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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Goddamn this is driving me nuts.
  2. Oh come on, if you pause the video at 0:37 and look at the amount of wheelspin that GT-R had, you can clearly who gives a shit what idiots on vw vortex's facebook page say.
  3. It looks like a kei car, I'm guessing standard 70hp 600cc engine for Japan, if it comes to the US it'll be a 1000cc, 110hp at the absolute top end of possible. Then everyone will complain that it's too slow and expensive and will sell in CR-Z numbers, which is to say, complete shit.
  4. You should stop hanging out at vw vortex.
  5. If you ban him it just means you're afraid of what he has to say. /conspiracy
  6. Maybe I'm old, but I don't understand what was supposed to be funny about that.
  7. The tide of public opinion has changed, I'd guess within a decade it'll be legal here. And until it is, is it really that hard to find weed? It's a deal with the devil. The Constitutional Fucking Amendment grants exclusive grower rights to 10 companies, specifically identified by state tax ID number. That's not the sort of shit that belongs in a state constitution, it's suppose to be a framework that sets up a fair system of government in which everyone has equal opportunity. Yes, money owns politics, let's fix that rather than enshrining it in the foundation of our state's government. Great, why didn't the moneyed interests start with a law, then? It's because they knew they couldn't get a law passed to grant them a monopoly, even crooked-ass politicians wouldn't go for that. So they're bypassing the legislature, hijacking the constitutional referendum process, and trying to hoodwink the public. Don't fall for it. It was a bullshit move when the casinos did it, and it's a bullshit move now.
  8. Yeah, and that was a load of fucking horseshit too. The fact that issue 2 is even a thing that we need to vote for pisses me off.
  9. Eh, I know nothing about this but if environmental groups have been standing in the way, then part of that $7B must have been paying lawyers to fight the lawsuits, lobbyists to fight the politics, and general overhead to comply with environmental regulations that these groups were able to encourage/pass/enforce. Obviously costs + overhead must be less than revenue in order for a project to continue, and if revenue drops or is projected to drop then that's a big deal, but increasing overhead via lawsuits or whatnot could certainly be a factor.
  10. OK, but here's your fair warning about RAID (in this case, mirroring): RAID is not a backup system. RAID is a cheap way to get redundant drives to eliminate downtime. I.E., you run a small graphic design studio, and if you have a hard drive failure you don't want your $150/hr designers sitting idle while you restore from tape or offsite storage. RAID does not protect against a power surge that blows both drives in your NAS. RAID does not protect against corrupt data getting written to both drives by a bad drive controller. RAID does not protect against a fire in your closet where your NAS is stored, or a pipe breaking right above it. Just remember, RAID = uptime, RAID != backup. eta: I run a small NAS (2 mirrored drives) in my basement for storing movies. I keep my family photos on there but I also keep them on another external drive in another room. I backup the photos from the NAS to the external drive every few months. About a year ago my kids were playing around on the computer when I'd left the NAS drive open in windows explorer and they somehow managed to select all files and delete them. Guess what mirrored RAID doesn't protect against? So glad I had that backup drive. (I did recover the deleted files but it's a giant pain, you lose the whole directory structure so I would have gone through thousands of photos and put them back into a sensible structure.)
  11. Just get an external hard drive? eta: Reasons to run a NAS: 1) You want to access your files from multiple devices without needing your main computer/laptop running 2) You need constant access to your files and can't suffer the downtime of a bum drive, and you're willing to run a RAID setup with mirroring 3) You want to access your files from outside your home network but don't want to bring an external drive with you If all your stuff will fit on a single external hard drive, just throw it on there and be done with it. If you need offsite storage or more piece of mind than a single drive can give you, use an online backup system or just buy a 2nd drive and keep it at a friends's house.
  12. Seems this is right. edit: From here, quoting the EPAs notice of violation. Apparently they were looking for exactly this sort of thing, and were working with WVU. Cool stuff.
  13. Someone who's actually read up on this, how did VW program the computer to realize it was in EPA emissions test mode?
  14. Yeah, I'm sure it's possible, especially if you're the sort of guy who latches onto one make and model and knows everything there is to know about it. If I had more free time I'm sure I could flip Civics all day long, but I don't think that's necessarily good advice for the general public. Plus everyone will tell you about the one time they bought a car at a great deal and sold it later for a profit, and won't tell you about the car before that that lunched its transmission and had to be written off. Confirmation bias at work. I'd plan on the average used car losing about 20% of its value every year, and if you can beat that then just consider it a bonus.
  15. Yeah, that's one of the numbers that made me raise an eyebrow. The short answer is yes, that's a good ballpark number for average annual return, average being the operative word. You can look at the S&P 500 numbers each year, you can easily pick several 5 year periods where you'd either lose money or barely keep up with inflation. 2009-2013 was pretty good, but if you were saving for a car between 2004 and 2008 you'd have been better off rolling up your money and shoving it up your dick. The video also says that you can buy a $6250 car, drive it for a year, and sell it for "basically what you paid for it." It also makes the questionable claim that you can keep driving a $1500 car for a few years, when everyone who's actually driven a $1500 car knows that you're going to have to spend some money to keep that bitch running. Being able to afford a newer car that doesn't nickle and dime you is one of the benefits of having money in the first place. And lastly, as PDQ points out, interest rates vary wildly and credit is dirt cheap for those with good scores right now, so it can often be wiser to take out a low interest loan and let your mutual funds keep earning interest. All that said, there are tons of people who waste gobs of money on cars because they lack self control, and those same people probably can't get 2% interest loans on $45k cars. I'm not a big fan of fooling people with fudged numbers, but if that's what it takes to get idiots to wake up and learn some restraint, then I can't argue with that. /greg, whose 3 cars are probably worth less than $12k combined right now and prefers it that way.
  16. This is a big problem for the military dealing with its suicide problem. They try real hard to tell us that if we seek help for mental problems it won't necessarily affect our clearances, our assignments, or our continued ability to serve, but the problem is obviously that sometimes it will. Telling someone who's mentally unhinged that if they seek help they might not be able to practice their [gun] hobby anymore would certainly be a hindrance. Telling them that we're going to lock them up indefinitely if some labcoat diagnoses them with severe depression and anxiety disorder seems like it would only make that problem worse. And even then we're only talking about the people who are A) so goddamn crazy that they're forced to see a psychologist or B) sane enough in the first place to acknowledge that they need help.
  17. I know they say it wouldn't have helped in the Jules Bianchi crash, but it seemed like closed cockpits can't come soon enough.
  18. Old sperm has been linked to an increased risk of autism.
  19. It's not really about OS A and OS B from the sound of it; even if he was booting into Win 7 and creating Win 7 VMs the same principle applies -- creating a sandbox for your users to dick around in without fucking up the core OS. But now I'm wondering, if each core OS user is launching a separate VM? If they all log in and then switch users, will there be 4 or 5 instances of the VM running? Or will they all use the guest account on the core OS and then log in with their own accounts on the VM? Could you just get a separate, low buck computer and a KVM? Tell your 4-5 users to hit computer B on the KVM and do whatever they want?
  20. But who are these users? If you're worried about grandpa accidentally installing some malware on your computer, creating a "Grandpa" user account with extremely limited privileges that immediately loads a full-screen VM on login sounds perfectly sufficient. If this is a public terminal and you're worried about Zero Cool teenagers intentionally installing malware and want to make sure that they can absolutely, under no circumstances, access the core OS, then this becomes needlessly difficult.
  21. Back when they were new and languishing unsold on dealer lots they seemed like a great deal, they weren't selling for much more than an equivalent WRX and you got a nicer car that looked a bit more respectable. Now, though, I'd be worried about parts availability. Any sort of minor collision or broken interior part is going to leave you combing car-part.com struggling to find a match.
  22. Can't you just create a startup script that launches the VM from the command line, and then run that startup script for a specific user that you create? Anytime that user logged in the VM would launch and they'd be in Windows 7 full screen. I don't know anything about Hyper-V but this seems somewhat trivial, which is why people are asking questions. Are you trying to lock this guest user out of the main OS, or are you just doing this for your own convenience? Will the guest user tolerate looking at the Win10 desktop for a few seconds while waiting for the VM to spin up?
  23. The droneslayer could have tracked down the guy, thrown a sack over his head and hit him with a half-full bottle of Jeremiah Weed, dragged him down to his basement, tied him to a dusty Chuck Norris Total Gym, sliced his scrotum open with the blade removed from a Lady Bic, and then sauteed his testicles on a hot plate with some organic onions, and then we could also say "I bet he won't be flying his drone over that guy's house anymore." So I'm not sure what your point is.
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