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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. GTI. Madzas are cheap imported junk. VAG on the other hand...
  2. My lack of experience is showing through. :gabe:
  3. The honor system generally applies here. Although once at the safari course up in Powell we were checked for receipts.
  4. Is this the highway up in Michigan? I saw video of the pile up in action and those truck drivers were going wayyy too fast for the road conditions. They were doing 60+mph and just couldn't get stopped.
  5. Unfortunately we live in a "im not accountable for my actions" society. What i mean by that is, stupid robber attempts to rob delivery driver. Driver shoots would be robber. Robber, and or robbers family sues pizza shop for injuring/killing robber. Business is out money for at least legal costs.
  6. Worked Pizza for 5 years. This shit does happen. People are fucking dicks. The amount of times people have screamed at me because they got 99 pepperonis instead of 100 is enough to make you want to murder some one. Customers that couldnt be bothered enough to leave the comfort of their own homes were the worst. Oh its snowing out? Too fucking bad, i want it here in 15 minutes even though i know you told me an hour on the phone. PS - the comments on the google plus page are hilarious. I clicked "more" for quite a while and never found the end.
  7. Got this yesterday. Dude paid a buck for the paper, sold it to me for 7.99 then paid 4.50 to ship it to me. Barely made a $1.50 profit... LOL.
  8. When will we know what braxtons plans are?
  9. 4:10 now. For fucks sake, can anyone ever be on time anymore? Hopefully hes not like mr Obama who is usually 30+ minutes late to his announcements and speeches.
  10. Dude is obviously going pro. No reason to hype it up and head up to cleveland just to say "ill stay another year"
  11. stream: http://www.10tv.com/content/sections/video/index.html?video=/videos/2015/01/15/jones-asked-about-draft.xml
  12. Yes it will. I actually picked up an older model 60gb hdd last night. You have to take the housing apart to get the drive out. How much are you wanting for it? IDK if 60gb is going to be enough.
  13. Sell as is. There's quite the market for b5 and b6 series quattros. Especially if its a manual. Maybe post it up on the regional audizine classified page? Betting you could get at least 2-2.5k for it over there.
  14. 8k people and 20* i can handle. Ill just wear my snowboarding apparel and take a flask :lolguy:
  15. Also, Jones' declaration is supposed to be today. My money says that someone who didnt come to play school is going to go pro.
  16. GF wants to go. Shes alumni there. The shoe only holds like 110k people, and its usually full even with high priced paid games. Im having a hard time believing that unless you get there at like 7am, you're going to get in.
  17. I feel mentally and emotionally violated. I want a refund.
  18. First class music choice. LOLd hard when he blew apart the spinning washing things.
  19. Holy shit. Why isnt this a thing? 22 gallons of WATER to go from NY to CA. From the sounds of it, oil companies have bought out all the patents making it pretty much illegal to mass produce anything that might come close a car running on water. A billion dollar offer in 1985 is pretty serious.
  20. Odd, i paid 8 (shipped) for mine. Coming from Zanesville. People are dumb i guess.... Myself included for not getting one for a buck yesterday.
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