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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/224815_10150171290862933_679437932_6880979_7194651_n.jpg http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/205597_10150159637547933_679437932_6764828_6663184_n.jpg http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/199024_10150147585937933_679437932_6672268_6170965_n.jpg http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/198576_10150141936057933_679437932_6660590_633384_n.jpg http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/164722_478628277932_679437932_5846752_2636212_n.jpg http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/67834_475170962932_679437932_5791191_5379447_n.jpg
  2. i'm hoping for something with sparkles
  3. lol...the tank top he had on last night was "flaming"...i kept thinking, wtf is he wearing!?
  4. i can't stand tosh.o since i've already seen all the stupid videos
  5. no, the "Louisiana purchase card" is their food stamp card
  6. my poor eyes and ears are bleeding from that crap. gotta love that they are rapping about having food stamps...that's fabulous....
  7. i'm so annoyed with the rain...i keep promising the kid that we are going to plant peas and carrots, but it's pretty much past the planting season for them fuck you rain....fuck you...you crush little girl's dreams...
  8. i didn't even see your car...oh well when is the next one? i may come out and watch again
  9. nice! now paint the roof black and it will be good, lol!
  10. not sure if this was answered, yet, but what's the mpg on it?
  11. lol! they are tough trucks! i "shop" for off road mods for them occasionally even though i won't get one any time soon ....unless i win the lottery, then it's on i love this kind of stuff: http://www.torasport.com/store/images/P/ARB%20tent%20on%20FJ%20cruiser.jpg that would be great for races at mid ohio!!
  12. i'm jealous....i want a blacked out FJ really bad i used to think they were ugly until i watched them in some rally/off road event. i also enjoy watching youtube videos of people pulling out hummers with them. good luck getting one!!! eta: this was the documentary that changed my mind:
  13. I had fun chasing the girls! It was nice to meet some of you!
  14. here's the winner http://www.610wtvn.com/pages/contests/hot/untitled.png
  15. i got an update from my husband.. he took the car there yesterday morning. youseff (or however you spell his name) apologized and said there had been a new guy working who sucked and stole stuff and he had already fired him. he even pointed out mistakes that we hadn't seen. there wasn't anything they could do about the back hatch tint, but they redid all of the other windows. the reason he can't do the back hatch properly is that he'd have to remove panels and stuff and things just don't fit back right and would rattle (especially in my car because it's a cheap versa) my husband says there are still bubbles and such. i haven't seen the car yet so i can't report on what i've seen. i'm sure it still smells like smoke since he said they were all smoking black and tans. he also made a good point about getting your car tinted here vs the old place he had his mazda done at (it's out of business or else i would've gone there) - it is very poorly lit in this shop. when he had his mazda's done, they had all sorts of lights everywhere and even lighted up the inside of the car to see properly. so how do these people see to get a good cut or to make sure they have the tint all the way to the corner?
  16. i downloaded it and plan to enjoy it tonight thanks!
  17. how do i download it? i have download helper app for firefox, can i use that?
  18. Omg...nice photoshopping...My husband is gonna see that and think I'm hiding that outfit from him...great.. The dark glasses must just be from the angle I was sitting and how the light was hitting me. They are just normal glasses.
  19. Shut up fiji. Maybe more phots come later....today is just the first day of voting
  20. um...yeah...no... http://youtu.be/JCiI2DDJBSo
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