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Everything posted by Xyster101

  1. Sorry Phil. An old roomate and good friend of mine is gluten free also. It was very frustrating when it came to going out to eat or sharing a dinner idea. Usually it was not a problem because he and I were bachelors living together, he just ate his own thing. I could not imagine working this into a family.
  2. My 6 year old point and shoot canon camera with a little photo shoping: http://www.adamdaley.com/max/mr2/wheelsengine.jpg
  3. I took those pictures and Tim just tweaked them a bit (or a lot) in photo shop. Amazing what you can do with a simple small image. Notice the New York plates in the first and last picture? Tim you should post the before/after one to show the comparison, those are neat to look at.
  4. Wow, that was bad ass. What did that guy think was going to happen if he slapped that big dude? What show is that?
  5. I have done a timing belt on a 944, it sucked! How come a 300z turbo or 3000GT was not on there. Those you almost have to drop the engine to do a serpentine belt!
  6. I did the update, we shall see what happens.
  7. I have not had that problem. You might need to go to the stealership for some.
  8. I am afraid to root mine because it voids the warrenty. Currently about once a week my Incedible looses the ability of the internet and I must restart the phone. I was thinking of bringing it in under warranty (only 2 months old). Is this update worth doing?
  9. From what was shown, I think they are just changing the fluids. You have to change coolant when you swap an engine and I assume they changed the oil and plugs. They did not go into detail.
  10. Where are the other ones? I want to watch the rest. Sure seems like a durable turbo. Turbos increase power and fuel efficiency, but they also add a fair amount of complications to an engine. I know, I have a turbo, pain in the ass, of course mine is 20 years old.
  11. I personally don't like that picture both in terms of composition and contrast. It looks like it was taken with a point and shoot as the subject is over expose a little. Something like this is more classy. Take into account I made this at 6 am in about 7 minutes, the real one would have more info on it. http://www.adamdaley.com/max/Untitled-1.jpg
  12. Shit just bought one today from someone on the internet. Does yours come with a manual?
  13. I also heard a few marbles or ball bearings in the gas tank can be fun. They are not supposed to do damage, but they rattle around and will drive you nuts and are a PIA to get out again.
  14. Tough call. What lead to this in the first place? Something would have to be done to end it all. You do something to them and they might do something back so the cycle continues. Confrontation of some kind needs to happen where the end result is the end. Ass kicking or a healthy verbal bashing with some serious threats topped with a piece (to get peace!). You are on the radar already if your mom filed a police report should something happen to him. You could kidnap him, toss him in a trunk, drive 4 hours to the middle of no where and leave him in his underwear so he has to find his own way home.
  15. I teach at a school and there are at least 6 girls who are pregnant. The thing is, they love the attention. The trend also seems to be the lower your IQ the higher your fertility rate. What happened to marriage then kids? I feel sorry for the babies, they will not have parents. Poor babies, but they will have my tax dollars!
  16. I have a plasma and would not get it again. It uses too much power and runs really warn. Also it will get screen burn in quickly. Mine is about 3 years old and says "H" in the lower right corner on a black screen because I watch a lot of history channel. Back to the OP, were your settings correct on the TV you have? A lot of times the factory settings are not what they should be. I would get a 32" unless you have a big bedroom. Personally I don't want (or have) a TV in my room.
  17. Hot girl, why is she with that jerk.
  18. Why bother going to the dealership? Just go to NTB or similar. Plenty of honest people on this forum work at honest places and can hook you up.
  19. What are you talking about? It was sunny with no wind and 50 degrees! Beautiful morning. Glad to see everyone.
  20. I am coming out! Supposed to be great weather.
  21. Xyster101


    Oh my, LMAO and this guy is serious. Where is the table saw? http://columbus.craigslist.org/tls/2029170938.html
  22. That was sweet! Totally awesomes (better then awesome)
  23. I have one of my dog from last year: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1194/5118435765_9ef3613e61_b.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4103/5118435873_6afb3b239c_b.jpg
  24. That is funny! I am doing HPDE's also, maybe TT by the end of next summer. Thanks guys. I currently have Tockiko 5-way Struts with Intrax Springs . I have read online that the springs are garbage. People seem to like the Tockiko struts ( I do too) but mostly on Honda forums where people like to lower their cars. Think I would be ok just getting some HK springs for now?
  25. Rich, Nice driving. I watched the M3 for a little bit, but I watched the 944 whole thing. Nice spinning. You did what I did. You expected too much from the car. I spun my first 2 sessions because I was over driving the car big time. That is what happened the first 2 spins. That last spin it look like you did not steer into the turn (maybe you did). It also sounded like you got off the gas fully, which is maybe what you felt comfortable doing. After your first talk with Paul you drove much better out there. I would agree that you turn in too early on turn 1. I also enjoy going mid track on turn 9 (or10) the one before pit entrance. You turn right and hit the right candies, I like to stay a little more middle and actually go into the pit entrance tar a bit to give me a straighter shot to the last turn before the front straight. Your car is also very different from mine, so my line may not work with your car or I could have it all wrong with lines. I do know a lot about spinning though. In genral the later you turn into a turn, the sooner you can get on the gas (to a point). Try on Turn 5 to go in a little later also.
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