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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. olentangy commons is over by henderson and 315 and olentangy river rd
  2. ok...let me know if you got the email...sometimes it gets sent to the spam folder
  3. i'll have to wait until we upgrade the tv...it's not hd
  4. oh i'd love to do that! i'm not that technically smart, though i have my ps2 upstairs and the 3 downstairs
  5. i've been playing risk-like games on warfish.net...it's pretty cool...anyone want to play me on there? lots of different boards to play...this one is my favorite right now because it's easy and quick...but they have all sorts of designs and stuff you can do to make it easy or hard http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/map.jpg
  6. yeah...how 'bout the convertible with a whole bunch of people in it...i was waiting for it to flip!
  7. i know! i think i saw a pop or drink go flying in one crash
  8. it's nice to have safer cars now...watch how many people fell out of the cars!!
  9. yeah, they were out when we got plates for our car 2 months ago...the farm ones just look plain stupid on certain colored cars
  10. i like how different their lines are, too
  11. fortunes from my local chinese restaurant http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5042/5352133194_2052bfb558.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5282/5352144194_aa3800ae57.jpg .....in bed
  12. i'm on the 35m challenge...they get damn hard to build!!!
  13. snowmagedon! http://pathstoknowledge.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/snowmageddon.jpg
  14. where do you go sledding around here? i've lived here over 10 yrs but haven't gone since i was a kid...i bet my 3 yr old would love it!
  15. http://www.nioutaik.fr/images/galerie/i-came-ghostbuster.jpg
  16. i hate you because i suck at this game and now i'll be playing it all night! it reminds me of lemmings
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8LdKfd08Vo&feature=channel i cant stop watching these and thinking this http://petcaregt.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/horse_teeth.jpg
  18. my husband is working on a similar issue right now on our 86 prelude si - good luck! http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/seanhonda.jpg
  19. Remove yourself by searching for your name, copy the URL of your page, then go to the bottom right corner of the page, click the Privacy button to remove yourself.
  20. hey peeps...i'm looking for wood furniture (tables, chairs, etc) that i could get off your hands (for free, please). i'm working with some people from my work to paint some stuff up to show and sell at an art show benefit. all the proceeds from sold pieces would be benefiting the http://wholeplanetfoundation.org/ thanks! my friend has a pick up, so pick up should not be a problem!
  21. i don't own property and i was on there...i just went through and removed myself, though, even though all my past apartments were old
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