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Everything posted by RC K9

  1. Guy I know was wasted in Kroger years ago at like midnight. Was looking at the beers in the beer cooler at the Kroger on Morse and Hamilton and had to pee, so he just pissed himself right there. Was like, "whatev's", and let it flow.
  2. lol @ anyone who thinks they are illegally street racing.
  3. Sure they do. Some much worse/common/more expensive than others. Don't expect perfection. Just not the kind of issues referenced above for 3 different cases.
  4. Another reason I avoid such events. Very sad.
  5. RC K9

    WTB: 1g AWD DSM

    How much are you looking to spend?
  6. Steve's Used Tires on Cleveland over by Vance's may want them.
  7. Friend of mine down here had '14 5.0. Took it into for for 6000mi oil change. Got it home, heard a ticking. Took it back to Ford. They contact him 2wks later with pics of glitter in the oil pan and news that it was a broken wrist pin. He traded it in the day he got it back with a new motor.
  8. I buy most of my ish online/amazon instead of parts store. I literally have an autozone 1/4mi from my house. Unless i'm in a bind and need it right then, I go to kroger, buy an amazon gift card for the fuel points, then buy what I need on amazon for the same price or less, and I have it in two days.
  9. I absolutely would love to run a hellcat at the track.
  10. Some people don't know and some people don't want to know. I'll never forget when I lived on E North Broadway right by Cleveland and I would shop at that kroger right there. I used to wonder why poor people were so fat. Then you take a quick look in their grocery carts and the answer is clear. White bread, twinkies, bologna, hot dogs, 400 frozen tv "dinners", kraft singles, etc. No fresh produce, no boneless skinless chicken breasts... Then once when my wife and I were shopping, there was this lady that I kid you not, was the size of that mom off honey boo boo, and her two teenage daughters that were much smaller and one of the duahgters picks up a family size pack of ho ho's. the mom goes, "Put that back and get the smaller box, we don't need the family size." And My wife and I look at each other and think, "YOU DON"T NEED ANY SIZE! What the heck is wrong with you?" I like to think if I am ever on government assistance, I would utilize those resources to buy healthier food. Better quality food, and train your body to control portions. This is not me hating on poor people, we were poor when I was a kid. It just seems like, again, lack of education either because knowledge has not yet reached them, or they don't want to know.
  11. I am not even kidding here. My wife has asked our 3yr old son if he wants fruit snacks, or cucumbers for a snack. He flat out got excited and said cucumber. I can't tell you how many times he asks for carrots for a bed time snack. We don't allow him to have a whole lot of "candy" ever, which is fine because he is happy eating vegetables and some fruits as snack.
  12. Troof Portions of food is only one side of the issue. Another side is quality of the food.
  13. Isn't it? You may be surprised how nutrient deficient foods you think are healthy, really are.
  14. I would have to agree. Punishment is not a viable solution. And you are right about quality food NOT being cheap. Refer to my references above about candy, almonds, and chicken. Cheese/milk without rbst, nutrient rich fruits and vegetables, non-gmo foods, etc all cost an arm and a leg. Obesity is not only sign of health issues. I know lots of non-obese people with some serious caffeine and artificial sweetener issues.
  15. this. Screw paying someone else to do that ish.
  16. Sweet taters, yes. Regular white/gold taters, not so much. Dark fleshed ones are better, but potatoes have a high glycemic index. Eating with oil or vinegar helps reduce that, or cooking then refrigerating overnight before eating. Nah, but I should. One thing I haven't seen mentioned in this thread is the total lack of nutrients in most of the Crap in your produce departments that you think are healthy. Most apples you find in grocery stores are terrible for you. They have been designed with tons of sugar content. Most onions, same thing. That asparagus that was harvested 3 weeks ago that you are just now buying, lost most of it's nutritional value before it ever hit the grocery store.
  17. BMI had me on the edge. Even though I im 6' 2" and 185lbs...ha ha. No idea how they got that. Doesn't matter though. Changing eating habits, I am down to mid 170's these last couple weeks.
  18. I think one needs to determine what constitutes a "proper" meal. Since watching Forks over Knives, I have cut my meat intake back even further. I like a good bison fillet every now and then, but I really just don't eat a ton of meat. To his point, if you and one other person like rice and beans, you can make a kick butt dish on the cheap that is going to give you plenty of nutrients, and for probably right around $4. Beans aren't expensive if you buy them raw and soak/cook them in house instead of buying the canned crap. The spices don't cost much, neither do raw onions and garlic, nor rice. I use shallots because they are very good for you, and garlic does a great job at fighting cancer is prepared properly. Toss in some diced bell pepper or jalapeno if you want, some tomato...whatever, and you have a pretty healthy meal on the cheapness.
  19. This needs some perspective around it. I was standing it line at the store yesterday and I look down and there are two different items in front of me. Sugar coated gummy worms, and almonds. Gummy worms were $3.99/lb. Almonds were $8.99/lb. I can get 2-3 tacos at taco bell for what 1 bunch of organic carrots costs. "Organic' chicken is 3x what chicken pumped with growth hormones and antibiotics cost. Fundamentally, there is a big issue with that.
  20. I'm still trying to understand why that kid is flopping around like a dying fish.
  21. Meh. Not usually a fan of covers, but I thought Korn did an excellent job on the One Metallica cover years back.
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