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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. cool...i might have to go get some tomorrow if we are out and about
  2. i should make my husband get some i have a heated ice scraper but if i can't get IN the car to plug it in, it's useless
  3. crap. i have to be up and out of the house by 630am tomorrow with the kids...i had today off and it was nice, but sounds like it's going to be terrible... do y'all think a bed sheet over my windshield would work at all? i'm kinda freaking out about this i doubt i can get the car in the garage tonight....
  4. i thought the same thing and had to go look at the original pic again
  5. http://punditkitchen.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/political-pictures-meteorologists-brag-inches.jpg
  6. there were more than 2 people we only had 2 cars and one of them wasn't a nissan i've only been to the cleveland car show and that sucked balls, so i would think the columbus one would be even worse
  7. i know! it's completely ridiculous. i work at a grocery store and everyone was talking about the storm and i told them i had no idea what was going to happen...it's different every time i hear something about it!
  8. yeah, that's why i follow my teams on facebook...only way to get the info faster if at all. plus, if your team isn't in the top 3, you will never see them or hear about them
  9. gt always gets screwed for coverage
  10. yup...i really hope we don't get that
  11. man i wish i could've seen the end of that race...sounded exciting!
  12. i used to live in mentor. i miss the snow!
  13. i don't mind the look of the dp cars...i just don't really follow them at all
  14. and they aren't even like the real cars...tube frames, different motors, etc. my husband did the conti tire test back in oct and he worked on the sahlen team and learned a bunch about those cars as much as i like watching these races, i prefer to watch cars that are closer to what i can drive in real life (world challenge series, etc)
  15. i don't like drifting, too much, but i loved that video...i watched it a bunch!
  16. off air and so is tms nevermind
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