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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. Im saying you rag on people for not tipping :lolguy:
  2. Went Saturday. I am not the hockey fan i thought i was. The lines were crazy. We got to the convention center around 2, and was out by 2:30. I enjoy watching the jackets play, but definitely don't care enough to stand in line for 3 hours for a picture with the Stanley cup. Hoping i win the xbox1 i registered for though. It was nice walking around the arena district with the missus for an hour or so. Hit up a bar or two while we were down there so our time didn't seem as wasted. Perhaps if we had children it might have been interesting.
  3. Like. I used to live off Gemeni PKWY which was right down the street from where this is going. Traffic wasnt terrible if you know when you could and couldn't leave. As with most places around this city, traveling between the hours of 5-7pm sucks donkey dick.
  4. Oh boy, here we go. Queue big tipper Paul Brower.
  5. Think about the weight of all that snow and how shitty your gas mileage is if you don't clean it off.
  6. Congrats on your prolonged period of accident free driving. That is quite an achievement. All i'm saying is it only takes one person when everyone is driving too fast to cause a pile up like the one we saw in Michigan a few weeks ago. Some of those truck drivers likely have millions of miles under their belts and were still victims. The "Learn to drive, get out of my way" mentality in this state has gotten out of hand. Everybodys winter driving ability is different. Someone who just moved here from Florida or California obviously isn't going to feel comfortable blasting down the highway when its slick out. Staying home for some people just isn't an option. They have families to feed too. Weaving in and out of traffic isn't exactly safe either. If the roads were truly just wet, then that's different. What i saw on my commute from Dublin to Delaware was not just wet roads. Packed, rock hard snow is what i saw.
  7. LOLd at the tank reference. I have a broom i use specifically for clearing snow. Beats the shit out of using a tiny little scraper/brush combo. Takes 30 seconds to do the whole car.
  8. Gotcha. Some pics: http://imgur.com/a/ptwhC
  9. What county? My GF works for Job &Family Services :gabe:
  10. I believe they said 45 thousand. Basically the entire lower section was filled with the first few rows of the upper deck filled too. Security was lax as hell. I really wanted to take my super zoom but decided to leave it at home because they said no cameras with a lens greater than 100mm. Plenty of people had 200mm lenses so that kind of sucked. This was taken about a half hour before it started and people were still pouring in.
  11. Celebration was pretty cool. Fans were very reserved. Got two towels and 3 posters (posters were an accident, it was a mad rush for them.) first time ive been in the shoe since i was maybe 8. Man would i like to experience a game there on the 50.
  12. jeffro

    Anyone on Ello?

    Got my invite or whatever today. Anyone else?
  13. Whether it be limited usage like cell data, or just jacking up the price of internet, they aren't going to lose out on it. I guarantee it, Especially with the whole net neutrality thing happening right now. THe main problem right now is there isnt competition and lobbyist will prevent there from ever being competition. Our only real hope is google fiber continues its trek east and eventually makes it nationwide. This will force big ISPs like time warner and ATT to drop prices if they want to keep customers. At work, we pay $500/mo for 20meg fiber(i have no idea on residential pricing, if thats even available). Google offers $70 gigabit for residential customers.
  14. Anyone know what general admission into the convention center entails?
  15. Part of me thinks this is some sort of viral marketing stunt to get people to think they're fucking some super model. That same part of me thinks the mold was carved out of foam. Anything is possible i guess.
  16. What about importing the contacts into outlook then selecting all addresses? https://support.office.com/client/Import-contacts-from-an-Excel-spreadsheet-a75f988c-f336-4694-864b-f537c2d4e2a5
  17. Heh i won tickets on the radio this morning to get into the fanfare. Not really sure what it includes. Probably heading down saturday after we hit up the shoe.
  18. the advertised 50 mile range is under perfect atmospheric and topographic conditions (IE clear sunny day with the wind blowing the right direction on perfectly flat land) with the 120 mile range one i have goes maybe 30-40 and barely picks up 53.
  19. Yes it goes outside. I have mine on my back patio. The one you posted is a good antenna. My parents have one on their camper and get quite a few channels even out in the sticks.
  20. Ive had this one for a few months now. We get 28 channels free over the air here in dublin. http://www.microcenter.com/product/346270/360_Degree_HDTV_Digital_Amplified_TV_Motorized_Rotating_Antenna
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