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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. jeffro

    Lunch at work

    I am convinced those microwave meals are whats giving me chronic indigestion. But yet i cant stop eating them.
  2. Any working set is definitely worth 50 bucks. Passed onto a friend in need.
  3. LOL. I am building a website that will host a bunch of weather resources ive compiled over the years if anyone is interested. In sure the plowboys might be.
  4. jeffro

    Lunch at work

    I have a friend that works for clear channel and she says they do actually drink while working. Related to OPs inquiry, just make extra the night before for dinner and take left overs.
  5. Try here http://www.vipleague.se/ *adblock plus highly recommended.
  6. Welp, after actually paying close attention to it, i'm almost 100% certain it is the brake light sensor/switch. If i start the car without pressing the brake the light remains off. I noticed that the instant i press the brake is when the light comes on. Cheap part IIRC.
  7. Who has one and would be willing to scan my 2002 a4 quattro in return for a case of beer or something? My ESP light is stuck on and instead of fixing things that dont need fixin, Id rather scan it and go straight to the cause. I dont know how vag-com works, so if this is something that cannot be done without purchasing a new license, then feel free to ignore. I live in Dublin but willing to travel. Some additional information: Several months ago the ESP light started turning on and off on its own. It began by coming on several miles into the drive, and sometimes not at all. Now, its on 100% of the time the instant i start the car. Cruise control no longer works as a result. ABS may or may not work as i don't drive like a dick enough to find out. Thanks dudes
  8. jeffro

    Apple watch

    Weird, i tried the no internet method, and it failed with an unknown error. Tried again normally and it went through just fine. weird. She will be happy when she gets home.
  9. jeffro

    Apple watch

    I did the home button + plugging it in. It seemed to go through but when it went to reboot after completing it got stuck at the apple logo and never continued. I will try the disconnect internet method. If that fails i will look into the firmware update. I have it DLing but no idea what to do with it... lol
  10. jeffro

    Apple watch

    I tried this without success. Holding the sleep/home button did not yield that result. The apple logo comes right up and then shuts down after a few seconds. I even tried recovery mode through itunes and it still didnt fix it. Ill try again when i get home.
  11. jeffro

    Apple watch

    +1 for not liking apple products. The GFs MINT iphone 5 decided it was going to die during the middle of one its updates recently. All it does now is boot to a white screen with the apple logo then turns off. It conveniently happened right at the end of her two year contract. Kept in an otterbox and takes very good care of it. She took it to apple and they said sorry, its dead and then convinced her to buy an iphone 6. She keeps it in an otterbox and takes very good care of it. Anyone have a possible fix?
  12. much snow, so blizzard. wow
  13. jeffro

    Apple watch

    No. My fossil works just fine.
  14. We picked up a quick inch or two over the last hour or so. Too bad its all about to be washed away.
  15. There really isnt much of a comparison between a smart phone and a dedicated recording device. We use sonys at work for the docs and they are significantly better than any smart phone.
  16. Shame... This was looking so promising for us even just yesterday. Unfortunately she decided last minute to take a jog about 80 miles north of us. Pretty disappointing considering i spent a week following it only to be washed out.
  17. Last Friday the 23rd. I got my w2 when I got to work and filed during my lunch break.
  18. byaawwwww. Where da plow bois at doe? http://imgur.com/wvc4AmS.jpg http://i.imgur.com/mhnlqnF.gif
  19. Got my federal back today. Still waiting on state.
  20. Shitty. My office waits until the 31st to mail them almost every year. This year we got them on the 22nd. Already filed
  21. Paying off the Macbook i just "purchased"
  22. Also, knock those huge ice boulders off the bottom of your car before you get on the road. Those things will fuck your car up if you hit one.
  23. Badass RC cars? Check Super long range WIFI? Check 360* HD IP cameras? Check Pretty fucking awesome. Would watch again.
  24. I must be the only one who actually likes ramen noodles on occasion. They make a nice unhealthy snack.
  25. Looks like something JP would put a 4g63 in.
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