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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. wow. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4064/4438411230_1154bcbf1a.jpg
  2. you don't have to stay in your car. they recommend that you put blankets out in front of your car if you are going to be outside. penises don't really bother the kids (well one is still a baby, so nothing really bothers her)...sophia is around little boys that are potty training/in diapers, etc, so she's used to it...lol my money is on the fact that she'll pass out asleep on the way...she's been skipping naps and then passing out at 7pm
  3. thanks for this post! i think we are going to see pirates tonight! (although i really want to see hangover 2, i don't think it's appropriate for the kids - unless they fall asleep on the way there!)
  4. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/254850_2074238337025_1276929597_2472695_6793661_n.jpg
  5. taking a car on ice looks like it's super fun...
  6. sweet....gonna have to get one for my kids!
  7. i'm out this week. going to something for my kids and then going to the know fear motorsports open house
  8. i've been wanting to go check out 555...thanks for reminding me since the weather is nice now
  9. http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/225985_2059078398036_1276929597_2451980_7318638_n.jpg
  10. http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/225468_203069709734472_100000943344693_518263_2302513_n.jpg http://becauseracecar.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/SLUMS-650x487.jpg http://becauseracecar.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/WHY-ON-FIRE-650x431.jpg
  11. i had a friend that just had this happen to her last week...eww!!!!
  12. yeah, i totally love volvos...i really want one!!
  13. i will always be the crazy girl with a baby strapped to her back, following around a 3.5 year old blonde girl....i have a hard time starting to talk to people for some reason, lol...so if you ever see me around, say hi!
  14. http://www.wimp.com/legohouse/
  15. i wasn't able to get a pic of you today, but i took these crappy cell phone pics of my two favorite cars
  16. 1230am yeah i heard that shit, too, and i was like, "is that the ghetto chopper??" lol
  17. i'm going to try and make it and then go spectate over at the autocross on ackerman are you bringing your daughter? my daughter keeps talking about putting flowers on her jeep, lol!
  18. I think I'm free Saturday ...barring a hangover or crabby kids, i'll show up Is it at ackerman again?
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