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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. *i did not censor this, i just cut and pasted * Roses are straight, Violets are twisted, Bend over love, You're about to get f*sted. Roses are cr*p, Violets are w*nky, Oooh I've just come, Pass me a h*nky.Roses are stupid, Violets are silly, Grease up your fl*ps, Cos here comes my w*lly. Roses are awful, Violets are the pits, Lift up your sh*rt, And show us your t*ts. Roses are cr*p, Violets are sh*t, Sit on my face, And wiggle a bit. Roses make me laugh, Violets make me titter, You're a dirty b*tch, And you love it up the sh*tter. Roses are red, But I like carnations, You're so cr*p in bed, That I f*cked your alsations. Roses are red, Violets are finer, Chickens are fowl, Just like your v*gina. Roses are red, It's elementary, Let's ring up a friend, And try d*uble-entry. Roses are sh*t, Violets are cr*p, Show me your cl*t, And I'll c*m in your lap.
  2. wow...did that really air on tv? who was the dumbass who missed that
  3. oh so many good cars! i need to update my list now! i also want a geo metro xfi because it gets wicked good gas mileage...but it would crumble in a crash (i've had two regular metros and you could sneeze and dent the sides )
  4. They come and go. It's kinda hard to find them in good shape. Mazdaspeed proteges are cool, but yeah, not many made and I think they are overpriced for what you get and they've probably been beat to shit
  5. i'd like a rotary mazda pickup http://www.rotarytruck.com/ http://www.rotarytruck.com/links-thumbs/a-rotary-005-thumb.jpg
  6. believe it when i see it and i can't get my car out
  7. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs787.ash1/167768_10150089909812933_679437932_6266883_8089698_n.jpg
  8. i liked the chicago photo http://cdn-www.i-am-bored.com/media/chicagowingerblizzard.jpg
  9. yeah...what's up with the snow in the car? fucking idiots
  10. i totally thought my husband cleaned off my car last night because it looked like all the ice had been broken off of the windshield and around the doors...but he said he hadn't done it strange....but it seems the rain and warm temps allowed it to melt enough to fall off
  11. frenchy chan


    sorry...i'm at work multitasking and forgot what thread i was in since we have like 2-3 regarding weather
  12. frenchy chan


    in galena? (that's what's in your profile)
  13. one of my team members just called and they are under a level 3...he's in bellfontaine (i probably mispelled that)
  14. blowing and snowing here at whole foods 161
  15. i asked him about the chain and he said you needed it because if the motor mounts broke, the car would flip
  16. i turned the heat up a bit in my house in hopes to keep it somewhat warm if the power goes out
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