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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. thank you for the audiogalaxy app!! cd101 isn't on this...it's 102.5 and i don't see it available
  2. hounddogs la bambas pita pit
  3. http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/memes-le-rock-climb.jpg
  4. http://artoftrolling.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/chatroulette-trolling-best-job-ever.jpg
  5. http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/memes-untitled.jpg
  6. i'm sure you've all seen this photo http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/baby.jpg i laughed when i saw this version: http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/Untitled-7.jpg
  7. http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/Untitled-5.jpg
  8. http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/owl.jpg
  9. Jegs might be hiring...my husband works for them and they seem like a good company so far!
  10. http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-20035920-71.html
  11. looks like registration is closed
  12. we plan on building a dedicated computer for our media center....not sure what we are going to use yet, but i'm tired of having to hook up the laptop to the tv
  13. http://bluntcard.com/images/1269202378marryit.gif
  14. it's a slushy mess, now http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/369934448_photobucket_52721_.jpg
  15. fabulous...our friend lives off a gravel road in the middle of no where... he can't really postpone this since dudes car is in pieces (literally) and my husband has to help him put it together before it gets warm out...every time he has a chance to go work on it, something like this happens...and we don't have much free time to go help him... stupid weather! why can't you come when nothing is going on!?
  16. my husband is going up to marengo to work on a friend's car...i think morrow county is under a level 2...is it really bad up north of columbus? our friend lives on a country road that never gets plowed...i'm planning on him getting stuck
  17. here's the full video http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/81325387/
  18. Crappy photos from my phone Colorado http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/369934448_photobucket_52537_.jpg South carolina http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/369934448_photobucket_52538_.jpg
  19. Yeah, this article is from cleveland's scene magazine...it's a free newspaper like the alive or other paper so it has "funny" stuff added
  20. Not sure if this has been posted yet... http://www.clevescene.com/scene-and-heard/archives/2011/02/24/pair-of-changes-on-the-horizon-for-ohio-drivers Pair of Changes On the Horizon For Ohio Drivers POSTED BY VINCE GRZEGOREK ON THU, FEB 24, 2011 AT 12:17 PM No, sadly, the license plate design will not be changing. The Buckeye State will have to live with the hazy farmland scene, the one with a swirl of colors that looks like an 5-year-old's early-period refrigerator work, perhaps from his finger-painting phase. Two changes are likely on the horizon, however. First, a bill being introduced by state Rep. Stephen Slesnick would eliminate the requirement that cars have front license plates. The Canton Repository notes that all states bordering Ohio, and all 20 across the nation, don't have front license plate laws and no caverns into the mouths of Hell have opened up on the roads in those states. Whacking the provision would save Ohio about $2 million a year, or enough to mount a study as to whether it was a good decision in the first place. Second, Governor Kasish wants to boost the vehicle title fee $10 (Boo!) and scrap the $20 late fee for driver's licenses (Yay!). The AP reports that the late fee has been "hugely unpopular" with the public —shocking —and that a $10 hike would bring $31.5 million into the state's coffers. A third proposal still making its way through official channels would mandate that Dick Goddard's face be painted on the hood of every car in Ohio, a source said, but that support doesn't seem to be there to make that happen.
  21. i didn't realize the "storm" was bad...people were stuck up near cleveland for hours on one of the freeways http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/weather/weather_news/snow-storm-a-nightmare-for-drivers-on-i-76
  22. good movie about rally driving http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4C8CNH92Dg
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