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Everything posted by BBQdDude

  1. <edit>Ahhh i reread and see you got an electric. Wood chips it is.</edit> Wood chips? Come on lol. I have used quite a few different styles of smokers so OP question really depends on what style you have. I currently own a smokey mountain by Weber. Love this one. Have owned BGE, horizontal smokers, electric and gas. Each has it's own merits and pitfalls. I use wood chunks. You can pick them up at Menards or Lowes. I use cherry, hickory, pecan and mesquite depending on what I am smoking, rub and sauce. Good appetizer to try... Take a jap cut in 1/2 lengthways. Add in some cream cheese that has some dry rub and some shredded cheese. You can also add smoked sausage crumbles or shrimp. Then wrap with a slice of thick bacon. Smoke that sucker for about 2 hours. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm . On starting the lump charcoal, buy a chimney starter. You can pick one up at Lowes cheap. Load it with charcoal. Depending on how long the smoker will be running add UNLIT charcoal to the smoker first, then dump the lit ones on top. This is called the Minion method and will make the burn last longer. Also when starting it I would run the intake baffles open full until 50 degrees under your target temp. Then cut the dampers down to 1/3 open. Always leave the output stack fully open as if not it will create a bitter taste on the meat. SMF FTW. Sounds like you found a great forum to start out on. Jeff rocks!.
  2. Sure that isn't J and E? Been there but I don't remember the L part.
  3. Not to thread shit but what park did you take the pics in?
  4. Fiiiiiill, Dig with me. I smoke the tires sooo badly that you gotta win lol :gabe:
  5. wow, I am amazed they would. Not to bash but admire their ethic...what shop?
  6. I was thinking just that. For me it is more so I can say I lapped at low speed be it.
  7. http://www.kentuckyspeedway.com/fans/news/kentucky-speedway-fans-can-drive-their-vehicle-our-track.html April 13th starts at 9am all day. 4 laps behind pace car. Speed: 70 I am going just so I can say I drove the track. Anyone want to caravan down?
  8. Just another day. You know though I would have to say a high % operate in this fashion.
  9. Got burned out of an apartment when I was 20. Renters insurance suuucked. For your damage they will have a company come in and "clean" any furniture and carpets. Pretty standard stuff.
  10. Happy BDay you young whipper snapper lol
  11. It still still alive OP, it just has morphed. Things change but the want to personalize and mod the car are still there. 2010 Camaro RWD here. Got a personal tune, CAI, LTH, thermostat.. Starting some suspension mods for the 1/2 mile. Also driving around with a lot of interior parts gone as they are in another state being hydro dipped. I read a lot of threads about swapping this part or that part performance wise. Yes the days of no computer shit are gone, things change.
  12. Buckeye Nissan FTW. They have 15 bottles of Z-CS Clear Seal in stock .
  13. Is there a local source for these products? Google says no.
  14. Reading reviews it was compared to a cell phone lol.
  15. I hear you there. This is one of my pet peeves also lol.
  16. As the seller you can get this pre-done anytime.
  17. Depending on weather I will show, with a dirty car lol.
  18. I never look at a car as an investment. In my mind thar is a losing proposition on day to day buys.
  19. BBQdDude


    Mental note...... Do not ride with RC for a few days lol. I have a nice recipe. Not sure what all it calls for but makes it more thick in consistency. Bean based.
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