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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. I also built some raised garden beds, my wife's garden was sacrificed when the new garage went in last fall so I owed her something nice. No idea how I'm going to fill these with dirt and plants with everything being locked down now.
  2. My bad, when you went on your rant about leftist policies that you hate I didn't realize that you were trying to remain non-partisan. I'll work harder on not misinterpreting you in the future.
  3. Yes, I'm sure all the red states are going to nail this one because they were focused on pandemic response.
  4. Another way to look at it by comparing death rates: If NY were only testing at Ohio levels then the country's overall 53,358 cases would only be 42,493. They've identify just under 11,000 people that wouldn't have been identify if they weren't testing so aggressively. That's certainly a lot of tests. But again, not SK.
  5. (I'm not an epidemiologist of course, and even the real epidemiologists don't have solid answers, so take the below analysis for the price paid). Just looking at NY's death rate (0.8%) versus Ohio's (1.4%), while NY has done much better at testing than the rest of the country I don't think it accounts for, say, an order of magnitude's worth of difference. Applying their death rate to Ohio, our current 564 cases would actually be something like 982. E.g., we've turned away 418 people whose symptoms weren't severe enough to warrant one of our limited tests. Which is terrifying, and it means NY is testing about twice as many patients, but it's not like South Korea levels of testing.
  6. Back to the numbers, mostly thanks to NY's massive testing effort we're going to crest 50k known cases in the US today. Currently Ohio is showing around 450 known cases. How many days ago were there only 450 known cases in the US? 17. If Ohio follows the same curve as the country as a whole we'll be expected to have 50k cases here by April 10th. It remains to be seen if we'll have enough test kits to even know about them. We almost certainly won't have enough ventilators. Let's cross our fingers that DeWine's rapid action has actually had an effect on that growth rate.
  7. Oh come on, that was obviously a typo. He was clearly talking about the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe after WWII. Common mistake, no need to rub it in.
  8. We'll see what they end up approving but my wife and I will almost certainly not be getting checks. I don't know what all of you make of course but given all the dick swinging on CR I'm forced to assume that you're all loaded and have too much income to be getting checks either :-P . Ymmv.
  9. It's, of course, the same people who focus tested "Trump Derangement Syndrome." Textbook projection, I'm sure the irony is lost on all of them. "White woman bad." hur hur.
  10. That sneaky bitch. It's 's good thing the good guys in the senate caught her and kicked her out so they can get back to work.
  11. I was going to say it was poetic that Nostradamus was Italian, but I looked it up and he's French. Oh well. I give up.
  12. I mean, look at this post from just over 3 weeks ago. Just over 2 months before we all forget about this, right fellas? I hope some of you reflect on this. Maybe Panduh is willing to come in here and say, "Wow, I sure read this one wrong. Maybe I need to be a better consumer of media." Maybe people will take personal responsibility for their ignorance. I dunno.
  13. OK, but... who cares? Hysteria might be why we have no toilet paper. Hysteria is NOT why we don't have enough ventilators. Hysteria is NOT why we we're weeks behind on producing enough test kits. Hysteria is NOT why businesses have been shut down in order to slow the spread. Hysteria is NOT why other country's hospitals are overwhelmed. Hysteria is NOT why global production has been halted, which cratered the markets and is on the verge of pushing us into a recession. I get that we're looking at it from different perspectives, but I don't understand why some people are so focused on the media's role in hysteria. I mean, just look back 3 weeks into this thread when people were saying this wasn't an issue, just that the media was making it one. Guess what -- those people were wrong. It wasn't just a made up illness. So let's get past this whining about the media. It's not important anymore. The media is not the problem. The virus is the problem, and bad leadership is making that problem worse, and we can talk about that without bringing up the media ever again. Trust me.
  14. This is frustrating. Let's set aside the public speaking thing for a second. Lots of information has been posted in this thread about what exactly Trump has done wrong in terms of the US's pandemic response capabilities. I won't repeat it, maybe you read the links and dismissed them because you don't believe "the media" or whatever, but I'm going to be blunt -- a lot of you are bad skeptics. I get it, there's a lot of information out there and it can be hard to figure out what's real and what's BS. It's hard but it's not impossible. And all citizens have a civic duty to figure out how to do it. Dismissing everything you don't want to hear as "fake news" or "liberal bias" is not how you do it. This isn't the liberal media's fault for being biased, this isn't the clickbait industry's fault for being sensationalist, this isn't the 24 hour news cycle's fault for creating filler to sell ads. This is YOUR FAULT for not putting in the effort to discern truth from scams. Make a fucking effort, realize what's going on in this country, and quit blaming boogeymen like "the media" for your inability to do research and look at information with a proper skeptic's eye. Let's get back to Trump's public speaking now. Trump repeatedly put himself out there on Twitter and in front of cameras back in February and said that this virus wasn't an issue -- it was barely in this country, it was going away, everything was going to be fine. He was demonstrably wrong. I hope we can at least all agree on that basic fact now -- Trump was wrong. Wrong wrong wrongy wrong wrong. And it's not that he was just repeating what his experts were saying -- no experts were agreeing with him, and if you guys could filter media properly you'd know that. Do you guys honestly think Trump was out there saying Coronavirus was no big deal but secretly working with experts to prepare the US for an expert response? Of course not -- he was doing nothing behind the scenes because he doesn't listen to experts. The bare minimum I want in a politician, absent any leadership or dealmaking skills, is someone who makes evidence-based decisions. I don't want a doctor treating me based on their gut feelings, I want treatment based on the available science, and I want politicians making decisions the same way. It's a fairly low bar, I think. So electing someone who so clearly didn't trust science, or facts, or anything connected to reality was bound to have consequences at some point. Well the consequences have come home to roost. Do you honestly think the problem here is that Trump needs to go back to finishing school? That he's saying the right things but not eloquently enough? Christ on a pogo stick. He's saying THE WRONG THINGS, or at least he did for months. You cannot argue with this. He was saying the wrong things at a time when other people, scientists, other world leaders, reporters, the liberal media, random blokes on message boards, those people were saying the right things based on the available evidence. Trump was saying the wrong things, and the US response to coronavirus is now demonstrably worse than other countries. If you don't think those two things are related you're not living in reality, and you're giving Trump a pass for some fool reason. I'm not saying the US would have nailed the coronavirus response under Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz or whatever our options were 4 years ago, but that's a separate issue from the political one. For the love of god, stop carrying water for this imbecile.
  15. It's not just China, there are several countries that are seeing a decrease in the number of new cases -- meaning they've stopped the exponential spread. South Korea is one of them. That's it in a nutshell -- testing. We're all on lockdown right now because we don't know who's infected. Every one of us is a potential carrier, so we've had to grind our economy to a halt in order to stop it. Other countries are light years ahead of us in terms of testing infrastructure and so they're able to allow non-infected people back to work and only quarantine the sick. We'll get there eventually, but we're like 2 months behind South Korea in terms of being able to ramp up enough test kits. There are, of course, reasons why we're behind the curve on test kits, but those reasons have been covered in previous posts in this thread.
  16. Hopefully everyone bought BIG during the discount last week!
  17. Clay, you canceling cars and coffee? I just canceled Beaters and Bourbon, doesn't feel right even though it's a small group.
  18. Yeah, but that's, like, only if you believe the top public health expert in the state, and who believes anyone in a position of authority with access to the most information and a lifetime of expertise anymore? Gotta go with your gut. /s
  19. I'm leaving tomorrow for New Orleans. Not sure if that's the right call but I read through the CDC travel guidelines and we "passed" all of their suggestions, so.... we'll see if anything is even open.
  20. It's been 3 days since I posted this and NYT is reporting 1400+ confirmed cases. Just look at that map, this thing is everywhere already. It's been spreading for weeks without anyone knowing.
  21. My guess is the whole race is going to be cancelled at this point. A 2nd team is going to test positive and follow McLaren's lead, and then Ross Brawn is going to have no choice.
  22. OK well all the evidence I've seen suggests that Italy is on a full lockdown because human beings are actually sick from a virus and the sheer number of them requiring medical intervention is overwhelming their healthcare infrastructure. Similar things have happened in China and S. Korea. You're clearly operating under a different pile of evidence, contradictory evidence that says that these human beings aren't actually sick and/or don't actually require medical intervention, but have been hospitalized anyway because the media has induced a panic. I've not seen that evidence, and only one of us can be right. Have you considered the possibility that it's not you, or is anything I say going to make you double down on "it's the media's fault?" I don't know what else you want me to say. This isn't the end times, but it's also not a problem that's going to go away on it's own. It's an actual, real, major issue that will require intervention for months ahead, even if the media were to suddenly stop reporting on it altogether.
  23. They built two hospitals in 10 days just to deal with coronavirus patients. Impressive is an understatement. But you're right, still a 3rd world country. Couldn't happen here. Never ever.
  24. In places that have been hit hard by this, the local health care infrastructure has been completely overwhelmed by the influx of patients requiring hospitalization. China has built brand new hospitals just to deal with this. Now ask yourself, if this is "just another strain of the flu," then why can't the current health care infrastructure deal with a heavily infected area? Can the current health care infrastructure not handle seasonal flu cases? Pretty sure that's not the case, so maybe your assumption is wrong, and this isn't just another flu that we don't need to be worried about. The death rate is high, much higher than the flu. Hospitalization rates are higher as well. It ends up that a pandemic doesn't need to have a 20% death rate in order to cripple our infrastructure. 2% appears to be plenty. This is why governments have been taking drastic action.
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