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Everything posted by Aesthetic_Influx

  1. Relax man, I believe he was talking to OH8STi. You may be new, but you can post in your own intro thread all you like.
  2. :thumbup: for a turbo car in progress.
  3. I like the red lip - very nice!
  4. Well at least it's a completely different look from anything else they've made. God knows we need another great looking, electric, green and totally unaffordable car on the market. That being said, I'd rock it.
  5. http://homepages.gac.edu/~bmcclain/787HoltzDells.jpg
  6. I'm saving that for many, many future lulz. Thank you Rob.
  7. You definitely should have - wasn't her car damaged too? And dude... seat belts! Always! Especially with a little guy on the way.
  8. Wow, yes... definitely good to hear no one was hurt.
  9. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Reading from said linked page may cause serious cases of addiction, lulz, and uncontrollable bladder/bowel movements.
  10. Hold on, I just... wait... yep... just read that pepper spray does not deflect bullets or baseball bats.
  11. Done and done. I'll write it in sharpie in bathroom stalls at work too.
  12. Nice intro, cool attitude, clean car, respectable mods/times. +rep :thumbup:
  13. Stop making me LOL at work. People are getting confused.
  14. LOLLERBLADES. You know, I saw the thread title and instantly got excited to see the fail train pass by. Then I read your first post, had my suspicions verified, and broke out the popcorn. Finally, after reading your responses, it's clear you don't even remotely have a good handle on introductions, social etiquette, or the internet in general. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  15. If he did... well, that's what happens. PWNAGE. If he didn't and she was just being crazy (shocking, right?), then that sucks.
  16. This is beautiful - trumps the FML site by far IMHO. http://www.textsfromlastnight.com (I don't believe this is a repost - searched, checked) Some of my favorites thus far: (603): Dude I got a text from you at 1:30 last night and you didn't use any vowels (1-603) Haha, I didn't want to buy any... we're in a recession you know (206): Fun fact: when I ripped off my wristband, I punched myself in the face. Rad
  17. Nice mod list / plans. Nice numbers. What's the maximum efficiency range of your stock turbo?
  18. Hi... That would make me want to punch kittens.
  19. Always liked the bug-eyes. And you know, despite all the "damn VWs are popping up everywhere" comments, I think Subaru is winning. Nice mod list too. :thumbup:
  20. Totally diggin' the '66. :thumbup: Any pics of the Shadow or Shelby Charger?
  21. If it wasn't this weekend I would be all over it. Hmm....
  22. PLEASE tell me it was a maroon color! Because that's a dead-nuts-on description of one I saw last week while finishing a 10m ride around Olentangy / King.
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