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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. Lets get some Price is Right up in this bihizzie.
  2. LOL serious? Not because its not in HD, but because its boring as fuck.
  3. Hey, its renewable. Just takes forever. :dumb:
  4. +Rep, will be watching today at work :lolguy: Did they really air this on cspan? Nobody watches that channel. Sucks for them.
  5. 30k miles and said mods, probably 17k
  6. So i can complain when neither president i want in office made it into office. Thing is though, Romney was seriously just copying what Obama stated. There was one answer that was almost word for word. Let me see if i can find it. Nothing Romney said was original last night. And if it was, it was contradictory to what he said in the last debates.
  7. Then meet in the middle and vote for Johnson. . I respect Obama for standing up to Romney last night about the whole world war 1 ship thing. Got a nice chuckle out of it.
  8. What are they asking? Mileage? That thing is clean.
  9. At least the mosquitoes wont be returning any time soon.
  10. http://i.imgur.com/Zszoh.jpg
  11. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m481guromW1rvwgvwo1_400.jpg
  12. jeffro

    dog issue..

    Lap dogs are the cancer of pets. Their tiny little brains do not compute correctly and feel the need to be agressive with everyone but their "Master". Also, what pawl said
  13. jeffro

    S3 users???

    Sometimes, yes.
  14. Assuming test and tune on friday nights? Depending on the time of the year it can be 30 minutes or less. longer wait times earlier in the season. Less towards the end (now)
  15. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=107471
  16. Boy that looked like a ride and a half. sicknasty
  17. Plus one for Microsoft security essentials. And plus 10000 for using your head and not visiting places you shouldnt be.
  18. Nice find. There is a nest at high banks. Its kind of far off the lookout deck, but if you have some good lenses i'm sure you could get some killer pictures.
  19. I took Armed2Defend in july. It was okay. Left alot of unanswered questions. They start out by taking your picture and providing you with a passport photo that will be required when you apply for your CCW. Its awesome because its the first thing you do when you get there and still look asleep. Then for the next 4 hours they talk about guns, how they work, the different kinds of ammunition, gun safety, etc. Then you pay 5 bucks for a pizza buffet of donatos. Then this lawyer dude from delaware comes and recites 3 hours of lecture from memory on who is responsible for what, what happends after your weapon is drawn, all the legalities of it. Then they take you to the main guys moms house way down in grove tucky where he has a private range set up. Its kind of nice. They make you shoot at paper targets with a 22 pistol from about 15 feet. They have tons of volunteers to help you. Hell there was an autistic person taking the course when i was there. Hit the target 5 times and you pass the range portion. They then take you back to the classroom and give you the test which was 50 questions. You could use any notes or literature they gave you during the lecture. you may also take the test as many times as you need. They print you out a certificate and you are finished around 8pm at night. The part i didnt like was there was limited scenario based discussion. I understand that every situation is different, but i feel they mostly talked about the guns themselves.
  20. Why not CFLs? They are 3-5X as effecient as standard bulbs. There are some serious cost savings if you change all the bulbs in your house. Theyre also brighter. They are relatively inexpensive at 4 for 2$ at home depot. edit, nvm. LEDs are like 10X as effecient.
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