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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. I've had center bores enlarged, cost me about 150. Can't remember who did it, maybe wheel medic.
  2. Saw that, thought about it for a second, but was like, "What am I gonna do with a Volvo?" Then saw that you'd claimed it like an hour later. It never occurred to me to cut off the muffler and put racecar numbers on it
  3. Whining about people whining, so hot right now.
  4. What blows my mind is that families who have seen, first hand, the effects of concussions from football, still allow their kids to play. I know a couple such families. Cheerleading too. So many injuries and people keep sending their kids into that meat grinder.
  5. I want to enter this COTA sweepstakes but I don't want to waste anyone's time test driving an Alfa I have no intention of buying.
  6. What's the price difference? I'm having a new garage built right now, wood construction, it never occurred to me to go with metal (not sure I could where I live) but I feel like what I'm getting is fairly affordable.
  7. Nice! I was trying to get my friend to buy one of those instead of a mid-size SUV but he wanted "ground clearance" or something dumb.
  8. My company is full of specialists and generalists both. Imagine that!
  9. https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/detail/777340624/overview/
  10. The personality of the Durango is heated up and forced through a shaped opening.
  11. After a pretty miserable spring with this thing I finally got a decent day at the track and did a PB 1:46.8. There's some time left in it, there's a few issues that cropped up that I'll need to deal with before I can really push it. Still, this is leaps better than my previous PB (1:49.9) so I can't complain. One of the issues is that I'm not currently running a booster check valve, it was integrated into the manifold on the Miata and I didn't think it was strictly necessary. Ends up having a pedal fluctuate with engine vacuum is a challenge, at the end of this video I was left foot braking into thunder valley and when I started to feed in the gas the pedal pushed back against my foot, I instinctively resisted the pressure and it snapped around on me. I stopped left foot braking after this but any braking zone with a down shift was still an interesting affair. I've got one of those on order, and I also need a new alignment now because something slipped the following session and I sort of backed off of the rest of the day as the steering wheel was never quite pointing the right way down the straights.
  12. Cut these stripes for my friend's girlfriend's mini. Clay, I haven't forgotten about cletus, just been busy.
  13. #5 How much does the 928 weigh? Seems like if you're after performance, there are GM V8 powered cars that are just as pleasant to drive as an old Porsche without the headache.
  14. Well yeah, how are you getting into the mountains? You're cramming into something the same size as a compact car and throwing all your gear in the bed. Dogs will be sitting on kids laps, gear is exposed.... Minivan is the ultimate lifestyle vehicle.
  15. Camping with 2 kids and 2 dogs in a Colorado? Count me out. They're really small on the inside. It's minivan time.
  16. Why do you need something bigger than a Focus? That is, what hobbies is this thing supporting?
  17. I'm a libertarian for the thousandth time. Fine, Bob Mueller and Marco Rubio are lying about Russian's hacking voting systems in Florida because greg from CR wasn't privy to their boundary logs. I'm sure Trump has thoroughly examined the logs as well because nobody knows network security better than him, and that's why he's dismissed the evidence. You got 'em! Call your representative, tell them to start impeachment then.
  18. I already linked to an article on this, do you not believe republicans Bob Mueller and Marco Rubio on this one? I think they can do both. Why are you always trying to change the subject? Are you not concerned about this topic, comrade? "I am concerned about ongoing efforts by Russians to interfere with our elections and hack our voting systems, I am dismayed by Trump's dismissal of such concerns, and I applaud those who continue to investigate these matters." ^^^ apparently this is an extreme liberal position now. Gah.
  19. Guess what they're doing. They did that too. Your facts are wrong again, it was an investigation into Russian interference. First paragraph of the order authorizing the special counsel. It should bother everyone that Trump tried to shut it down "through either ignorance or on purpose." Either is a nightmare scenario. Get over continued attacks on our democratic process? Smart move, comrade. Why are you so dismissive of this?
  20. Yes. And Trump doesn't seem interested in dealing with it. Russians are hacking our election systems and Trump tried to shut down the investigation that was looking into it. He's looked Putin in the eye and believes him. You forgot the part where the dossier started off being paid for by Republicans. But your facts are wrong, the Russian investigation didn't start with the dossier. Despite Republicans constantly repeating this lie it's just not true. Obama fucked up, bigly. He thought Clinton would win anyway and he didn't want to taint her victory with accusations against the Trump campaign. Why is Trump continuing not to deal with it, though? If Obama fucked up in the last year of his presidency, Trump has continued that fuck up for over 2 years now. RUSSIANS ARE HACKING OUR VOTING MACHINES. Pogo stick, I tells yeah. See the forest for the trees, man. This isn't just petty political bullshit, Mueller did actual counter-intelligence work.
  21. I mean, Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, shit like this is still coming out: Russian Hackers Were ‘In a Position’ to Alter Florida Voter Rolls, Rubio Confirms I hope we still have the energy to talk about Mueller's findings.
  22. I mean, you're not wrong but it's depressing as fuck. We should be better than that as a country. I take it since you came in here saying "People are still talking about this?" that you'd put yourself in the depressing pool of voters who is too exhausted with politics to examine a serious issue for more than a few weeks? I think you're better than that.
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