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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. and my versa is my dd and i'm not happy with the job they did...
  2. That's a bubble from my driver's side window. We are taking it back next Thursday @ 9am
  3. I tried to take pics with my phone...can you see the lighter area? That's where it's not covering. I don’t think you can see the other issues from the pics I took...
  4. I'm calling them today after work and telling them my husband is bringing the car there for them to fix. Some of it is bubbling up and you can see where the tint ends...like they used just enough to cover the window but not go all the way to the corners. Im pretty damn annoyed
  5. Holy fuck. One if the best videos ever
  6. Nice! Love seeing mazdas on the track!
  7. http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/memes-real-life-troll-dad-top-gears-richard-hammond.jpg
  8. so it's starts out at like $29.99...what does it go up to? i don't have cable right now because it's too expensive for the few channels i would watch, but for $30, i've been considering it
  9. ^isn't that like the air intake for your house? wtf?? http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/memes-reframe-tuesdays.jpg
  10. i will...he's waiting for a good/dry day to take a real good look at the job...
  11. i want this one http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/Untitled-6.jpg
  12. i'd like all the faces, too...
  13. so, am i the only one that is kinda disappointed in the job A2Z did? my car reeks of cigarette smoke from them and i can't roll my windows down to air it out there is also lots of little gaps where they missed covering the window. my husband is going to take it back when he gets a second. he also said it looks like they nicked my trim when they were slicing the film so now i have a question...who does tint where they remove panels and get all the windows done really well? i might have to get it redone in the future. if it's not perfect, it will bug the shit out of me. there's a spot in one of my front windows that i can see day light and it just drove me nuts on the day i drove it back home. thanks!
  14. http://frozenintimephotography.com/images/19563769_0krk.png
  15. i was at mid ohio when that started to blow through..fun times...driving home was fabulous, traffic barrels were moving across the freeway...it was like a auto x track!
  16. yup, probably...thanks for the pic! it's an svt, right? i want one!!
  17. They are not "all lesbians"!! I have some friends that do it and they are married with kids!
  18. i used to be a member on here when i had my aquatic turtles http://www.turtletimes.com/forums/ here's the box turtle forum http://www.turtletimes.com/forums/forum/41-north-american-box-turtles/
  19. land turtles are pretty easy, but you should probably put him back
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