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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. Mine, too, yay! Lol :lolguy:
  2. i think i'm out this week...i picked up a babysitting gig
  3. yay! hopefully that works out for you! he's super cute!
  4. i enjoy hardcore pawn, but that's about it there are tons more copy cat shows all the spin offs of deadliest catch, ice road truckers, etc
  5. oh man, that's terrible....i hope you find him a good home!!
  6. yes! where do you live? (as long as it's not too far away, of course!) is he good with kids? my kids would have to come with me.... oh wait...i just re-read the dates and i can't do that last weekend...i'll be at mid ohio
  7. one of my friends just posted this on facebook....wtf? http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/249722_228159117194354_100000008022060_982213_6095358_n.jpg
  8. really? it takes less then 30 mins. man guys are lazy! :lolguy:
  9. i haven't been following this thread too much...i just got netflix working on my droid x you have to google the file for netflix version 1.2.1.apk and you should find it...i love it!
  10. damn, if it's just dusty, i'd do some dusting for $50!
  11. what, no pics of my versa?? hahahaha (oh i can see it in the background!) great pics guys!
  12. indiana jones... holden caulfield... lassie... calvin (from calvin and hobbes)... morris the cat.... digger... http://warehouse.carlh.com/article_094/digger.gif
  13. fabulous...right as i am eating dinner....*shiver* i fucking hate bugs
  14. bahahaha i'm stealing that and giving it to my husband
  15. maybe someone lost him...he needs scanned for a microchip
  16. we had fun! my cell phone pics suck compared to the "pro" shots, so i'll spare ya from seeing them
  17. Sounds like it's going to be a big turnout!
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