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Everything posted by Aesthetic_Influx

  1. Yeah... definitely stop by the Cars & Coffee events. None of that stupidity goes on at all. Just a bunch of people talking, drinking coffee and enjoying the cars. No loud music, no racing, no bullshit. It's a good time.
  2. Wouldn't be the first occurrence. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=855_1180488428
  3. Welcome. You seem to have taken the banter in stride - that's a very good thing. A week from this coming Saturday, you should bring the GT-R out to the Cars & Coffee gathering at Lennox; no doubt there will be a crowd happy to receive it. (myself being one of them)
  4. Not one to pass up the opportunity to spread a good laugh amongst the car enthusiast community, I submit this gem for approval: http://www.nissanclub.com/forums/general-nissan-altima-discussion-1993-2001/289347-electric-turbo.html (Cliff's Notes: Guy with Altima buys electric turbo "kit" and installs it backwards, posts with pictures, asks why it doesn't work, and then proceeds to argue his stance. LOLs happen, word is spread, and voila.)
  5. Hey Erica - they've been going pretty well. I've been working on being more consistent with my lines these past few years, and it seems to be helping finally. Planning on making the next event on the 20th?
  6. The new 3GS is really making me think twice now. Minimum I see (with basic texting) is $75/mo... which isn't too bad.
  7. I'm interested to hear how it started...
  8. Hmmmm. Do you have any photos from the front Clay?
  9. Were you the same exact distance from the gas station each time? Were these fill-ups made at the same time of day each time? (Read: same temperature) Hardcore... maybe? However, when your results are something as specific as 1.9mpg, it's hard to overlook the multiple margins for variation in your testing. When you're testing in real-world conditions with lots of variables (your own driving style, distance being some of them), saying "I noticed about a 5mpg difference on average" is a more acceptable answer to throw out. But when there are so many thing within and out of your control that may change the conditions between testing, you can't throw out "1.9 mpg difference" and expect all of us to take a hit from our cob pipes and say "mmm hmmmm, highly intriguing my good man." Just my two cents.
  10. Nice work - that makes a huge difference. It sounds like the usual dealer mentality; once off the lot, they just love telling you to STFU.
  11. Cool - Didn't know you could boost those without a resulting boom.
  12. Major Hmmm.... I'm dying for some Mid Ohio.
  13. Nice intro. Clean car. Pictures @ track. +Rep.
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