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Everything posted by Xyster101

  1. I searched, guessed I used the wrong words.
  2. Xyster101


    Sure I drive a MR2, but there is a soft spot for other MR cars. This is a great story, hope it is not a repost, I looked.
  3. That the one from Charlie's Angels movie? Took me a while to see it. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/rocket_chair.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/pictures/owned-cat.jpg
  4. The WRX is a practical car. The 370 is a fun to drive car. I would rather have a Z car, but then you would need a 2wd, $1000 truck for hauling things like dirt, wood, tools, bodies, shovels, etc. Boo to getting a sedan, get a sports car and a cheap DD (civic, simple truck, Rav4, corolla).
  5. + 1 to hard mounting it near the mirror. I have not had a detector since I was 21 (9 years) and I have not had a ticket in 7 years. I don't go over 72 on the highway, I NEVER speed in town (25-35mph zones). You could hit a kid running out from a car, dog, or miss that hot girl running by. I want to go faster, just not worth the money.
  6. As someone who teaches at the high school level and has plenty of special education students in my class, that was great. Sure it is a sham for that boy, but he doesn't know it, he knows he worked his butt off. Just like when I give a test for the honor student and require 10 reasons but only require 3 from the special kid. It will challenge them both equally.
  7. I will be at Putnam Park. Are you hitting 555?
  8. It was an MR2 meet that I set up to start with Cars and Coffee and then we left for the trip. It looked awful in color, my camera washes things out and does not seem to go a good job with contrast anymore, it is 5 years old. So I tweaked it in PS.
  9. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/october/PICT0019.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/october/PICT0011.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/october/PICT0001.jpg
  10. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/october/IMG_1757.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/october/IMG_1759.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/october/IMG_1760.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/october/IMG_1768.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/october/PICT0017.jpg
  11. Ever been on route 555 down near Nellsonville/Hocking Hills? Totally awesome. Met up at Cars and Coffee with some MR2 people and then did a drive down through the Hocking Valley area on Saturday. That route 555 is definitely a roller coaster with areas that can really get you in trouble if you are going the speed limit, as off the road. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifjpoDmqc8c Start off with the CC leader here: http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/october/IMG_1745.jpg This guy tried to join CR a few months back, and he was flamed for his rice! LOL http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/october/IMG_1752.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/october/IMG_1755.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/carsncoffee/october/IMG_1756.jpg
  12. That was awesome to watch, but stupid as fuck. I would be pissed if I was in one of those cars. I can't believe he did not hit one with a mirror.
  13. I will be there. Supposed to be other MR2 people meeting up then doing a drive through Hocking Hills area. We shall see how many show up.
  14. Nice work. I really like the blue truck and the one of Stowe. I agree with what Tractor said about 1/3 rules. Get some photo books on composition just to read for fun. The colors in the truck picture are neat. That blue really pops. Work on your water mark, it really is annoying and takes away. Are you really worried about someone stealing your images? I would if you were selling the prints, but just to post up here on a private board? Those are not even large enough to set as a background or print larger then 5x7. Just curious the reasoning.
  15. What, why was this event not brought to my attention. Sigh. I would have loved to go. BTW if you are cooking brake pads every other session, you are not driving properly. That guy either had the wrong pads on there OR he needed to trail brake more, which is what you should be doing in a front drive car. I bet if you find pictures of him in the beginning of turns his brake lights will be off.
  16. You only get 3 session of 25-30 minutes each which is about the same as NASA, but more sitting around waiting your turn. I would love to try this out, but if I can't take my car. . sigh.
  17. Aww shit. You can't have T-tops, what is that about?
  18. He is prolly pissed because there is smog/emissions in VA. So if you modified the exhaust or EGR, it will not pass until he gets that fixed. I don't see how it will cost $7500.
  19. Humm. . am I missing something with this Tourettes stuff? How is that related to moon walking? Guess I don't think it is funny, poor guy.
  20. Good they still let you run. I don't understand why people would break the rules when it comes to safety. The first thing I would do with a car that is cooking down the track is put in safety systems. You toss a drive shaft and it will mess you up along with your brakes.
  21. Wow, scary pictures. You can fight the insurance a little if you can find cars of similar value which sold around you. Might be able to get $3k from them. On a side note to everyone, get your car insured for what it is worth. I have a MR2 turbo which is like this DSM. It is a seller's market and people pay thousands more then blue book for them. I have mine insured for $10k while the blue book is only about $4k. I know it is too late for you Ryan, but for everyone else. Buy the car back for cheap and part it out or swap it over to another car.
  22. Get one and drive on the street. A wing looks like rice on a civic or front wheel drive car. Look at these two bad ass cars from Mid Ohio that run: http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/MidOhio/2vette.jpg http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/MidOhio/5viper.jpg
  23. Haha, that was great, hitting grandma
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