standing of our society when a person can break vows, cheat, not be remorseful, and the courts still deem them entitled to something. As for kids "figuring things out", yes, I agree, kids are incredibly perceptive and can pick up on people without adults bad mouthing said people. My nephew is 7 and is putting things together about how horrible his biological mother is.
  13. Good read. Not that my wife and I have been married an eternity, we are only coming up on our 8th anniversary. I will say though, we have seen several marriages between our peers not last anywhere near that long, and there a 2 big things I notice in those failed marriages: 1.) Accountability. Both of us, unlike a majority of the population these days, believes we are accountable to God for our decisions, and will be called to account for those in the end. As such, we take marriage VERY seriously. We made vows to each other, and we are to keep those vows. If we don't have our word, we have nothing. In the marriages we have seen fail, people didn't truly consider themselves accountable to anyone but themselves. They served themselves. When their spouse no longer made THEM happy, it was time to call it quits, because in the end, in their minds, they only answered to themselves. When you serve yourself, a long term, meaningful relationship can never flourish. 2.) This kind of ties into what I stated above. In our opinion, love is a choice. It's a choice to not be confused with infatuation. You always hear people say, "we don't love each other anymore" or "we aren't in love anymore." Love is a choice. It's a choice you make every day. It can be beautiful, shiny, and easy, but it can also be dirty, gritty, and difficult. But that's kind of the point IMO. I'm not saying our marriage is always rainbows and unicorns, but at the end of the day, we are going to be held accountable for our decisions, and we choose to show love, grace, and compassion to one another. On a side note, a lot of marriages we have seen end, especially the older marriages are because the spouses made the mistake of putting their children before the marriage. Most people we have asked, "what's more important, your spouse or your children." Their answer is almost always, The kids." WRONG answer. You spent 18yrs putting the kids on a pedestal, running them to karate, ballet, basketball, baseball, school activities, etc, and never spent half of the same amount of time on just you. At the end of all that, the spouses hardly know each other anymore. They invested everything into their kid's "happiness", neglecting the marriage. We love our kids to death, but will NEVER allow them to come between us. IF you ask mom for something and she says, "no", you'd better not ask dad in hopes of a different answer because i'm going to back my wife up whether I would have made the same decision or not had I been the first one asked. It works the other way around. If you ask me, and I say, "no", if you ask mom after that, you better be ready for the consequences. Dates away from kids are important. Just last night Amanda and I dumped the kids on my sister and went to dinner and wine tasting and got just just enjoy each other's company. Really talk. Let no man, (or child for that matter), separate what God has joined together. Again, all of this is based on our convictions, and the individuals who's marriages we have seen come and go had no such convictions, so i'd say we might be on to something. Ramble over.
  14. I'm actually going to be having your brother show us around. I plan on doing some fishing there as Utah has some amazing trout fishing streams among other things. Also definitely going to High West Distillery to eat and drink while i'm there.
  15. Alright CR, my dad booked a guided fly fishing tour on the Snake River in Swan Valley, ID. We will be fly fishing on the Snake River with some guides for a couple days, the the other days we are on our own, (which I am fine with since I prefer doing my own exploring on smaller streams). That being said, my wife (Amanda) and I are dumping the kids with the grand parents back in Columbus, my sister is house sitting and keeping an eye on our dog, and Amanda and I are making a road trip of it. She does photography as a hobby and I am trying to make sure she gets put into situations where she can get some great pics. 1st day we will drive from Ft Worth, TX to Glorieta, NM, (just outside Santa Fe). 2nd day we will be exploring Santa Fe National Forest, more specifically, Holy Ghost Creek area as I have wanted to take a stab at fishing this small stream since I read the book about it as a kid. 3rd day leave Glorieta, NM and arrive in Fruita, CO, not far from Grand Junction. Well, obviously while i'm in CO, I am going to enjoy taking advantage of some of their more recently passed legislation. 4th day explore Grand Junction Area. This is where we need suggestions. What should we see while we are there pertaining to the outdoors? 5th-7th day take off from GJ in the morning and late morning/early afternoon wind up in Park City, UT. I have a buddy that lives not far from SLC so we will be meeting up with him. He does a lot a biking and hiking, and his buddy gives fishing tours. I'm not looking for a tour, but I asked if he could provide some suggestions on where to look for smaller streams to fish. At some point I have to eat/drink at High West Distillery as I LOVE their Whiskeys, and i'm sure he will have some suggestions on things to do outside of drinking/fishing/hiking, but i'd also like CR's opinion if you guys have suggestions on things to see. Prefer outdoor related as opposed to civilization related, but am open to any suggestion you feel strong enough about. So basically, 1 Full day in NM that I have planned. 1 Full Day in Grand Junction, CO 2 Full Days in Park City, UT End up at Swan Valley, ID for 5 days. And a whole lot of driving. So bring on the suggestions! Also, side note, we are giving this whole Air BnB thing a try. Hoping to not get raped and/or murdered by anyone.
  16. Bingo. Unless their vows were to be married until it gets hard. Then i guess they'd be honoring their vows.
  17. This. Our system is set up as such, so mind as well play their game and play the best you can.
  18. Wanna buy my 2011 FX4 w/ 6ft bed? 103,000mi. lulz.
  19. Jack Johnson, DMB, and Phish to be specific.
  20. Glad you like it. I don't usually give too many "raving" reviews of products but I though this one definitely deserved honorable mention. Side note, they signed for my letter to them last Thursday. Now, we wait. Hopefully i'm "waiting" for nothing.
  21. I read through that court case. Fascinating.
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