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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. If the math worked out, yes. Unfortunately, it's complicated math with all the rebates and tax credits, made even more complicated by the fact that we have no idea what kind of performance/range it's actually going to get. When it comes out for real, I'll run the numbers, and if the numbers look good, I'll test drive one.
  2. According to Jalopnik today, "70mph" might actually be "30mph". http://jalopnik.com/5662923/poll-what-the-hybrid-is-the-chevy-volt Can't wait to get the full story.
  3. Why do you say that? Because it would be too expensive or because Americans are too fat?
  4. All of this remains to be seen. The car has had very limited press access and so far results have been... mixed. However you want to spin this little snafu is fine, but I, for one, am not going to take any of these claims as anything other than marketing BS until some independent testers get to give the car a proper thrashing.
  5. Aside from the fact that he's wrong, he's got a point -- sharing a chassis between a sports car and a utility vehicle is how you end up with 12 ton curb weights. GM would have been better off stretching the Solstice platform, IMO. Lord knows enough companies have shoehorned LSx motors in those to prove the concept.
  6. Ah yes, all my friends on TwinCitiesTaxiDrivers.com were up in arms. You seriously trying to tell me the plight of taxi drivers in Minneapolis should be of national concern because of the Mississippi River? Doesn't this just scream of recreational outrage? ETA: This story is 3 and a half years old. Guess the outrage takes a while to brew. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,259761,00.html
  7. Fox News is outraged about some minor occurrence in some random city that nobody really cares about? Consider me shocked.
  8. So far I've been unimpressed by the benefits of rooting (aside from tethering, which is f-in gold). What's CM6 give you?
  9. Exactly. It still may end up being everything they claimed, but this new revelation raises a lot of questions. On the one hand, it makes sense not to connect the engine to the wheels -- you save on parts, price, complexity, and you can set up the engine so that it only ever has to run in a narrow band of maximum efficiency. On the other hand, electric motors do lose efficiency at a certain point, and it makes sense to have an assist at high speeds. But doing both is baffling. If you've added the expense of connecting the engine to the wheels, then you may as well have the engine provide some of the power whenever it's running -- bypass all the losses of converting mechanical energy to electricity and back again. And for all we know that's exactly what they're doing and they're just not telling us. Because that would just make it like a plug-in Prius, and they can't sell that to the American public at this point.
  10. No, the problem is that they DID spell everything out. Extensively and obnoxiously. "NOT A PLUG IN HYBRID" "AN ENTIRELY NEW KIND OF CAR" "230MPG" "40 MILE ELECTRIC RANGE". We're not talking magazine guesswork, this all came from GM press, GM engineers, GM marketers, GM executives... they've been cramming their taglines down our throats since the word "BANKRUPTCY" was written on the wall at RenCen. Now it's starting to hit the press and suddenly everything's starting to sound all greasy. "Err, it actually is a plug in hybrid" "It's not really a new kind of car, just a very advanced hybrid" "Worse mileage than a Prius" "Err, 40 electric miles maybe, maybe 25, who knows!" Frankly their insistence that this wasn't a plug in-hybrid and their current reversal on that ruins their credibility. I'll believe nothing about this car until it comes out. Which sucks because I was amped up about this and was considering getting one if it lived up to the hype.
  11. I would rock the hell out of the Leaf. It looks like a pretty sweet little car, and I love being an early adopter. I'd even pay what they're asking for it. Unfortunately, our "2nd car" needs to be able to get to Youngstown for my reserve weekends, which would push the Leaf down to "3rd car" status, and I already have 3 cars, so it'd end up being a 4th car, and I just can't make any sense of having 4 cars.
  12. On the one hand, people said the same thing about fuel injection. On the other hand, I totally agree with you. If your power windows, power locks, power steering, 14 speaker surround system, automatic climate control, traction control and whatever other gizmads stop working, you can still use the car as basic transportation. But if the power button on your Prius stops turning the car on, you've pretty much got no choice but to throw money at it or send it to the scrapper. We're gonna hit a point of no return where we either start treating cars like airplanes, or we stop pushing technology.
  13. I don't see self-driving cars in the next 20 years, but we're going to head in the direction not for safety, but for fuel consumption. If you can plug your destination into your car and then have your car coordinate with all the other cars around you to get to that destination without having to stop or slow down at all, that's going to lead to an impressive reduction in our national fuel consumption. Just imagine if all your red blood cells were driven by typical American drivers -- we'd all be fucked.
  14. Does it matter? She's already been suspended AND grounded for starting the fight. That part is done. However, the other party or parties have no excuse for sending racist shit. They should be punished for that, period the end. I don't care who started what or why.
  15. But surely kids are allowed to walk home from school, no? I mean, your company might jail people in the workplace during work hours, but it was the end of the school day and she was released to get home by whatever means she wanted. I don't think there's a regulation saying kids can't leave school grounds on foot. Or maybe there is in Hilliard, I dunno. Still, sounds like he said "get out" as in "get out of my office." She still made the decision that she needed to get home to babysit and decided that walking was the best way to do it. She could have called a cab, she could have taken COTA, she could have waited for someone to call back. Unless they escorted her off school property, how she got home was her own decision. And what do you mean "You are not getting on that bus." I thought the bus had already left?
  16. How did the principal "make" her walk home? Did security escort her off school property? When I was in high school (hell, even elementary school) I was allowed to walk home whenever I wanted -- it wasn't the school's responsibility to make sure a parent/guardian picked me up or I took the bus. If I wanted to walk home I just left. I regularly walked home from school, and my high school was 2-3 miles on roads that sometimes didn't have sidewalks. So did he say, "Go now, you cannot stay here anymore." And she said, "But it's dangerous out there!" and he cackled and sent her packing? Or did he say, "you're free to go now" and she said, "but I don't have a ride!" and he said "Guess it's gonna be a long walk then." Because I see nothing wrong with that. If she didn't feel safe walking home couldn't she have sat around in the lobby and waited? Personally I don't see the whole walking home thing as an issue. I'm not sure I see the "ignored threats" as an issue either -- how many hours did she give the school to address it before she went and got in a fight over it? If she really felt threatened, I feel that she should have either called the cops, or sat around in the administration offices demanding to be protected. The way it played out it sounds like she was mad and went off looking for a fight. Which is understandable, but I'm not gonna fault the school for failing to protect her if she didn't do everything she could to protect herself. The length of the punishment does seem egregious, so I'll give you points there, and I'm glad that you're not playing her out to be the victim. If the school hasn't seen the text messages yet then they need to, and hopefully they will result in more punishments being doled out in the other direction. I think you're right not to go to the school board right away. See what the guy has to say and let everything sink in and see if you're still upset after the weekend.
  17. I actually need to update my location -- I moved back to Columbus 6 months ago. I was in DC 4.5 yrs stationed at the pentagon, living on Bolling AFB. I decided to do the whole house-in-the-suburbs thing and I couldn't swing North Arlington.
  18. So are these boner-inducing M3s just built for HPDEs? Is there any other purpose?
  19. I don't think I'm saying anything that hasn't been said, but the 370Z is a nice-ass car. However, It's a two-seater and the trunk space is... well, there's no trunk space. I wouldn't get one as my only car. WRX hatch FTW.
  20. I put my support behind Kia/Hyundai, but it might not have enough amenities for you. My Sedona is as stripped down as they come and that's how most of them were sold. They're dirt cheap on the used market. Mine was 2 years old with 26k miles and I got it for 11.5
  21. I don't feel good about this. Someone should tell that kid that his touchdowns were both shams.
  22. LS1 Miata. $20k is a lot of loot, it can get you something pretty cool.
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