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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. http://static.funpic.hu/_files/pictures/630/5/87/38705.jpg
  2. http://bluntcard.com/images/1293921982snowpoc.gif
  3. it's super easy to blow hundreds on iracing...we only had it for a few months, but my husband had probably spent like $200 if not more on the game... he said there are still "cheaters" or people who don't play fair, so he decided to just stick to gt. We loved being able to drive miatas on mid ohio, but we didn't play it enough to justify the cost
  4. http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/180397_305216864942_97627134942_1176231_6061982_n.jpg
  5. i loved his reactions when he won...something like "are you kidding me????"
  6. all i see is ohio! pisses me off any other time of the year i see all sorts of states
  7. it was the 8th of march...it was my birthday
  8. had the 3 yr old draw a picture for daddy and made the shrimp tacos and watched a movie...same as every other night = lame! he didn't say happy v-day until this morning he didn't get anything from me but to be fair, we are broke and if we did have money, i would've told him to go buy car parts because i don't need more junk in the house but i do want him to finish our car!
  9. well at least you got some good scenery for dinner
  10. strange...was she pretty at all? maybe she plays for the other team...
  11. haha...that's great that they messed it up did she find you not interesting at all?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCdmiZyyGjQ
  13. so how did it work for you?
  14. what's the name of the guy next to you? that way i can look when they call his name
  15. i'd love to take my kids to see them!! that would be sweet!
  16. i watched the first 2 episodes...it's really cool! i haven't gotten to poland yet, though
  17. http://cdn.someecards.com/someecards/usercards/1297534997507_843311.png
  18. ok...you can be a little bit nicer to her...take her to bob evans or something...a nice sit down restaurant
  19. cool...i just heard people complaining about that "rule" on the radio and refusing to shop there because you can't have your gun
  20. easton's code of conduct states that weapons of any kind are not permitted, so i don't think you can have a ccw there.... http://eastontowncenter.com/images/events/pep_code_22x28_v01.pdf
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