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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. That dog needs its fucking ass beat.
  2. jeffro

    New R8

    It does kind of look like a TT. Gotten a bit tall over the years.
  3. Very jealous man. Nice looking home. The missus and i are looking to purchase a home some time next year and we have no idea where to start. Was there any issue buying it without you guys being married?
  4. As above. Uninstall winzip and enjoy the rest of your day.
  5. jeffro

    Civic Type R

  6. jeffro

    Civic Type R

    Aborted STI + prius. Barf.
  7. Minnesota has lots of salt. Any rust prevention measures taken? Nice ride btw. Nothing wrong with buying an older ride. Id like to own a cobra some day.
  8. Classy. What about the sodium?
  9. Whatismyip.com will give you your external IP that is reachable from the outside( anywhere other than your local network.) That is indeed what you're looking for. and yes, that includes anything on the same modem. Heres what you do from start to finish: Find the address of your DVR. Its likely 192.168.1.X In your router settings, set up port forwarding on the appropriate port to that address. Access your DVR by typing in the address you get from http://www.whatismyip.com followed by : then the port.
  10. jeffro

    Galaxy S6 / Edge

    Do yourself a favor and put that $1000 in a high interest savings account instead. I wonder if this has anything to do with sandisk releasing 200gb microsd cards.
  11. Measured 3.5" yesterday at around 10am after it had stopped. Measured again before i went to bed and was at 3". Definitely melted some. Rain tomorrow i believe, then another shot at snow late this week.
  12. How to detect people with povercomputers.
  13. This is a sad day in age we live in.
  14. Anyone have some sata laptop hard drives laying around? The smaller/cheaper the better really. 80GB would be plenty. Interested in buying multiples(5) if the price is right.
  15. He passed away unexpectedly while in Texas in 2009. Edit, found the obit. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/dispatch/obituary.aspx?n=justin-c-aleshire&pid=138139627
  16. meh. Googled and found nothing but rumor this and rumor that. If it was police evidence and released publicly, it would be all over the internet by now.
  17. Yep. Fished that pond with Franks son (justin) when we were kids. He used to ride down on his Enduro and pick me up. Sorry paul lol
  18. Elshires? Supposidly Sam fell off his tractor while tilling, and well... you can figure out the rest. My dad is friends with one of his sons. I believe Mike owns the farm now. I grew up over on north road (connector between shanahan and lewis center) which is where the farm is. That family has an unfortunate history of people dying prematurely.
  19. Man.... if your wife thinks she needs plastic surgery you must be doing something wrong. Which actually doesn't surprise me.
  20. Abs are made in the kitchen brah. Keep at it.
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