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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. jeffro

    my dogs foot

    our dog just died after about 17 years. parents shoulda had it put down years ago. that dog was nasty. made our house nasty
  2. What is the best brand/type of engine sealer for older engines? you put it into your oil and its supposed to help with leaky seals/cracks/nicks. anyone had any luck with these? btw this is for a turbo car.
  3. i got you on the header if you ever need it. ill try not to throw it away. you can have it.
  4. nice intro, and cars mang! welcome.
  5. evan, we have one, or many actually. ill look for your dimensions tomorrow and snap a pic for you. my father heats his house with wood, so he has plenty.
  6. fight the fact that he cant estimate tickets to within tenths of a MPH. get a lesser sentence.
  7. did i say he had bad acting skills? no i said he sucked in that movie. my personal opinion. gone in 60 seconds, conair, just to name a few were badass cage movies.
  8. out of common courtesy, id probably say thank you without even thinking about it. OT: that dude fucked you over. fight it.
  9. he sucked in kickass. played a strange character.
  10. yeah chad, i bought a solid metal one and got it put in, cant even tell the car is boosted.
  11. lol. nice truck btw. were you fishing over off hyatts bridge about a week ago?
  12. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TGwzONMdJ3I/AAAAAAAABBc/wu0HkfIQYPM/s800/2010-08-18%2014.45.16.jpg lesson learned about egay.
  13. just last month they were short money for track day, now cr is paying for a vaca? hmm i havnt been on a vacation in 5 years
  14. when and where do i pick them up,
  15. my apologies if that post came out the wrong way, i had been driving all over columbus, (nearly getting my ass beat by a some black dude on polaris during rush hour traffic) trying to find the fitting i needed.. i was havin a bad day, and after getting there any not seeing anyone, i was a wee bit agitated. if slowmotion is ineed still in business, i will probably return at some point.
  16. fuck bicyclists! i cant stand it when they decide to ride up sawmil parkway, when theres a bike path 6 foot over.
  17. lol i was like wtf. best of luck selling them
  18. would you mind showing me a picture of the underside of that. i picked up a piece thats working right now, but if i can grab that ill have some insurance
  19. was able to get a temp fix, to get the car on the road, but who knows how long
  20. went there at 3pm today and they were closed. good job losing a customer today. edit: tried calling, but it said they were busy with another customer, not closed.
  21. bump, still looking. IPS and JEGS fail.
  22. in need of a wideband for tuning the integra. looking to either buy one dirt cheap from someone, or borrow one for about a week. lmk what you have layin around
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