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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Temperature indicator strips that are suitable for use on tires and other stuff. Hard to think of something under $25 in the racing world. edit: nm, like everything else in the world, I'm too late to the party. http://www.doubledgarage.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/IMG_5356.jpg
  2. My Integra isn't even that low and it still annoyed me when I DDed it for a couple months. Nothing was unmanageable, but I had to avoid certain entrances, crawl over speed bumps, and keep a constant eye for potholes and major dips. If I had stiffer springs it might not be as much of an issue. I got around just fine, I just figure I'm too old for that shit now.
  3. I can watch 1080p videos on my 2 year old laptop. You're gonna have to sell me a bit more if you're going to convince me that a 1TB video card has any use beyond gaming. Not saying I'm right; I'm open to being convinced. But right now I'm skeptical.
  4. Ordinarily it doesn't. However, it's not like they exposed some existing practice. The lady in the video was apparently a moron, who expressly violated not only the law but PP rules. She's since been let go. The situation, insofar as there was a situation, has been dealt with. And since it's been dealt with, it's perfectly reasonable to look at the motivation of the fake pimp and ho. Because if this is something that actually happens, as in, real pimps and hos are currently getting advice from Planned Parenthood offices around the country on a regular basis, then we need to do something about it. If the fake pimp and ho have some evidence that Planned Parenthood is actually a cog in the sex trade machine and they're trying to bring this to light, then they should be applauded. If they don't have any evidence and are just trying to smear an organization that they disagree with politically, they should be ashamed. Ultimately, if the situation can be solved by getting pro-life groups to stop sending fake pimps into Planned Parenthood offices, then that's how we should solve this problem so we can get back to dealing with legitimate victims of the sex trade. Continuing to send fake pimps into PP in order to bring down an organization that otherwise has nothing to do with the sex trade is fucking retarded. I think you can agree with that.
  5. It's been a long time since I've built a PC, but generally speaking an external video card is only going to help your 3D performance, and since you're doing 0 gaming, it's going to be a waste of money. Can you get a version of that motherboard with on-board video? Or something similar? Seems like an easy way to save yourself $150.
  6. This wasn't a news crew, this was a pro-life group. http://liveaction.org/blog/
  7. It's a rental, you have no idea what's happened to it in the last 2000 miles. For all you know the first guy who rented it smashed that door into the cement base of a parking lot light pole. The rental company then sent it off to a bodyshop, who pulled that trim piece, bondoed and painted the door, and stuck it back on poorly. Judging an entire country's car output based on one rental that you know nothing about is absurd. And I'm an import guy...
  8. Stolen from the comments on that link: And that's all it comes down to. These undercover "reporters" are just trying to push their anti-abortion agenda and harm Planned Parenthood. If you disagree with the work PP does, then fight them on legitimate grounds. Pretending to get some kind of "gotcha" moment on film is a disservice to everyone. And I mean everyone. Actual victims of sex the sex trade don't benefit. Conservatives don't really benefit. The people Planned Parenthood helps out don't benefit. This is just childish.
  9. Mazda Protege5 if you can find one cheap. One of my favorite small cars in terms of fun and utility. Hondas and Toyotas hold their value too well for my liking. I'd look at an SX4 or a Focus hatch from before they got ugly. Astras are also relatively cheap now, although I've never found them all that compelling. Maybe an Elantra, although they're a bit beige. A Miata if you want something fun and don't care about practicality.
  10. Actually, I don't. I just didn't want to ruin my own party Great choice with the Roadmaster!
  11. Every once in a while when I'm surfing CL for shit I'll never buy I come across an old car that's cool just for the sake of being old. Like a 1978 Civic Wagon. In 1978 it was a shitty car, in 1988 it was a shitty used car, and in 1998 it was a joke. But in 2011 if you saw a clean one driving around it would be cool just because you don't see them anymore. It'd be a survivor. Invariably when they pop up they're the legendary little old lady cars with 80k miles and an 8k price tag that the buyer will probably never get. This got me thinking. Collectors cars will always be available in good condition with low miles. 25 years from now if you want a Cobra, you'll be able to buy one from some dumbass who bought one and never drove it because it was some special shade of orange. And if you really want a Cobra in 25 years, that's the way to go, because then you're not the chump who insured, maintained, and stored a car that you never drove. But nobody collects 1978 Civic wagons, and finding one that's in good shape is basically a fluke. If you had bought one in 1988 it would cost you peanuts. You wouldn't have to insure it for anything. And you could basically store it in a barn, starting it up a couple times a year just to keep things moving. And then, 20 years later, you could hose off all the grime, replace some rubber bits, and have a really unique cream puff of a car. It wouldn't be a nice car, but it would still turn heads by the virtue of being old, clean, and still on the road. And the only cost to you is the initial purchase price and the associated time value of that money. So, what car would you squirrel away? Since this is a Greg thread there are rules: 1) You must post a link to a specific example of your car. Ebay, autotrader, cars.com, craigslist, whatever. I want proof that this car is readily available and meets the price and mileage requirements given below. 2) Car must be listed at or under $12,000. I don't care how much you think you'll talk 'em down. 3) Mileage must be less than 6,000 per year, up to a max of 80,000. Some thoughts -- I'm not talking about collectors cars. Although storing an Integra Type R would seem to make more sense than some run-of-the-mill base model LS, you can always find a low mileage Type R, but nobody buys a base model and then parks it. Also, the LS will be much cheaper to buy initially. I'd also look at cars that aren't selling all that well, to increase the chances of yours being unique in 25 years. And keep in mind that you'll be in your late 40s or early 50s when you're driving this thing. Or late 50s in my case. So it's got to have some redeeming qualities too. More thoughts -- Mechanically simple cars seem like a better bet. Also, despite the fact that all my examples are Hondas, I'm brand agnostic on this. Let's not turn this into a brand loyalty pissing match. Cliffs version: There is no cliffs version. If you couldn't read all this, don't play.
  12. History class? I'm not sure polling was very good back then, so if you disagree with the assertion I probably won't be able to back it up with a cite. Let me throw the ball back in your court then -- you say people are more dissatisfied lately. What time frame are you talking about, and give me a cite that its true.
  13. That's kinda what he did. It's like the old adage, if you say "I'm not a racist, but..." then whatever you're going to say next is probably racist. If you say "I don't condone this shooting, but it's a good opportunity for politicians to wake up," and then go on to say that politicians need to realize that they're not "untouchable," as though this assassination is a reasonable consequence of legislation... it's just not right. I don't think there's a growing trend of dissatisfaction with our elected officials. People have always hated politicians, going back to the birth of our country. The same shit people complain about now is the same shit people complained about 100 years ago. What you're talking about is nostalgia -- every remembers the good old days, and things must certainly be worse now. But it's almost never the case. Don't believe me? Play around with this: http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/data/popularity.php Reagan, Nixon, Ford, Johnson, Obama... doesn't matter, everyone fluxuates between 40 and 70 % approval pretty much. People were just as disgruntled back before you were born as they are now. In fact, I vaguely remember a president or two getting shot by disgruntled people...
  14. I think if I were gonna LSx swap it I'd just scrap the whole idea and get a C5. They'd weigh about the same at the end of the day.
  15. I really don't see what you did there... I understand the frustration with politicians, but I also believe that the democratic system we have here is the best of a bunch of crummy options. If you look at how we're doing in the world, we're still the best country there is, and I attribute that in large part to our long history of peaceful changes of power.
  16. Wow. That... really sucks. That's pretty much like 6 nails in the coffin of my idea.
  17. Sucks. I was hopeful because so much stuff seemed parts-bin on my Mazda5. Why do they do that?
  18. I imagine it'd be expensive at this point. In 5 years when wrecked mustangs start filling up junkyards it will get better, especially since people probably won't be clamoring for V6s. The whole pioneer thing, I'm with you on that. I didn't realize there was a kit coming out for the LS1, and it looks like they've got a pretty good solution for the electronics too. I'd rather have the lighter 3.7L, I think, but it'd be hard to argue with a working product. For my goals, if it stays around 3000 lbs, I think 300hp would be more than enough for what I'd do with it. It's plenty for a DD and enough to do some murdering on a road course.
  19. You know, I was with you up until here. As soon as you say "As much as I don't condone the shooting of innocents..." that should be a red flag that what you're about to say next is going to be crazy. If you want to send a wake up call to politicians that they aren't untouchable, do it through the ballot box, not by getting behind the bullets of an insane person. If you want politicians to suffer consequences of decisions you don't agree with, then encourage others to vote them out of office. That's the American way. Feeling optimistic, opportunistic, or any other positive adjective about an assassination is just wrong. That's not how we do things in this country.
  20. Well, the 3.7L V6 is pretty sweet -- all aluminum, composite intake, 7000 rpm redline. It's a nice little compact and reliable way to get 305 hp. If the electronics line up that's a huge bonus over an LSx. I envision this as a dual-use DD + road course car, so I 300hp would be "enough." If the electronics don't line up then you're right, it probably wouldn't be worth it.
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