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Everything posted by Aesthetic_Influx

  1. Welcome. +rep for driving the Tail.
  2. I haven't laughed at work this much... ever.
  3. Welcome to the party. I'm sure I'll see you around town, since we probably live 2 minutes from each other.
  4. Yeah, I almost pulled the "go home sick" card to go enjoy the weather and clean the car. Tomorrow morning should be perfect.
  5. Exactly. I'm planning to actually make this one, for real, no kidding, SRSLY. I posted an announcement thread on OhioVW and TwinTurbo.net.
  6. It won't make things more dangerous - that's already done by people who can't handle highway speeds in the first place. It won't hurt gas mileage - these morons that think speed it the only factor clearly don't understand that the way you drive (throttle position esp.) has more to do with it. (Hence that Top Gear with the M3 v. Prius) While they're discussing laws that other states have left behind years ago, maybe they should focus on the front plate too.
  7. I'd rather spend less on a C6Z, kthnxbye.
  8. Kits are nice.... but suspension/brake mods are the gift that keep on giving (and saving).
  9. I think some/most of you will enjoy this:
  10. Hmm... I was cruising around for no reason on Sunday evening, but that was around 7pm+ and I was just around high st / campus / grandview.
  11. I remember seeing that earlier in the year on another forum. That's just SO wrong; if you have a problem with someone, the most cowardly (and wrong) thing to do is to mess with their car.
  12. I'd definitely be there, but our next AutoX Points Event is the same day, all day.
  13. Josh, were you one of the guys I met up there at NTR / AutoX? Regardless, throw out some info about your car (maybe some pics) before the natives eat you alive.
  14. Nice looking STI. I feel like I've seen it around town before... hmm. :thumbup:
  15. I'd suspect that'd be easy for people who care for a dog the way they seem to; just search for the polar opposite of yourself.
  16. Having driven down there each year around this time (ZdayZ) since 2005, I can tell you that the Subaru would be great on those roads; especially on the Tail.
  17. Nice numbers, welcome. :thumbup:
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