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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. To further my point, if you think that at some point America was doing great things, building great things, fighting great wars, what should blow your mind isn't that those generations were amazingly motivated, but that they managed to do all of that stuff while being as lazy as all of the fuckers you see around you.
  2. Right, in the OP you talked about anecdotes. I'm not saying your anecdotes are wrong -- certainly you see what you see, and certainly there are lots of lazy fuckers in the world. Anyone who's ever had a job knows lots and lots of lazy fuckers. I think your mistake is simply thinking that things are worse now than when you were younger (this is where confirmation bias is, and that's not a dig at you personally, confirmation bias plagues every aspect of the human condition) and thinking that the data would naturally back you up (this is where anecdote != data comes into play. You might be around a particularly lazy sample set, which is why you need to step back and look at the numbers). That's all. I don't think I even count as a millenial, I'm 36, people have stopped complaining about people my age.
  3. More people are working now, and working longer hours, than ever before. Dwell on that for a moment. I think there's 2 factors at play here. One, people have always been lazy. People have also always complained about "kids these days." All I heard as a kid was how lazy the Gen-Xers were, all they heard as kids was how lazy the hippie boomers were. Two, confirmation bias. When you see a hard-working millenial, you think, "Well good, but she's the exception that proves the rule." When you see a lazy millenial, you think, "There's that rule again." Both cases reinforce your pre-conceived notion. Take a step back, look at the data, have a beer.
  4. They're all reading lines in there, but at least he's a decent actor. With Clarkson et al, the bad acting was part of the charm, but these new hosts have no such good will.
  5. Gotta agree with a lot of the sentiments here. 1) Anyone else think Chris Evans was tweaking or something? 2) Chris Harris, Matt LeBlanc, Sabine Schmitz, there's your lineup, ditch the rest 3) Bring back the Liana, this "reasonably priced car" is getting out of hand 4) It felt more like American Top Gear than good Top Gear 5) Extra Gear should just be part of the show
  6. When I told people I was voting against the monopoly amendment, some of them were pleading with me to reconsider because of the very important Medical issue, that I was preventing sick people from getting their Medicine, and that a medical marijuana bill would never, ever, go anywhere, that the monopoly amendment was the only way, and I shouldn't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Fuck those people.
  7. Thanks for letting me know, I bought tickets. Of course I bought tickets. eta: I'm going to rev my Miata so goddamn loud in that parking lot, it's going to be so cool. Sad I no longer have the Honda.
  8. That looks cool as hell, I'm guessing the noise is just a selling point. "Listen to that classic Italian gear whine. Bellisimo. Make your check out to..."
  9. Who are you doing VIR with? I'm thinking about making it down there Oct/Nov timeframe, TrackDaze is there the first week of Nov but it's two weekdays. I'll be at Mid-Ohio with AutoInterests on June 27th, and they just added a Tuesday event on July 19th that I might bring the van out to.
  10. The conversion was probably done a long time ago, believe it or not at one point in time NAs were cheap and Z3s were desirable. I also wouldn't be surprised if it was wrecked at some point. Looks like shit though, 4 grand is ridiculous.
  11. Something like 200tw preferable, no hoosiers.
  12. Batteries are suppositories, there's your problem.
  13. The jury came back and they said this is utter bullshit. I don't even know what this thing is supposed to do. Pure water is completely neutral, the only way you can make it alkaline is to dump something alkaline in it. So pop a couple of Alka-Seltzer tablets and tell these snake oil salesmen to get bent.
  14. I'd pass, those EM Civics had very little going for them when they were new and the deal doesn't seem that good. Ask yourself what you'd do if you paid $1500 for it and the engine blew the next day. Seems like it's too nice (expensive) to just cut your losses and have it towed to a yard, and not expensive enough to justify putting the money into it. But that's me.
  15. JEGS has a few, I went and sat in a Kirkey drag seat before I plunked down for the road race seats I eventually bought. Not ideal but it was close.
  16. He's a hipster, that's why he's driving an old-ass car with a manual transmission.
  17. Who the fuck puts on the toothpaste before they wet the brush?
  18. It's possible, but I don't consider it likely. If the FBI wanted to set a precedent, they couldn't have picked a better case -- terrorism, and domestic Islamic terrorism at that, a relatively direct request and a straightforward technological solution. Since newer phones have different security, it's unlikely that they'll get a case like this again. Win or lose, this might be their best shot. But a much simpler answer is that this isn't about setting a precedent or saving face. I think they just wanted to get access to this phone, and now they have. Occam's razor and all that.
  19. Which is pretty bonkers. It has to be done on the phone itself (at least via that phone's processor). It's a pretty simple method and could only really work with a 4 digit pin. Still, kudos to them. Now how long until they admit there was nothing on there of interest?
  20. See details here: http://www.adkfirestone.com/ It's the complete kit, $125 value. There's a backstory here involving my in-laws and a marital dispute. Let's just say I need it gone in a discrete manner. PM me, bring me a 6-pack of something decent and it's yours.
  21. April 25th (Monday), 8 hour endurance race. http://www.chumpcar.com/register/supplementalrules/280.pdf Fair warning, ChumpCar isn't "fun" like LeMons, although there will undoubtedly be some crossover there's very little goofy shit, mostly just budget racecars.
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