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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. take her to mc donalds
  2. good luck with that. you are showing her you have money
  3. you are just throwing your money away on someone you don't even care about...go buy something for yourself instead....i'm sure you'll still get some action if you did something even 1/3 of the amount you are going to spend today
  4. you are an idiot, sir.
  5. at least y'all are thinking about your girls...he hasn't even said "happy v-day" to me yet...i normally don't care, but for some reason, i'm annoyed by this i still plan on making awesome shrimp tacos, though, and watching a movie and having the 3 yr old make him a card
  6. http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/169052_1466758083475_1669253892_908188_1862722_n.jpg
  7. that's why most of the plates aren't funny, we are just getting the state
  8. as far as i know...we are doing nothing...he's working and gets off late i will probably make some fancy shrimp tacos for dinner when he gets home and i HATE cut flowers!! real plants ftw! and fuck roses, those are lame! get your girl something different and unique!! and etsy is an awesome suggestion! all the girls i know, love that site!!
  9. mississippi http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/369934448_photobucket_50314_.jpg indiana http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/369934448_photobucket_50313_.jpg
  10. cool! i'll try and remember to take some pics
  11. someone please make this image funny http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/pressofatlanticcity.com/content/tncms/assets/editorial/f/ca/93d/fca93dec-33e7-11e0-84f3-001cc4c03286-revisions/4d51e73490f2e.image.jpg
  12. that would be sweet i'd like a volvo v70r
  13. it is all about the driver...he did a lot of track days last year with pca and all the snobby porsche guys were getting pissed because he was passing them, but they didn't know how to drive their cars properly, yet...that's why they were there with instructors!
  14. the reg 3 with some mods is kind of a sleeper, too...it's not awd or turboed but everyone at the track who gets passed by my husband says it has to be it's pretty funny...it's just a good car for corners! my "sleeper" would be something like this: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6q6g22WIORY/S9-dZkXj-hI/AAAAAAAAAAM/3uwftvGYZYg/s1600/Drag.jpg a mazda5 minivan with a mazdaspeed3 inside of it or a mazda2 with a speed3, too http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/180886_1578704624138_1131322736_1330637_2878276_n.jpg
  15. i offered up my husband to do the work, too and i keep giving him shit to do it himself, but he just wants someone to do it for him....he is going to get some quotes
  16. i lived near painesville growing up...it does suck
  17. thanks! i'll let him know any others? he was thinking of going to best buy
  18. my friend wants to get a stereo installed in his ranger (and doesn't want to do it himself)...can you guys recommend a good place for him? i tried searching, but i'm at work and i don't have time to dig through all the threads!
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