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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/249985_10150644611520341_593295340_19327535_2416209_n.jpg http://becauseracecar.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/bill_caswell_action_slide-copy-650x433.jpg
  2. awesome...i couldn't find the original link...sorry my friend just got hers in the mail last week....it's so awesome....
  3. i know this was posted earlier, but i did a quick search and couldn't find it... but now Samuel L. Jackson is reading the book....it's awesome! http://youtu.be/5yqVnCAiWHw
  4. lol. natural is actually way better on a girl's "woman bits" because you can actually feel how hard you are pushing. if you are medicated, you don't realize you are pushing too hard which then can result in hemorrhoids, larger tears, pulled muscles, popped blood vessels (even in your face)...all sorts of crazy stuff i felt fine right after doing it naturally...got up and walked around just fine....would totally do it again. it's just the worst pain in the world when you are going through it.
  5. aww sweet...i'm definitely in. this is really close to me.
  6. natural childbirth....that fucking sucked big time. 9lb baby...ugh...i kept screaming to get the fucking kid out of me. lol. but after it was done, i felt fine!! had epidural with my first kid and it wasn't too bad... i'd say my kidney infection i had years ago was way worse than medicated childbirth...i couldn't get dressed or crawl to the phone...i was doubled over in pain ...and migraines...makes me want to shoot myself
  7. i'm not a photographer at all, so take my opinions as an outsider i like the toned down photo better, maybe bring out the color in the flower, though? i like the ring photo the way it is...tells a story and i like the flower girl one, but maybe clean up the blemish on her cheek ? unless it's a birthmark
  8. just my opinion, but my eyes are too drawn to the supports of that building/bridge/whatever....
  9. a cr family bbq would be fun.
  10. http://youtu.be/uNQa5HCUYCQ http://youtu.be/3cjoHXezZMs http://youtu.be/FgVYSCoF17k
  11. that sucks since it's so close...but yeah, we only go to the one downtown...
  12. good day of racing on tv the end of LeMans F1 and now i'm watching the CONTINENTAL TIRE SPORTS CAR CHALLENGE replay on speed only f1 was on my tv...the rest i've been streaming of the internet...love!!
  13. when i saw that it was raining, i knew it was going to be a good race, until it started to pour
  14. besides the rain delay...it was a good race yes...i definitely like their older stuff
  15. it's hard to find a manual...not many out there...i look occasionally since i really want one i'll be watching this thread...good luck!
  16. good race!! i would love to go there sometime....
  17. Lol...we have sesame street on... I could come out, but it's a pain to drive all the way down there and then back up to polaris to babysit @10....I enjoy hanging out down there and wouldn't want to leave to go hang out with kids...I love adult conversations!
  18. ^lol! http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/254119_10150205232391555_209307431554_7795767_2711981_n.jpg
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