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Everything posted by BBQdDude

  1. BBQdDude


    Been looking at these for late spring. Thought i would throw it out there: http://www.cabinsofthesmokymountains.com
  2. BBQdDude


    When reading this thread that is what I was thinking too. That and TIC is right around the corner always liked going in there and shooting the shit.
  3. Once all that is done and small claims sides with you the losing party becomes a judgment debtor. The Court will not collect this judgment for you. Then the real fun begins.
  4. Wow, really? I feel soooo scared by those chalkings that i am going to hide in my safe place lol.
  5. Same name but until a few years ago they were located at 161 and cleveland ave.
  6. It works awesome. Only issue is when my neighborhood starts sucking the bandwidth lol. Forget genisus use exodus (SP?). The creator of G left that plan and created exodus. You can really tell the extra work he put in on E.
  7. That is his normal demeanor. That dude is one of the nicest people I have every met, period. I have been going to his place (the original one) for over 20 years.
  8. I picked this up. It is a small footprint. Uses KODI. Been loving it big time... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B010WJ6A20/ref=s9_simh_gw_g504_i1_r?ie=UTF8&fpl=fresh&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=desktop-1&pf_rd_r=1WKRBZX7HFPGZ3V85HG4&pf_rd_t=36701&pf_rd_p=2079475242&pf_rd_i=desktop
  9. BBQdDude

    Move To Cali?

    When I move out of state for jobs I look at my current salary and cost of living. Then do the same for the target city. From there I look at would I truly be getting a raise when taking into account the above.
  10. Eastside I use Mark @ 614.353.5237 Guy is awesome to deal with and charges a very nice rate.
  11. The dry sump, IMHO, is a necessity. Even if you do not get the package at least opt to get the pump.
  12. I know, we get companies doing that here. However the second i mention fill cracks they say it will have to wait another day. Do it now? I know it can not be done in this temperature. I am looking to have someone lined up and ready to go so I am not in the back log. I am selling my house in May so having it lined up will help keep stress away when it comes down to the final days pre sale. what gets me is I have talked to six companies. Stated the above to them. They all have said no worries you will get a call back in a day to review and have them come give an estimate. Not one call back has happened.
  13. 15 altima 6 cyl. here. CVT, not a huge fan. In low speed and rpm it seems sluggish. Around 4k rpm it has a little pep but once into higher speeds or hills it seems pretty darn sluggish. Only 18k on the car so I can not talk about higher mile issues.
  14. Very nice round of photos.
  15. No call back from anyone contacted on this thread . Damn, I just want to give you some money lol.
  16. Called and left voice mail.
  17. Setup for a quote call back.
  18. Rings, no answer or voice mail.
  19. Looking for a recommend. It also needs some cracks filled. Live in Reynoldsburg.
  20. Not all alignments are the same. Make sure they did a full alignment. Also ask for the spec sheet.
  21. Got all hooked up. Thank you for all who replied.
  22. Painting is now sourced. Reynoldsburg side of town. Still looking for a carpet repair person. I have a friend that steam cleans. This is beyond that. Also have tried multiple solutions on the stains to no avail. So need a dye job or straight replace the sections.
  23. As the title says I am looking for recommends for having: Two spots of carpet repaired. Steam cleaning did not get the stains out. Not burnt or ripped just heavily stained. On the painting looking to have kitchen/front room and two hallways painted. TIA
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