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Everything posted by Aesthetic_Influx

  1. Is there anyone out there with the Stereo (Monsoon) removal keys? I've had all I can take with trying to make my own and get the studio POS out. I have an iPod adapter ready and waiting... Any help would be appreciated - beer will be provided.
  2. What if you preregister and show up with your check/membership papers? Do I win anything for that?
  3. I believe for registering the day of the race it's $38.00 for SCCA members, and $48.00 for non-members. I'm sure Mr. AutoX can give you a definitive answer though. Here's a link to the schedule too: http://ovr-scca.org/_autocross/rules/rules.asp Yep - that's the one. I think 7:00-7:15 is the plan, that way we can be at NTR at or before 8:00. And yes... we're all going to need coffee.
  4. http://www.flux21.com/UPLOAD/forums/your.gif
  5. You should wear your helmet during the ceremony to protest - Stig-Style.
  6. I see you're already registered. Now you have no choice but to meet us and head over.
  7. LOL... I didn't know there was a point when a MBC was too high-tech. Usually if this is the kind of "tuning" or "modifying" that you do, any FI car is not for you. I'm a fan of an EBC because, you know, I value my investment.
  8. So who's going to be up there tomorrow? A bunch of us are meeting at Cup O Joe and rolling on over to NTR between 7:00-7:30. Anyone is welcome to drive/ride along if planning on going to the event. So... who's comin' with me? (Random pic for Points Event #1 celebration) http://www.flux21.com/z/autox/DSC05637.JPG
  9. Alright, it looks like we're leaving for AutoX earlier than 7:45 now... with 112+ cars trying to squeeze through tech and registration before 9:00, I think a little more headroom is wise. We'll be meeting up at Cup O Joe still, but probably earlier than 7:45. Just can't seem to make everything!
  10. Damn man... sorry to hear. Seems like I can't go a single day without hearing the same from someone.
  11. http://www.flux21.com/UPLOAD/forums/1z4e53t.gif Ummm... No. And it's turbos.
  12. Wow... big congratulations. How does that quote go; something about making plans in life is a joke... or something. Good luck with everything - I'm sure it will go from crazy -> happy & memorable very soon.
  13. Do it. Despite a MK3 being my first car, I knew very little about cars mechanically at the time until I bought the Nissan. So I can't really comment about the pros/cons other than loving the car. Yep - totally useless post. :thumbup:
  14. Wow... haven't heard PalmerFest mentioned since I was there for school. Easily the best party each year - especially the years before the mounted police were roaming the street with non-lethal weapons.
  15. Good deal. Insurance companies always replace ours with steel ones... apparently the aluminum ones are available any longer.
  16. Oh I'm definitely in next time around.
  17. No worries man. I think I'm still finishing my newb-transition mode anyway.
  18. Sorry to hear man. This is why I like staying inside the overdeveloped city limits - less of this bullshit to deal with. I grew up in an area up near Cleveland where every day was a deer/fox dodging experience, and got really tired of it. I've never hit one but have come close, and with an aluminum hood on the Z... it would have been ugly. LOL.
  19. I've got a guy for that. Let me check and see if he's available and I'll shoot you a PM.
  20. I can't say that I believe it will really happen. But if it did, I'd really enjoy seeing the Corvette name going solo. That could lead to some really interesting and exciting results.
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